951-1000 of 6160 results (36ms)
2023-05-31 §
20:41 <mforns> finished refinery deployment [analytics]
20:20 <mforns> starting refinery deployment [analytics]
07:29 <elukey> set "loadByPeriod(P8D+future), dropForever" for webrequest_sampled_live in druid-analytics - T337460 [analytics]
2023-05-30 §
15:52 <xcollazo> created HDFS folder `/wmf/data/wmf_traffic` (T335305 and T337562) [analytics]
2023-05-26 §
06:42 <elukey> `apt-get clean` on stat1008 to clean up some space in the root partition [analytics]
06:36 <elukey> `truncate /var/log/kerberos/krb5kdc.log -s 10g` on krb1001 to avoid the root partition to fill up [analytics]
2023-05-25 §
13:42 <joal> rerun webrequest-refine job for 2023-05-20T00 - we're missing data [analytics]
12:31 <elukey> set "loadByPeriod(P3D+future), dropForever" for webrequest_sampled_live in druid-analytics - T337460 [analytics]
08:37 <joal> rerun druid_load_webrequest_sampled_128_daily 2023-05-20 to reload missing hour (T337088) [analytics]
08:37 <joal> rerun druid_load_webrequest_sampled_128_daily [analytics]
2023-05-24 §
16:19 <aqu> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
16:05 <elukey> move kafka mirror on kafka main brokers to PKI - T337248 [analytics]
15:56 <elukey> move kafka mirror on kafka jumbo brokers to PKI - T337248 [analytics]
15:48 <elukey> run `kafka acls --add --allow-principal User:CN=kafka_mirror_maker --producer --topic '*'` on kafka test - T337248 [analytics]
15:18 <aqu> analytics-refinery, about to deploy [analytics]
12:21 <joal> rerun failed druid_load_pageviews_hourly_aggregated_daily 2023-05-17 [analytics]
12:21 <joal> rerun failed druid_load_pageviews_hourly_aggregated_daily [analytics]
2023-05-23 §
10:01 <stevemunene> reboot an-test-master1001.eqiad.wmnet December 2022 Buster reboots T325132 [analytics]
09:33 <stevemunene> reboot an-test-coord1001.eqiad.wmnetDecember 2022 Buster reboots T325132 [analytics]
08:22 <btullis> installing conda-analytics-0.0.17.dev_amd64.deb to an-test-worker1001 for T332765 [analytics]
2023-05-22 §
22:12 <btullis> installing conda-analytics-0.0.17.dev_amd64.deb to an-test-client1001 for T332765 [analytics]
2023-05-19 §
13:23 <btullis> restart monitor_refine_eventlogging_analytics.service on an-launcher1002 [analytics]
2023-05-18 §
16:54 <btullis> systemctl reset-failed services on stat1008 [analytics]
16:53 <btullis> installing conda-analytics 0.0.15 to an-test-worker1001 for T332765 [analytics]
15:49 <mforns> deployed airflow analytics_test [analytics]
14:22 <btullis> systemctl reset-failed user manager services on stat1004 [analytics]
12:46 <elukey> clean up old jupyterhub.service references (crash looping) on stat* nodes that had it [analytics]
10:31 <btullis> cold booting an-worker1110 to troubleshoot drive failure T336929 [analytics]
2023-05-17 §
17:58 <ottomata> Deployed refinery-source using jenkins [analytics]
13:22 <btullis> roll-rebooting dse-k8s-workers via cookbook [analytics]
13:16 <btullis> roll-rebooting an-worker1[096-101] for T335835 [analytics]
2023-05-16 §
17:59 <joal> rerun druid_load_pageviews_daily_aggregated_monthly [analytics]
17:34 <joal> Stop, delete then restart airflow druid_load_banner_activity jobs [analytics]
17:34 <joal> deploy fix for airflow druid_load_banner_activity jobs [analytics]
15:58 <joal> Kill oozie banner_activity-druid-monthly-coord job [analytics]
15:57 <joal> Start airflow druid_load_banner_activity_minutely_aggregated_monthly [analytics]
15:55 <joal> Kill oozie banner_activity_daily job [analytics]
15:55 <joal> Start airflow duid_load_banner_activity_minutely [analytics]
15:51 <joal> Kill oozie mediawiki_history_reduced job [analytics]
15:50 <joal> Start airflow mediawiki_history_reduced job with start-date to 2023-05-01 [analytics]
15:45 <joal> Clear failed wikidata_item_page_link sensor task after deploy - due to datacenter switcover [analytics]
15:41 <joal> Deploying analytics airflow dags [analytics]
14:00 <joal> Deploy refinery onto HDFS [analytics]
13:40 <btullis> pooled schema2004 for T335042 [analytics]
11:45 <joal> Deploy refinery using scap [analytics]
11:04 <btullis> depooled schema2004 for T335042 [analytics]
2023-05-15 §
07:16 <joal> Rerun failed refine_eventlogging_legacy job for universallanguageselector [analytics]
07:02 <joal> Rerun failed refine_event job for content_translation_event [analytics]
2023-05-12 §
16:05 <mforns> dropped mobile_apps_* hive tables because of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T329310 [analytics]
2023-05-11 §
14:55 <xcollazo> replaced /user/spark/share/lib/spark-3.1.2-assembly.jar in HDFS with new version that includes Iceberg. [analytics]