12 results (16ms)
2018-09-26 §
15:52 <andrewbogott> deleting project as per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Cloud_VPS_2018_Purge#OBSOLETE_bots [bots]
2016-11-02 §
18:27 <Matthew_> Manually restarted wm-bot as it didn't come back after reboot. [bots]
2016-11-01 §
21:17 <Matthew_> Restarted wm-bot as it didn't come back on its own [bots]
2016-10-17 §
17:04 <Krenair> Restarted wm-bot instance, was not responding to HTTP or SSH [bots]
2016-07-07 §
07:11 <Matthew_> Restarted wm-bot, RSS feed error again [bots]
2016-07-06 §
00:51 <Matthew_> Re-enabled huggle-pg for wm-bot [bots]
00:32 <Matthew_> Restarted wm-bot, encountered a 500 error when reading an RSS feed and crashed. [bots]
2016-07-04 §
10:43 <yuvipanda> migrate wm-bot instance to labvirt1011 for T139264 [bots]
2016-02-21 §
11:54 <sDrewth> (re)started wm-bot [bots]
2015-11-02 §
19:36 <addshore> addshore@wm-bot:/mnt/share/wm-bot$ sudo ./easydepl.sh [bots]
19:35 <addshore> cd /mnt/share/wikimedia-bot && sudo git pull (46b014c..a623eae) [bots]
2015-08-19 §
11:55 <sDrewth> cleaned up and started wmbot [bots]