251-300 of 6175 results (33ms)
2024-05-07 §
14:03 <btullis> deploying airflow analytics instance for T362181 to fix cassandra cipher list [analytics]
12:04 <btullis> deploying airflow analytics instance for https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/airflow-dags/-/merge_requests/678 and T362181 [analytics]
2024-05-01 §
15:59 <milimetric> deploying airflow dags to play with mediawiki snapshot config cassandra loader job [analytics]
2024-04-30 §
17:59 <xcollazo> starting deploy of refinery... [analytics]
17:21 <xcollazo> aborting deploy of refinery due to scap global lock held by T358636. Will attempt again in about an hour. [analytics]
16:58 <xcollazo> starting deploy of refinery... [analytics]
16:54 <xcollazo> Deployed refinery-source using jenkins [analytics]
2024-04-29 §
20:59 <mforns> deployed airflow-dags/analytics [analytics]
20:22 <mforns> finished refinery deployment (with v0.2.37 jars) [analytics]
19:11 <mforns> started refinery deployment (with v0.2.37 jars) [analytics]
18:38 <mforns> deployed refinery-source v0.2.37 [analytics]
2024-04-26 §
11:08 <btullis> removed the symlink `/srv/published/datasets/periodic/reports` on an-launcher1002 to cease publishing reportupdata jobs from this host (T307540) [analytics]
09:50 <joal> Deploy Airflow browser-metrics fix [analytics]
2024-04-25 §
15:34 <mforns> deployed airflow analytics to fix commons_impact_metrics_monthly DAG [analytics]
2024-04-24 §
15:55 <SandraEbele_> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs. [analytics]
15:00 <SandraEbele_> starting refinery deployment [analytics]
12:27 <btullis> shutting down stat1010 to allow the GPU power cable to be fitted for: T336040 [analytics]
09:08 <elukey> run 'kill `pgrep -u dbad2021`' on all stat nodes to unblock puppet [analytics]
2024-04-23 §
12:59 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.29 to analytics-airflow hosts T362648 [analytics]
12:50 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.29 to analytics stat hosts T362648 [analytics]
12:13 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.29 to hadoop test cluster T362648 [analytics]
2024-04-22 §
14:58 <mforns> deployed Airflow analytics for commons impact metrics dump dag [analytics]
14:40 <mforns> finished deployment of refinery for Commons Impact Metrics dumps queries [analytics]
13:47 <mforns> starting deployment of refinery for Commons Impact Metrics dumps queries [analytics]
2024-04-18 §
18:10 <joal> Rerun canary-events on previous hour to test patch [analytics]
18:10 <joal> Re-deploy airflow for canary-event scaling [analytics]
17:42 <joal> Rerun cacnry-events on previous hour to test patch [analytics]
17:37 <joal> DEploy airflow for canary-event scaling [analytics]
16:57 <btullis> switching matmo service from matomo1002 to matomo1003 [analytics]
14:07 <btullis> restarted the hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager.service on an-master100[3-4] to pick up new queue settings for T361499 [analytics]
11:41 <btullis> adding new 'launchers' yarn queue and renaming 'fifo' to 'gpus' for T361499 [analytics]
09:30 <mforns> finished refinery deployment for commons impact metrics changes (0.2.36) [analytics]
08:10 <mforns> starting refinery deployment for commons impact metrics changes (0.2.36) [analytics]
2024-04-17 §
21:47 <mforns> don't have time to deploy refinery today, will do it tomorrow first thing [analytics]
21:40 <mforns> Deployed refinery-source using jenkins [analytics]
08:40 <aqu> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
08:00 <stevemunene> enable puppet on an-test-client1002 done testing new conda anaytics deb T362648 [analytics]
07:39 <aqu> analytics/refinery deploy begin (added source jars 0.2.35) [analytics]
07:37 <stevemunene> disable puppet on an-test-client1002 to test new conda anaytics deb T362648 [analytics]
2024-04-16 §
20:08 <aqu> Weekly deploy of refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
15:00 <btullis> kicked off a rolling restart of the hadoop worker datanode and nodemanager process for T356382 [analytics]
14:40 <btullis> failed back HDFS namenode from an-master1004 to an-master1003. [analytics]
11:02 <stevemunene> upgrade datahub to v0.12.1 T361688 [analytics]
09:16 <btullis> restarting mapreduce history service on an-master1003 for T356382 [analytics]
2024-04-15 §
11:05 <btullis> sudo systemctl start hadoop-hdfs-namenode.service on an-master1003 after failed failback operation. [analytics]
10:45 <btullis> roll-restarting hadoop masters on the prod cluster for T356382 [analytics]
08:54 <btullis> roll-restarting hadoop masters on test cluster for T356382 [analytics]
08:36 <btullis> roll-restarting druid on test cluster for T356382 [analytics]
2024-04-11 §
15:25 <btullis> restarting hive-server2 and hive-metastore on an-test-coord1001 for T356382 [analytics]
14:10 <elukey> move cassandra instances on aqs1010 to PKI TLS certs [analytics]