4101-4150 of 10000 results (42ms)
2024-02-28 ยง
15:15 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 2:00:00 on db2197.codfw.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
15:15 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:14 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:14 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 2:00:00 on db2215.codfw.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
15:11 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:10 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:10 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:09 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:08 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:08 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:06 <jhancock@cumin2002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.provision (exit_code=0) for host db2198.mgmt.codfw.wmnet with reboot policy FORCED [production]
15:05 <arnaudb@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db1246 (T357189)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58082 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-150554-arnaudb.json [production]
15:04 <fab@deploy2002> Finished deploy [airflow-dags/research@4bed377]: (no justification provided) (duration: 00m 42s) [production]
15:03 <fab@deploy2002> Started deploy [airflow-dags/research@4bed377]: (no justification provided) [production]
14:59 <arnaudb@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Depooling db1246 (T357189)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58081 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-145958-arnaudb.json [production]
14:59 <arnaudb@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 12:00:00 on db1246.eqiad.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
14:59 <arnaudb@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 12:00:00 on db1246.eqiad.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
14:56 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.provision for host db2198.mgmt.codfw.wmnet with reboot policy FORCED [production]
14:55 <arnaudb@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 12:00:00 on db1239.eqiad.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
14:55 <arnaudb@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 12:00:00 on db1239.eqiad.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
14:55 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host db2197.codfw.wmnet with OS bookworm [production]
14:54 <arnaudb@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db1233 (T357189)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58080 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-145457-arnaudb.json [production]
14:53 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host db2215.codfw.wmnet with OS bookworm [production]
14:40 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:39 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:39 <arnaudb@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db1233', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58079 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-143951-arnaudb.json [production]
14:39 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:39 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:38 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:38 <daniel@deploy2002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:994212|Configure parser cache filters for parsoid-pcache (T346765 T355375)]] (duration: 14m 56s) [production]
14:37 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:32 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:30 <daniel@deploy2002> daniel: Continuing with sync [production]
14:29 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:27 <bking@cumin2002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 6:00:00 on wdqs2008.codfw.wmnet with reason: T355617 [production]
14:27 <bking@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 6:00:00 on wdqs2008.codfw.wmnet with reason: T355617 [production]
14:25 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:25 <daniel@deploy2002> daniel: Backport for [[gerrit:994212|Configure parser cache filters for parsoid-pcache (T346765 T355375)]] synced to the testservers (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mwdebug) [production]
14:24 <arnaudb@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db1233', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58077 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-142445-arnaudb.json [production]
14:24 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-eqiad] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:24 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-codfw] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:23 <daniel@deploy2002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:994212|Configure parser cache filters for parsoid-pcache (T346765 T355375)]] [production]
14:23 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-codfw] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:22 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-codfw] DONE helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:22 <jiji@deploy2002> helmfile [staging-codfw] START helmfile.d/admin 'apply'. [production]
14:21 <dhinus> restarted mysql in community-crm after oom-kill (T358662) [civicrm-prototype]
14:17 <James_F> Zuul: [labs/tools/wikibugs2] Mark as archived for T358630 [releng]
14:14 <ladsgroup@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Depooling db2190 (T352010)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P58076 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20240228-141413-ladsgroup.json [production]
14:14 <ladsgroup@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 1 day, 0:00:00 on db2190.codfw.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
14:13 <ladsgroup@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 1 day, 0:00:00 on db2190.codfw.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]