19 results (8ms)
2020-03-20 §
15:07 <bstorm_> replacing the toollabs::legacy roles with wmcs::toolserver_legacy [toolserver-legacy]
2018-11-17 §
18:50 <andrewbogott> shutting down relic-stretch-eqiad in anticipation of deleting it [toolserver-legacy]
16:45 <andrewbogott> pointing traffic to the new eqiad1-r instance [toolserver-legacy]
2018-09-26 §
22:25 <mutante> adding foo.toolserver.org fake subdomain just to trick LE into issue a new cert, running acme-setup manually [toolserver-legacy]
22:00 <mutante> - copied mismatching toolserver.crt over from backup from old trusty instance, started apache, site is up again [toolserver-legacy]
2018-09-21 §
23:25 <mutante> deleting now unused trusty instance relic (T204564) (/etc is backed up on new instance in /root/ just in case) [toolserver-legacy]
23:12 <mutante> migration complete. shutting down trusty instance 'relic'. (T204564) [toolserver-legacy]
21:56 <mutante> sending all frozen messages from exim queue on old instance to clean up [toolserver-legacy]
21:19 <mutante> update DNS zone entries and remove eqiad-r IP, revert to eqiad IP [toolserver-legacy]
21:16 <mutante> associating floating IP (the existing one in eqiad) with relic-stretch-eqiad [toolserver-legacy]
18:06 <mutante> scp /etc/toolserver.aliases from relic to relic-stretch (exim legacy aliases for @toolserver.org mail address forwarding), not puppetized, contains personal email addresses [toolserver-legacy]
17:50 <mutante> scp toolserver.org Letsencrypt key and cert from relic to relic-stretch instance for migration [toolserver-legacy]
17:06 <mutante> relic-stretch: a2enmod ssl; starting apache [toolserver-legacy]
2018-08-27 §
19:58 <mutante> deleting instance "newrelic" again, createing "relic-stretch" instead for better naming per Krenair's comments. (m1.small, debian-9.5-stretch) [toolserver-legacy]
19:40 <mutante> create new instance "newrelic" to replace old instance "relic" running on trusty with stretch [toolserver-legacy]
2016-12-16 §
19:06 <mutante> removed toolserver mail alias by request (T153471) [toolserver-legacy]
2016-05-18 §
18:45 <mutante> restart Apache, adding wiki. alias [toolserver-legacy]
2016-05-13 §
21:42 <YuviPanda> added Dzahn as project member + admin [toolserver-legacy]
2015-11-12 §
05:04 <YuviPanda> add valhallasw and scfc to the project as admins, per https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T118375 [toolserver-legacy]