19 results (19ms)
2024-10-23 §
23:55 <mutante> - on instance pageviews01 puppet fails because it can't connect to the puppetmaster, and that fails because it can't look it up in DNS. /etc/resolv.conf does not have a nameserver line. adding "nameserver" to it manually [commtech]
2024-06-18 §
08:25 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0) [commtech]
08:22 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [commtech]
2023-12-06 §
10:07 <TheresNoTime> decom `Commtech-Wiki-002` [commtech]
2023-03-02 §
16:11 <bd808> Fixed puppet run on commtech-wiki-001.commtech.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud by editing /etc/hosts to make hostname all lower case [commtech]
16:08 <bd808> Fixed puppet run on commtech-Wiki-002.commtech.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud by editing /etc/hosts to make hostname all lower case [commtech]
2022-08-14 §
17:46 <wm-bot2> Increased quotas by [OpenstackQuotaEntry(name=<OpenstackQuotaName.CORES: 'cores'>, value=1), OpenstackQuotaEntry(name=<OpenstackQuotaName.RAM: 'ram'>, value=4096)] - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [commtech]
2022-07-26 §
11:11 <TheresNoTime> initiate soft reboot of tts.commtech.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud, unresponsive [commtech]
2022-05-26 §
18:21 <balloons> quota set --cores 10 --ram 18432 T309202 [commtech]
18:20 <balloons> quota set --cores 10 --ram 18432 [commtech]
2022-01-26 §
03:02 <andrewbogott> rebooting commtech-2 -- oom [commtech]
2018-01-18 §
01:21 <bd808> Forced puppet run and ran /usr/local/bin/mwvagrant up on commtech-1 [commtech]
01:18 <bd808> Manually addd missing trusty-backports repo to /etc/apt/sources.list on commtech-1 [commtech]
2016-08-10 §
00:03 <bd808> Added MusikAnimal as project admin [commtech]
2016-06-26 §
10:11 <andrewbogott> rebooting commtech-1 as per niharika's request [commtech]
2016-06-10 §
04:59 <bd808> Trying vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5; vm.dirty_ratio = 10 on commtech-1 [commtech]
2016-06-09 §
19:30 <bd808> Rebuilding mw-vagrant vm on commtech-1 [commtech]
2016-04-12 §
15:31 <andrewbogott> rebooting instance commtech-1 [commtech]
2015-11-18 §
16:53 <bd808> Fixed permissions on commtech-1 with `sudo chown mwvagrant /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/.vagrant` [commtech]