951-1000 of 3539 results (20ms)
2020-04-20 §
10:28 <elukey> drop /srv/log/mw-log/archive/api from stat1007 (freeing 1.3TB of space!) [analytics]
2020-04-18 §
21:40 <elukey> force hdfs-balancer as attempt to redistribute hdfs blocks more evenly to worker nodes (hoping to free the busiest ones) [analytics]
21:32 <elukey> drop /user/analytics-privatedata/.Trash/* from hdfs to free some space (~100G used) [analytics]
21:25 <elukey> drop /var/log/hadoop-yarn/apps/analytics-search/* from hdfs to free space (~8T replicated used) [analytics]
21:21 <elukey> drop /user/{analytics|hdfs}/.Trash/* from hdfs to free space (~100T used) [analytics]
21:12 <elukey> drop /var/log/hadoop-yarn/apps/analytics from hdfs to free space (15.1T replicated) [analytics]
2020-04-17 §
13:45 <elukey> lock down /srv/log/mw-log/archive/ on stat1007 to analytics-privatedata-users access only [analytics]
10:26 <elukey> re-created default venv for notebooks on notebook100[3,4] (missed to git pull before re-creaing it the last time) [analytics]
2020-04-16 §
05:34 <elukey> restart hadoop-yarn-nodemanager on an-worker108[4,5] - failed after GC OOM events (heavy spark jobs) [analytics]
2020-04-15 §
14:03 <elukey> update Superset Alpha role perms with what stated in T249923#6058862 [analytics]
09:35 <elukey> restart jupyterhub too as follow up [analytics]
09:35 <elukey> execute "create_virtualenv.sh ../venv" on stat1006, notebook1003, notebook1004 to apply new settings to Spark kernels (re-creating them) [analytics]
09:09 <elukey> restart druid brokers on druid100[4-6] - stuck after datasource deletion [analytics]
2020-04-11 §
09:19 <elukey> set hive-security: read-only for the Presto hive connector and roll restart the cluster [analytics]
2020-04-10 §
16:31 <elukey> enable TLS from kafkatee to Kafka on analytics1030 (test instance) [analytics]
15:45 <elukey> migrate data_purge timers from an-coord1001 to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
09:11 <elukey> move druid_load jobs from an-coord1001 to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
08:08 <elukey> move project_namespace_map from an-coord1001 to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
07:38 <elukey> move hdfs-cleaner from an-coord1001 to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
2020-04-09 §
20:54 <elukey> re-run webrequest upload/text hour 15:00 from Hue (stuck due to missing _IMPORTED flag, caused by an-launcher1001 migration. Andrew fixed it re-running manually the Camus checker) [analytics]
16:00 <elukey> move camus timers from an-coord1001 to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
15:20 <elukey> absent spark refine timers on an-coord1001 and move them to an-launcher1001 [analytics]
2020-04-07 §
09:17 <elukey> enable refine for TwoColConflictExit (EL schema) [analytics]
2020-04-06 §
13:23 <elukey> upgraded stat1008 to AMD ROCm 3.3 (enables tensorflow 2.x) [analytics]
12:33 <joal> Bump AQS druid backend to 2020-03 [analytics]
11:50 <elukey> deploy new druid datasource in Druid public [analytics]
06:29 <elukey> allow all analytics-privatedata-users to use the GPUs on stat1005/8 [analytics]
2020-04-04 §
06:52 <elukey> restart refinery-import-page-history-dumps [analytics]
2020-04-03 §
09:57 <elukey> remove TwoColConflictExit from eventlogging's refine blacklist [analytics]
2020-04-02 §
19:31 <joal> restart paegviewhourly job after manual patch [analytics]
19:29 <joal> Manually patching last deploy to fic virtualpageview job - code merged [analytics]
17:48 <joal> Kill/restart virtualpageview-hourly-coord after deploy [analytics]
16:55 <joal> Deploy refinery onto HDFS [analytics]
16:30 <joal> Deploy refinery using scap [analytics]
16:12 <elukey> re-enable timers on an-coord1001 after maintenance [analytics]
15:52 <elukey> restart hive server2/metastore with G1 settings [analytics]
14:05 <elukey> temporary stop timers on an-coord1001 to facilitate hive daemons restarts [analytics]
13:47 <hashar> test 1 2 3 [analytics]
13:30 <joal> Releasing refinery-source v0.0.121 using new jenkins-docker :) [analytics]
08:23 <elukey> kill/restart netflow realtime druid indexation with a new dimension (peer_ip_src) - T246186 [analytics]
2020-04-01 §
21:19 <joal> restart pageview-hourly-wf-2020-4-1-15 [analytics]
18:24 <joal> Kill learning-features-actor-hourly as new version to come [analytics]
18:23 <joal> Restart unique_devices-per_project_family-monthly-wf-2020-3 and aqs-hourly-wf-2020-4-1-15 after hive fialure [analytics]
18:21 <joal> restart webrequest-load-wf-upload-2020-4-1-16 and webrequest-load-wf-text-2020-4-1-16 after hive failure [analytics]
18:14 <joal> Kill groceryheist job taking half the cluster [analytics]
18:06 <ottomata> restarted hive-server2 [analytics]
10:07 <jbond42> updating icu packages [analytics]
2020-03-31 §
12:57 <jbond42> updating icu on presto-analytics-canary and hadoop-worker-canary [analytics]
2020-03-30 §
07:27 <elukey> run /usr/local/bin/refine_sanitize_eventlogging_analytics_immediate --ignore_failure_flag=true --since=72 --verbose --table_whitelist_regex="ResourceTiming" refine_sanitize_eventlogging_analytics_immediate to fix _REFINE_FAILED events [analytics]
07:16 <elukey> run eventlogging refine manually for schemas "EditorActivation|EditorJourney|HomepageVisit|VisualEditorFeatureUse|WikibaseTermboxInteraction|UploadWizardErrorFlowEvent|MobileWikiAppiOSReadingLists|ContentTranslationCTA|QuickSurveysResponses|MobileWikiAppiOSSessions to fix _REFINE_FAILED events [analytics]