701-750 of 758 results (31ms)
2017-11-18 §
02:36 <Krinkle> Shutdown now-unused cvn-apache8 instance. To be deleted later. [cvn]
02:36 <Krinkle> Switch cvn.wmflabs.org web proxy over to new cvn-apache9 backend. [cvn]
02:14 <Krinkle> Create and provision cvn-apache9 (Debian 9 Stretch) to replace cvn-apache8 (Ubuntu 14 Trusty) [cvn]
2017-11-17 §
01:41 <Krinkle> Deleting cvn-app6 instance [cvn]
2017-11-15 §
01:20 <Krinkle> cvn-app6 is now idle. Shutting down from Horizon. To be deleted next week. [cvn]
2017-10-27 §
02:13 <Krinkle> Moved CVNBot16 (with Console-js.msgs) to cvn-app9 [cvn]
2017-10-26 §
00:58 <Krinkle> Voiced NewbieAudioVideo (Dispenser) in #cvn-sw [cvn]
2017-10-25 §
22:26 <Krinkle> Provisioning cvn-app9 (Debian Stretch) as [type=appserver] per https://github.com/countervandalism/infrastructure/blob/master/setup.yaml. To be replacemenet of cvn-app6 (Ubuntu Trusty) [cvn]
2017-10-22 §
07:09 <Krinkle> Created cvn-app9 (Debian 9) - will replace cvn-app6 (Trusty) [cvn]
07:09 <Krinkle> Shutting down cvn-app7 (unused, migrated bots to cvn-app8) [cvn]
2017-10-16 §
20:56 <Krinkle> Moved Cubbie to cvn-app8 and upgraded to 1.22.0-alpha [cvn]
15:22 <Krinkle> Moved CVNBot18 to cvn-app8 and upgraded to CVNBot v1.22.0-alpha [cvn]
04:58 <Krinkle> CVNBot1 (#cvn-wp-en) database maintenance: Purge bad 'users' table entries of names starting with <bdi> - Ref https://github.com/countervandalism/CVNBot/issues/32 [cvn]
04:58 <Krinkle> CVNBot12 (#cvn-wp-nl) database maintenance: Purge bad 'users' table entries of names starting with <bdi> - Ref https://github.com/countervandalism/CVNBot/issues/32 [cvn]
2017-10-13 §
18:33 <Krinkle> moved CVNBot1 to cvn-app8 and upgraded to v1.22.0-alpha [cvn]
17:54 <Krinkle> CVNBot12 is now running v1.22.0-alpha on cvn-app8 (Debian 9, Mono 4) [cvn]
2017-10-12 §
23:29 <Krinkle> Disabling /etc/cron.hourly/cvn-collect-log on all servers [cvn]
2017-10-11 §
00:55 <Krinkle> Running experimental CVNBot version from https://github.com/countervandalism/CVNBot/commits/mono-4x on cvn-app8, in channel #cvn-sandbox. Discovering and fixing any issues as they come up. [cvn]
2017-10-10 §
20:05 <Krinkle> Created and setting up cvn-app8 (Debian 9) [cvn]
20:04 <Krinkle> Starting migration from Ubuntu 14 Trusty to Debian 9 Stretch - https://github.com/countervandalism/infrastructure/issues/13 [cvn]
2017-10-07 §
21:00 <Krinkle> Ran sudo apt-get clean on cvn-apache8 to free up some space. [cvn]
20:47 <Krinkle> Sof-rebooting cvn-apache8 [cvn]
2017-08-17 §
18:06 <Krinkle> Restarted servers to have them re-join #cvn-broadcast following the random K-like from freenode staff [cvn]
2017-08-10 §
18:26 <Krinkle> CVNBot12 won't restart. Has been in a once-a-minute restart loop for the past 24 hours (log: "IRC: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)") [cvn]
18:19 <Krinkle> CVNBot12 is online, but not in any channel. Process is running. Restarting.. [cvn]
2017-01-18 §
21:59 <Krinkle> Restarting cvn-app7 [cvn]
20:59 <rxy> "rxy@cvn-app7:~$ sudo mozroots --import --sync --machine --url http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/tip/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt" [cvn]
20:58 <rxy> "rxy@cvn-app6:~$ sudo mozroots --import --sync --machine" [cvn]
18:18 <rxy> setup CVNBot24 in cvn-app6 [cvn]
2016-11-28 §
19:25 <Krinkle> Changed e-mail address of Clogger cvnwiki account from my personal gmail to cvn.admins@tools.wmflabs.org [cvn]
2016-11-24 §
03:49 <Krinkle> Fix cvndb-pull.cron permissions on cvn-apache8 (caused api to not get updated every 5 minutes) [cvn]
2016-11-21 §
18:54 <Krinkle> Deleted cvn-app5 instance [cvn]
2016-11-19 §
01:54 <Krinkle> [horizon.wikimedia.org] Retiring cvn-app5 (removing public IP, shutting down instance). To be deleted in a few days. [cvn]
01:49 <Krinkle> Restored CVNBot20 database from cvn-app5 (retired) to cvn-app7 (got corrupted in transfer somehow) [cvn]
01:43 <Krinkle> CVNBot20 database backup 2 days ago (Nov 16) also corrupt. [cvn]
01:40 <Krinkle> CVNBot20 database was corrupted for unknown reasons. Replaced with a copy of CVNBot14's database. [cvn]
00:15 <Krinkle> 'sudo chmod 660 */CVNBot.ini' in /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot on cvn-app6 and cvn-app7 [cvn]
00:09 <Krinkle> 'sudo chmod 775 */CVNBot.exe */Lists.sqlite' in /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot on cvn-app6 and cvn-app7 [cvn]
2016-11-18 §
23:06 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app7 "sudo chmod g+w -R /srv/cvn/git/stillalive" for write permission of group members [cvn]
23:05 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app6 "sudo chmod g+w -R /srv/cvn/git/stillalive" for write permission of group members [cvn]
22:56 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app6 "sudo chmod g+w /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot" for write permission of group members [cvn]
22:56 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app6 "sudo chgrp project-cvn /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot" for write permission of group members [cvn]
22:49 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app7 "sudo chmod g+w /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot" for write permission of group members [cvn]
22:48 <rxy_> rxy@cvn-app7 "sudo chgrp project-cvn /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot" for write permission of group members [cvn]
2016-11-16 §
02:17 <Krinkle> Moving CVNBot1, CVNBot4, CVNBot5, CVNBot12, and CVNBot13 from cvn-app5 to cvn-app7 [cvn]
02:02 <Krinkle> Moving Cubbie and SWBot3 from cvn-app5 to cvn-app7 [cvn]
01:55 <Krinkle> Moving CVNBot21 (#cvn-mediawiki) from cvn-app5 to new cvn-app7 [cvn]
00:57 <Krinkle> Provisioning cvn-app7 [cvn]
2016-11-15 §
06:13 <Krinkle> Creating and provisioning cvn-app7 (m1.large; ubuntu-14.04-trusty ) - replacement for cvn-app5 (m1.xlarge; ubuntu-12.04-precise) [cvn]
06:00 <Krinkle> Decom cvn-app4 (created 2014; ubuntu-12.04-precise) - all bots migrated to cvn-app6 (ubuntu-14.04-trusty) [cvn]