7751-7800 of 8755 results (34ms)
2021-05-05 §
08:45 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1030.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:19 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1030.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:19 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1029.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:02 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1029.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
2021-05-04 §
16:05 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1028.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:45 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1028.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:44 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1027.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:22 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1027.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:19 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1026.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:15 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1026.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
13:19 <dcaro> rebooting cloudmetrics1002, got stuck again (T275605) [admin]
10:04 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1026.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
09:10 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1026.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
09:10 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1025.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:34 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1025.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:20 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1024.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
08:03 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1024.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
2021-05-03 §
23:53 <bstorm> running `maintain-dbusers harvest-replicas` on labstore1004 T281287 [admin]
23:51 <bstorm> running `maintain-dbusers harvest-replicas` on labstore1004 [admin]
16:34 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1023.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
16:29 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1023.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:41 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1023.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:41 <wm-bot> Safe reboot of 'cloudvirt1022.eqiad.wmnet' finished successfully. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
15:13 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1022.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [admin]
10:31 <wm-bot> Safe rebooting 'cloudvirt1021.eqiad.wmnet'. (T280641 - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus) [admin]
10:23 <wm-bot> (from a cookbook) [admin]
09:12 <dcaro> draining and rebooting coludvirt1021 (T280641) [admin]
08:26 <dcaro> draining and rebooting coludvirt1018 (T280641) [admin]
2021-04-30 §
11:16 <dcaro> draining and rebooting coludvirt1017, last one today (T280641) [admin]
10:37 <dcaro> draining coludvirt1016 for reboot (T280641) [admin]
09:47 <dcaro> draining coludvirt1013 for reboot (T280641) [admin]
2021-04-29 §
15:11 <dcaro> hard rebooting cloudmetrics1002, got hung again (T275605) [admin]
07:53 <dcaro> Upgrading ceph libraries on cloudcontrol1005 to octopus (T274566) [admin]
07:51 <dcaro> Upgrading ceph libraries on cloudcontrol1003 to octopus (T274566) [admin]
07:50 <dcaro> Upgrading ceph libraries on cloudcontrol1004 to octopus (T274566) [admin]
2021-04-28 §
21:11 <andrewbogott> cleaning up more references to deleted hypervisors with delete from services where topic='compute' and version != 53; [admin]
20:48 <andrewbogott> cleaning up references to deleted hypervisors with mysql:root@localhost [nova_eqiad1]> delete from compute_nodes where hypervisor_version != '5002000'; [admin]
19:40 <andrewbogott> putting cloudvirt1040 into the maintenance aggregate pending more info about T281399 [admin]
18:11 <andrewbogott> adding cloudvirt1040, 1041 and 1042 to the 'ceph' host aggregate -- T275081 [admin]
11:06 <dcaro> All ceph server side upgraded to Octopus! \o/ (T280641) [admin]
10:57 <dcaro> Got a PG getting stuck on 'remapping' after the OSD came up, had to unset the norebalance and then set it again to get it unstuck (T280641) [admin]
10:34 <dcaro> Slow/blocked opns from cloudcephmon03, "osd_failure(failed timeout osd.32..." (cloudcephosd1005), unset the cluster noout/norebalance and went away in a few secs, setting it again and continuing... (T280641) [admin]
09:03 <dcaro> Waiting for slow heartbeats from osd.58(cloudcephosd1002) to recover... (T280641) [admin]
08:59 <dcaro> During the upgrade, started getting warning 'slow osd heartbacks in the back', meaning that pings between osds are really slow (up to 190s) all from osd.58, currently on cloudcephosd1002 (T280641) [admin]
08:58 <dcaro> During the upgrade, started getting warning 'slow osd heartbacks in the back', meaning that pings between osds are really slow (up to 190s) all from osd.58 (T280641) [admin]
08:58 <dcaro> During the upgrade, started getting warning 'slow osd heartbacks in the back', meaning that pings between osds are really slow (up to 190s) (T280641) [admin]
08:21 <dcaro> Upgrading all the ceph osds on eqiad (T280641) [admin]
08:21 <dcaro> The clock skew seems intermittent, there's another task to follw it T275860 (T280641) [admin]
08:18 <dcaro> All equiad ceph mons and mgrs upgraded (T280641) [admin]
08:18 <dcaro> During the upgrade, ceph detected a clock skew on cloudcephmon1002, cloudcephmon1001, they are back (T280641) [admin]