1-50 of 57 results (11ms)
2022-05-03 §
18:02 <bd808> `sudo wmcs-openstack role remove --user dzahn --project integration user` per request [integration]
2022-04-14 §
20:22 <mutante> - revoking project-admin for myself [integration]
2022-01-26 §
14:17 <arturo> created flavor g3.cores8.ram24.disk20.ephemeral60.4xiops T299704 [integration]
2021-09-05 §
15:15 <andrewbogott> changing the puppetmaster for integration-puppetmaster-02 to the default puppetmaster. It's a lot easier to have a project-local puppetmaster if it isn't its own master; otherwise there's epic cert confusion. I've confirmed that there aren't any custom features applied to this master. [integration]
2021-08-23 §
19:58 <bstorm> acked the alert for puppet on the integration pkgbuilder hosts using the new alertmanager thingy T288237 [integration]
2021-06-11 §
14:39 <balloons> add 16 vcpu, to 178 total T284507 [integration]
2021-03-02 §
12:26 <arturo> shutdown integration-agent-docker-1009 because it was stuck in nova MIGRATING status, trying to fix that by hand [integration]
2020-12-14 §
22:06 <andrewbogott> resizing integration-docker-registry-1003 to a g2 flavor: g2.cores4.ram24576.disk300 [integration]
2020-08-16 §
20:16 <andrewbogott> moving agent-qemu-1001 to a new host [integration]
19:50 <andrewbogott> moving integration-agent-docker-1002 to a new host [integration]
2020-07-14 §
15:28 <bd808> Silenced prometheus alerts for 7d [integration]
2019-10-01 §
12:19 <arturo> migrating integration-castor03 to cloudvirt1021 (T232646) [integration]
2019-09-25 §
16:19 <andrewbogott> moving integration-agent-docker-1009 and integration-agent-docker-1010 to cloudvirt1021 [integration]
15:55 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-jessie-1002 to cloudvirt1021 [integration]
2019-08-09 §
12:15 <arturo> rebalance load, reallocating integration-slave-docker-1040 from cloudvirt1018 to cloudvirt1026 [integration]
11:32 <arturo> depool integration-slave-docker-1040 in preparation for reallocating [integration]
2019-07-19 §
22:26 <andrewbogott> moving integration-cumin to cloudvirt1015 [integration]
17:12 <andrewbogott> depooling and moving integration-slave-docker-1041 and integration-slave-jessie-1002 [integration]
2019-06-06 §
14:57 <andrewbogott> moving 'webperformance' VM to cloudvirt1030 [integration]
2019-06-05 §
08:56 <arturo> move integration-slave-docker-1059 and integration-slave-docker-1058 to cloudvirt1028 (T223971) [integration]
2019-06-04 §
08:56 <arturo> reallocating integration-slave-docker-1059 and integration-slave-docker-1058 to cloudvirt1012 (T223971) [integration]
2019-05-15 §
10:36 <arturo> T223148 reallocation of integration-castor03 is now done [integration]
09:31 <arturo> updating DNS servers in integration-puppetmaster01 and reboot [integration]
09:25 <arturo> add myself as projectadmin [integration]
09:20 <arturo> T223148 reallocating saucelabs-01 to cloudvirt1007 [integration]
09:13 <arturo> T223148 reallocating integration-castor03 to cloudvirt1002 [integration]
08:56 <arturo> T223148 reallocating integration-puppetmaster01 to cloudvirt1001 [integration]
2019-03-29 §
15:49 <mutante> - integration-slave-jessie-1001 - systemctl stop xvfb, systemctl start xvfb to confirm nothing was broken by https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/499993 [integration]
2019-01-31 §
12:05 <arturo> VM instances integration-slave-docker-1044,integration-slave-docker-1046,integration-slave-docker-1047, were stopped briefly due to issue in hypervisor (T215012) [integration]
2018-12-10 §
18:15 <andrewbogott> moving 'jenkinstest' to eqiad1-r [integration]
2018-12-07 §
20:36 <andrewbogott> moving integration-r-lang-01 to eqiad1-r [integration]
20:33 <andrewbogott> moving webperformance to eqiad1-r [integration]
19:45 <andrewbogott> moving saucelabs-01 and saucelabs-02 to eqiad1-r [integration]
19:33 <andrewbogott> moving integration-puppetmaster01 to eqiad1-r [integration]
18:07 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-docker-1037 to eqiad1-r [integration]
18:05 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-docker-1040 to eqid1-r [integration]
2018-11-16 §
16:03 <andrewbogott> moving integration-cumin to eqiad1-r [integration]
2018-11-14 §
15:58 <andrewbogott> migrating integration-slave-jessie-1001 to eqiad1-r [integration]
15:14 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-docker-1021 to eqiad1-r [integration]
2018-11-13 §
18:14 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-docker-1038 to eqiad1-r [integration]
18:12 <andrewbogott> moving integration-slave-docker-1034 to eqiad1-r [integration]
2018-10-22 §
23:22 <andrewbogott> migrating integration-slave-jessie-1003 and integration-slave-jessie-1004 to eqiad1-r [integration]
20:55 <andrewbogott> migrating integration-slave-docker-1033 to eqiad1-r [integration]
20:55 <andrewbogott> migrated integration-slave-docker-1017 to eqiad1-r [integration]
2018-09-20 §
09:28 <arturo> T204373 increasing quotas [integration]
2018-03-23 §
19:59 <andrewbogott> upgraded python-conftool on integration-slave-jessie-1001 and integration-slave-jessie-1004 to resolve puppet warnings [integration]
2018-02-14 §
15:21 <andrewbogott> migrating integration-slave-jessie-1001 to labvirt1015 [integration]
15:21 <andrewbogott> migrating integration-slave-jessie-1002 to labvirt1014 [integration]
2018-02-09 §
01:02 <bd808> Removed Yuvipanda at user request (T186289) [integration]
2017-10-01 §
22:10 <bd808> Cold migrating integration-slave-jessie-1004 from labvirt105 to labvirt1017 [integration]