7 results (12ms)
2023-04-24 §
08:58 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> restarted k8s deployment, webservice was unresponsive [tools.phab-ban]
2022-09-08 §
21:07 <wm-bot> <bd808> Hard stop + start because restart did not terminate existing pod (probably a k8s object labeling issue?) [tools.phab-ban]
21:04 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to 7956e6c [tools.phab-ban]
2020-06-06 §
15:38 <wm-bot84> <bd808> Upgraded to Python 3.7 and --canonical [tools.phab-ban]
03:40 <wm-bot84> <bd808> App busted due to attempted python3.7 upgrade being interruped by a power outage at my house. [tools.phab-ban]
2020-01-14 §
23:02 <bd808> Rotated conduit API token [tools.phab-ban]
2020-01-03 §
21:32 <bd808> Migrating to new kubernetes cluster [tools.phab-ban]