251-300 of 758 results (31ms)
2022-01-06 §
19:42 <hauskatze> Loaded ami.wikipedia to CVNBot8 - T292421 [cvn]
19:41 <hauskatze> Loaded pwn.wikipedia to CVNBot7 - T292419 [cvn]
19:39 <hauskatze> Loaded lmo.wiktionary to CVNBot6 - T292076 [cvn]
19:34 <hauskatze> Loaded jv.wikisource to CVNBot6 refs. T287319 [cvn]
19:29 <Krinkle> cs flags #cvn-sw hauskatze local_op [cvn]
13:57 <Krinkle> Krinkle added $a:Cam11598 to the #cvn-staff I list (+I) [cvn]
2021-11-02 §
21:15 <Krinkle> killall cvn.cvnservice on cvn-app8 and cvn-app9 [cvn]
2021-10-07 §
17:58 <Krinkle> killall cvn.cvnservice @ cvn-app8 [cvn]
2021-10-03 §
17:28 <Operator873|CVN> restarted bots 5, 12, 28, and 29 failed to regain nick. [cvn]
2021-10-02 §
21:31 <Krinkle> krinkle@cvn-app8 Idem [cvn]
21:29 <Krinkle> krinkle@cvn-app9 `sudo sed -i 's#mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#!mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt#' /etc/ca-certificates.conf && sudo update-ca-certificates` ref T292289, ref https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/21233 [cvn]
21:24 <Krinkle> /cs flags #cvn-wp-es LuchoCR local_op ; verified nick and sysop at es.wikipedia [cvn]
21:11 <Krinkle> /cs flags #cvn-wp-en tn local_op [cvn]
21:04 <Krinkle> /cs flags #cvn-wp-en tn voiced - verified nick [cvn]
2021-08-27 §
01:49 <Krinkle> /cs flags #cvn-bots AntiComposite bot_operator [cvn]
01:27 <Krinkle> Flags +AV were set on Sarrus in #cvn-wp-da. [cvn]
2021-08-07 §
05:30 <Operator873|CVN> restarted CVNBot5 - was not reporting [cvn]
2021-07-12 §
14:24 <Krinkle> #cvn-commons rubin16 local_op, sysop confirmed https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=114382938 [cvn]
2021-06-22 §
21:42 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wp-nl Wiki13 local_op. [[User:Wiki13]] cloak confirmed, nlwiki sysop [cvn]
2021-06-20 §
23:31 <Krinkle> Upgrading from CVNBot 4.0.0 to 4.0.2 https://github.com/countervandalism/CVNBot/blob/v4.0.2/History.md [cvn]
01:45 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wp-en, #cvn-sw, #cvn-sw-spam Neith voiced. [[User:TerraCodes]] [cvn]
01:40 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-meta NovakWatchmen voiced. [[User:FriedrickMILBarbarossa]], metawiki patroller [cvn]
01:35 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-sw [1997kB] local_op. Nominated by me :) [cvn]
01:27 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-sw, #cvn-meta, #cvn-simplewikis Tks4Fish voiced. [[User:Tks4Fish]], ptwiki sysop, steward [cvn]
01:25 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-ko-scan revi local_op. kowiki sysop, [[User:-revi]] [cvn]
01:22 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-sw stanglavine voiced. [[User:Stanglavine]], https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21479035 [cvn]
01:20 <Krinkle> Fixed all cvn-* channels to use `/mode <channel> +b $j:#wikimedia-bans` [cvn]
01:13 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wp-en quiddity voiced. [[User:Quiddity]] [cvn]
01:00 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wp-en AntiComposite voiced [cvn]
00:51 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-sw AntiComposite voiced [cvn]
00:51 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-commons AntiComposite voiced [cvn]
00:51 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-commons AntiComposite local_op. sysop on commonswiki, [[User:AntiCompositeNumber]], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=1024192197 [cvn]
2021-06-17 §
02:44 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wikidata lozenge local_op (wikidatawiki sysop, confirmed User:1997kB) [cvn]
02:41 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-ja shino_d_y local_op (jawiki sysop, confirmed User:Ohgi) [cvn]
2021-06-14 §
21:37 <Krinkle> Update /srv/cvn/git/stillalive check out on all cvn-* servers to fetch from remote `main` instead of `master` [cvn]
14:32 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-bn-scan local_op https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21487994 Admin on bnwiki [cvn]
2021-06-13 §
19:10 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot26,27,28,29 to Libera [cvn]
19:04 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot21,22,23,24,25 to Libera [cvn]
18:54 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-bots Operator873 local_op (same as Freenode, confirmed account) [cvn]
18:52 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot16,17,18,19,20 to Libera [cvn]
18:47 <Krinkle> Migrate Cubbie (now CVNBot11), and CVNBot13,14,15 to Libera [cvn]
18:41 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot6,7,8,9,10 to Libera [cvn]
18:33 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot4,5 to Libera [cvn]
18:29 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot1,2,3 to Libera [cvn]
18:21 <Krinkle> Migrate CVNBot12 to Libera [cvn]
18:05 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wp-nl natuur12 local_op (same as Freenode, confirmed account) [cvn]
18:02 <Krinkle> Contacted operator of mastiBot (#cvn-wp-pl) to move their bot to Libera. [cvn]
16:55 <Krinkle> flags #cvn-wikidata [1997kB] voiced (same as on Freenode, confirmed account) [cvn]
03:08 <Krinkle> Applied cvn/bot/* cloak for CVNBots-A, CVNBots-B to CVNBots-F [cvn]
03:08 <Krinkle> Applied cvn/bot/* cloak for cvn-clerkbot [cvn]