18 results (4ms)
2019-03-15 §
20:41 <Izhidez> modify crontab to include correct data removal file [utrs]
2019-03-01 §
15:44 <AmandaNP> installed missing requests_oauthlib via pip [utrs]
15:43 <AmandaNP> installed missing "pip" [utrs]
15:38 <AmandaNP> wget tested on utrs-production2 to verify errors in apache log are clear. Everything looks good [utrs]
15:24 <AmandaNP> reset db password for deltaquad due to inability to login with right password [utrs]
14:57 <AmandaNP> rebooting utrs-database2 [utrs]
14:55 <AmandaNP> reinstalled python-mysqldb on utrs-database2 because it's coming up missing [utrs]
14:50 <andrewbogott> rebooting utrs-production2 to resolve nfs-mounting issues [utrs]
2018-11-28 §
00:26 <andrewbogott> moving VMs to eqiad1-r [utrs]
2017-03-12 §
00:28 <AmandaNP> database fully migrated to utrs-database in full, no loss of data in transfer [utrs]
00:27 <AmandaNP> production installs of pip, php-cli, php-mysql, python, python (mwoauth/httplib2) [utrs]
00:26 <AmandaNP> -primary and seconary deleted [utrs]
2017-03-11 §
14:32 <AmandaNP> install php on production [utrs]
12:50 <AmandaNP> install apache2 on production [utrs]
12:48 <AmandaNP> install/configure mysql-server on database [utrs]
12:45 <AmandaNP> upgrade production/database software to latest versions [utrs]
2017-01-26 §
05:24 <AmandaNP> create utrs-production and utrs-database [utrs]
05:19 <AmandaNP> delete utrs-live and utrs-database per T156297 [utrs]