23 results (26ms)
2024-08-05 §
08:52 <dcaro> restarted kiwix-mirror-update, was stuck on name resolution (works now) [dumps]
2024-06-25 §
13:35 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=1) [dumps]
13:32 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [dumps]
2024-06-18 §
10:48 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=1) [dumps]
10:46 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [dumps]
2023-09-29 §
09:19 <wm-bot2> dcaro@urcuchillay START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.cloudvirt.vm_console [dumps]
2022-02-12 §
19:38 <andrewbogott> rebooting most VMs to pick up new nfs server changes (T301280) [dumps]
2021-03-10 §
12:43 <arturo> briefly stopping VM dumps-5 and dumps-4 to migrate hypervisor [dumps]
2020-06-24 §
18:34 <bstorm> removing files from /data/project/dumps/temp/wikidata and /data/project/dumps/temp/cirrussearch T255628 [dumps]
2020-02-26 §
19:59 <jeh> restart dumps-0 [dumps]
2019-06-20 §
14:04 <andrewbogott> moving dumps-5 to a new cloudvirt [dumps]
13:58 <andrewbogott> moving dumps-4 to a new cloudvirt [dumps]
2019-04-18 §
20:13 <andrewbogott> rebooting dumps-1 to try to workaround nfs issues [dumps]
2019-03-14 §
23:18 <bd808> Deleted dumps-stats and bugzilla (T204503) [dumps]
2019-01-21 §
16:50 <arturo> T204503 shutdown ubuntu VM: dumps-stats* [dumps]
16:50 <arturo> T204503 shutdown ubuntu VM: dumps-stat [dumps]
16:34 <gtirloni> T204503 shutdown ubuntu VM: bugzilla [dumps]
2018-11-26 §
15:02 <andrewbogott> moving project to eqiad1-r [dumps]
2018-04-02 §
15:19 <madhuvishy> Remove labstore.svc.eqiad.wmnet:/backups entry from /etc/fstab on dumps-stats and reboot [dumps]
2018-03-29 §
04:47 <madhuvishy> Rebooting dumps-1 to resolve stuck NFS /home [dumps]
2018-03-28 §
23:50 <madhuvishy> Rebooting dumps-stats to resolve stuck NFS mount /home [dumps]
2015-09-15 §
20:40 <andrewbogott> resuming dumps-1 [dumps]
20:36 <andrewbogott> suspending dumps-1 briefly to assess its performance impact [dumps]