23 results (25ms)
2024-06-18 §
10:55 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0) [extdist]
10:54 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [extdist]
2023-05-02 §
07:22 <bawolff> Extension distributor having outdated links due to T335730 [extdist]
2022-10-25 §
07:36 <bawolff> Increased disk size to 22 GB (T321488) [extdist]
2022-10-14 §
17:17 <andrewbogott> deleting long shutoff Stretch VM extdist-04 [extdist]
2022-07-20 §
02:05 <andrewbogott> shutting down Stretch VMs as per https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/DSSVK2ZM3KHJI4HVM53JFNMECFMMCCG3/ [extdist]
2022-01-16 §
07:19 <legoktm> deleting extdist-05 instance, no longer needed [extdist]
07:18 <legoktm> switching extdist.wmflabs.org domain to point to extdist-06 instance (bullseye/cinder) - T293055 [extdist]
2021-12-03 §
02:49 <legoktm> setting up extdist-06 with bullseye/cinder/packaged composer (T293055) [extdist]
2020-05-25 §
17:50 <bawolff> running nightly.py with --force option to fix composer issue (T215713) [extdist]
2020-04-08 §
21:43 <bd808> Added Reedy as projectadmin (T249575) [extdist]
2019-12-31 §
03:20 <legoktm> running `/usr/bin/python3 /srv/extdist/nightly.py --all` in screen on extdist-04 to rebuild tarballs for T241542 [extdist]
2019-12-28 §
23:55 <legoktm> deleting extdist-01 instance (T236532) [extdist]
23:52 <legoktm> point extdist.wmflabs.org at extdist-04 (stretch based) [extdist]
2018-11-26 §
15:56 <andrewbogott> migrating project to eqiad1-r [extdist]
2018-07-20 §
07:20 <legoktm> cleaned up giant log files on extdist-02 [extdist]
2018-02-09 §
01:01 <bd808> Removed Yuvipanda at user request (T186289) [extdist]
2017-12-07 §
23:11 <legoktm> deleted a ton of stuff from /srv on extdist2 [extdist]
2017-01-02 §
08:40 <legoktm> v was on extdist-01 [extdist]
08:39 <legoktm> deleted 12G log file to free up space on / partition [extdist]
2016-08-31 §
18:35 <mutante> adding self as temp admin to fix role class names [extdist]
2016-08-17 §
22:26 <legoktm> rebooting extdist-02 T143209 [extdist]
22:20 <legoktm> rebooting extdist-01 T143209 [extdist]