151-200 of 5537 results (16ms)
2023-07-19 §
10:54 <btullis> migrating hive services to an-coord1002 via DNS for T329716 (to permit restart of hive services on an-coord1001). [analytics]
10:15 <btullis> restarting oozie service on an-coord1001 for T329716 [analytics]
10:14 <btullis> restarting presto-service on an-coord1001 for T329716 [analytics]
10:06 <btullis> restarting java services on an-test-coord1001 for JVM update [analytics]
09:13 <btullis> correction: to an-test-client1002 [analytics]
09:13 <btullis> deploying airflow-dags for analytics_test to an-test-client1001 [analytics]
2023-07-18 §
13:20 <stevemunene> deploy airflow-dags to an-test-client1002 T341700 [analytics]
2023-07-17 §
13:34 <elukey> `kill `pgrep -u appledora`` and `kill `pgrep -u akhatun`` on stat1008 to unblock puppet (offboarded users deletion) [analytics]
13:32 <btullis> proceeding to reimage analytics1072 (journalnode, in addition to datanode) [analytics]
09:31 <btullis> restarted airflow services on an-test-client1002 in order to pick up new versions [analytics]
09:19 <btullis> upgrading airflow on an-test-client1002 to version 2.6.3 [analytics]
2023-07-13 §
20:38 <xcollazo> deployed Airflow DAGs for analytics instance to pickup T335860 [analytics]
2023-07-12 §
16:26 <btullis> `sudo cumin A:wikireplicas-all 'maintain-views --replace-all --all-databases --table revision'` for T339037 [analytics]
14:11 <btullis> roll-restarting zookeeper on druid-public for new JVM version [analytics]
2023-07-11 §
11:00 <btullis> Proceeding to upgrade datahub in production [analytics]
08:59 <btullis> rebooting kafkamon1003 [analytics]
08:54 <btullis> `systemctl start burrow-jumbo-eqiad.service` on kafkamon1003 for T341551 [analytics]
2023-07-10 §
14:04 <btullis> powered on an-worker1145 [analytics]
14:02 <btullis> powered off an-worker1145 for T341481 [analytics]
10:55 <btullis> `sudo -u hdfs /usr/bin/hdfs haadmin -failover an-master1002-eqiad-wmnet an-master1001-eqiad-wmnet` on an-master1001 [analytics]
2023-07-07 §
09:56 <btullis> `sudo systemctl start hadoop-hdfs-namenode.service ` on an-master1001 [analytics]
09:28 <stevemunene> running sre.hadoop.roll-restart-masters restart the maters to completely remove any reference of analytics[1058-1069] T317861 [analytics]
09:15 <stevemunene> run puppet on hadoop masters to pick up changes from recently decommissioned hosts [analytics]
08:12 <elukey> wipe kafka-test cluster (data + zookeper config) to start clean after the issue happened yesterday [analytics]
2023-07-06 §
14:51 <elukey> upgraded zookeeper-test1002 to bookworm, but its metadata got re-initialized as well (my bad for this) [analytics]
14:30 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1069.eqiad.wmnet T341209 [analytics]
14:19 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1068.eqiad.wmnet T341208 [analytics]
14:06 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1067.eqiad.wmnet T341207 [analytics]
13:13 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1066.eqiad.wmnet T341206 [analytics]
13:02 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1065.eqiad.wmnet T341205 [analytics]
12:35 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1064.eqiad.wmnet T341204 [analytics]
11:18 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1063.eqiad.wmnet T339201 [analytics]
10:40 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1062.eqiad.wmnet T339200 [analytics]
09:57 <stevemunene> decommission analytics1061.eqiad.wmnet T339199 [analytics]
07:23 <stevemunene> run puppet agent on hadoop masters [analytics]
07:21 <stevemunene> Remove analytics1064_1069 from hdfs net_topology [analytics]
07:17 <stevemunene> stop hadoop-hdfs-datanode service on analytics[1061-1069] Preparing to decommission the hosts - T317861 [analytics]
07:11 <stevemunene> disable-puppet on analytics[1061-1069] Preparing to decommission the hosts - T317861 [analytics]
2023-07-05 §
14:36 <stevemunene> enable puppet on analytics1069 to get the host back into puppetdb and hence allow the the decommission cookbook run later [analytics]
11:47 <btullis> restarted archiva for T329716 [analytics]
11:45 <btullis> restarted hive-servers2 and hive-metastore service on an-coord1002 [analytics]
11:40 <btullis> roll-restarting kafka-jumbo brokers for T329716 [analytics]
11:01 <btullis> roll-restarting the presto workers for T329716 [analytics]
10:20 <btullis> deploying updated spark3 defaults to disable the `spark.shuffle.useOldFetchProtocol`option for T332765 [analytics]
09:45 <btullis> failing back namenode to an-master1001 with `sudo -u hdfs /usr/bin/hdfs haadmin -failover an-master1002-eqiad-wmnet an-master1001-eqiad-wmnet` on an-master1001 [analytics]
09:38 <btullis> re-enabled gobblin jobs on an-launcher1002 [analytics]
09:03 <btullis> switching yarn shuffler - running puppet on 87 worker nodes [analytics]
08:44 <btullis> disabled gobblin and spark jobs on an-launcher for T332765 [analytics]
08:33 <btullis> disabled gobblin jobs with https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/935425 [analytics]
08:27 <btullis> roll-restarting hadoop workers in the test cluster [analytics]