51-100 of 10000 results (24ms)
2025-02-26 §
17:44 <zabe> zabe@mwmaint2002:~$ mwscript namespaceDupes.php sylwiki --fix --add-prefix T387266 [production]
17:41 <zabe> zabe@mwmaint2002:~$ mwscript namespaceDupes.php sylwiki --fix # T387266 [production]
17:26 <jhathaway@cumin2002> DONE (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 8:00:00 on ms-be2088.codfw.wmnet with reason: T381919 [production]
17:15 <swfrench@deploy2002> Finished scap sync-world: Backport for [[gerrit:1122655|Re-enroll 5% of client sessions in PHP 8.1 (T383845 T385395)]] (duration: 10m 33s) [production]
17:08 <swfrench@deploy2002> swfrench: Continuing with sync [production]
17:07 <swfrench@deploy2002> swfrench: Backport for [[gerrit:1122655|Re-enroll 5% of client sessions in PHP 8.1 (T383845 T385395)]] synced to the testservers (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mwdebug) [production]
17:04 <swfrench@deploy2002> Started scap sync-world: Backport for [[gerrit:1122655|Re-enroll 5% of client sessions in PHP 8.1 (T383845 T385395)]] [production]
16:54 <moritzm> repooled maps2009 after completed server move T383709 [production]
16:51 <jhancock@cumin2002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.network.configure-switch-interfaces (exit_code=0) for host maps2009 [production]
16:51 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.network.configure-switch-interfaces for host maps2009 [production]
16:50 <jhancock@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.dns.netbox [production]
16:43 <elukey@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage (exit_code=0) for host ms-be2075.codfw.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
16:37 <swfrench-wmf> cumin -b8 -s90 'A:cp-text' 'run-puppet-agent -e "merging ATS Lua config change - T383845"' [production]
16:25 <brennen@deploy2002> Finished deploy [phabricator/deployment@43155d4]: deploy phab1004 for T387172 (duration: 00m 49s) [production]
16:24 <brennen@deploy2002> Started deploy [phabricator/deployment@43155d4]: deploy phab1004 for T387172 [production]
16:24 <brennen@deploy2002> Finished deploy [phabricator/deployment@43155d4]: deploy phab2002 for T387172 (duration: 00m 28s) [production]
16:24 <brennen@deploy2002> Started deploy [phabricator/deployment@43155d4]: deploy phab2002 for T387172 [production]
16:21 <elukey@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 2:00:00 on ms-be2075.codfw.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
16:19 <Amir1> dropping incorrectly created tables in new wikis (T352113) [production]
16:17 <elukey@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 2:00:00 on ms-be2075.codfw.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
16:17 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db2170 (re)pooling @ 100%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73704 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-161701-root.json [production]
16:03 <swfrench-wmf> cumin 'A:cp-text' 'disable-puppet "merging ATS Lua config change - T383845"' [production]
16:01 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db2170 (re)pooling @ 75%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73703 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-160156-root.json [production]
15:58 <elukey@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host ms-be2075.codfw.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
15:58 <eevans@cumin1002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.cassandra.roll-restart (exit_code=0) for nodes matching sessionstore[2005-2006].codfw.wmnet,sessionstore[1005-1006].eqiad.wmnet: Upgrading to Cassandra 4.1.8 — T385819 - eevans@cumin1002 [production]
15:50 <elukey@deploy2002> helmfile [ml-staging-codfw] Ran 'sync' command on namespace 'revscoring-editquality-goodfaith' for release 'main' . [production]
15:46 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db2170 (re)pooling @ 50%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73702 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-154651-root.json [production]
15:46 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db1206 (re)pooling @ 100%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73701 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-154616-root.json [production]
15:42 <taavi> arm keyholder [library-upgrader]
15:35 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:34 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:34 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:33 <eevans@cumin1002> START - Cookbook sre.cassandra.roll-restart for nodes matching sessionstore[2005-2006].codfw.wmnet,sessionstore[1005-1006].eqiad.wmnet: Upgrading to Cassandra 4.1.8 — T385819 - eevans@cumin1002 [production]
15:32 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:31 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db2170 (re)pooling @ 25%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73700 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-153146-root.json [production]
15:31 <marostegui@cumin1002> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'db1206 (re)pooling @ 75%: Repooling after rebuild index', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73699 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20250226-153111-root.json [production]
15:30 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:30 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:29 <sgimeno@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/services/linkrecommendation: apply [production]
15:28 <moritzm> depooled maps2009 for server move T383709 [production]
15:28 <sgimeno@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/services/linkrecommendation: apply [production]
15:27 <hnowlan@deploy1003> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/services/mobileapps: apply [production]
15:26 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:26 <hnowlan@deploy1003> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/services/mobileapps: apply [production]
15:25 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:25 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:25 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [codfw] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:24 <sgimeno@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/linkrecommendation: apply [production]
15:24 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] DONE helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]
15:23 <jforrester@deploy2002> helmfile [staging] START helmfile.d/services/wikifunctions: apply [production]