1-50 of 187 results (23ms)
2020-05-08 §
14:58 <andrewbogott> deleting project for T236569 [git]
2020-05-07 §
14:46 <mutante> deleted instances gerrit-test7 and puppet-paladox T236569 [git]
07:59 <mutante> - shutting down instance puppet-paladox, backups created and uploaded to deploy-1002 in devtools (T236569) [git]
07:55 <mutante> - shutting down instance gerrit-test7, backups created and uploaded to deploy1002 in devtools, disassociating floating IP (T236569) [git]
2020-05-06 §
15:35 <mutante> - instance gerrit-test7 was reachable and suddenly it wasn't, paladox suggested it is ferm but it's unclear what changed anything, rebooting it [git]
2020-01-15 §
20:56 <mutante> deleting instance gerrit-mysql (used be icinga2 for ores, but ores has prod icinga checks at least) T236569 [git]
19:38 <mutante> shutting down and deleting instance 'jenkins-slave-02' (T236569) [git]
19:36 <mutante> shutting down and deleting instance 'gerrit-test' (T236569) [git]
2019-11-08 §
12:58 <paladox> rebuilding gerrit-test6 as gerrit-test7 [git]
2019-11-07 §
18:40 <paladox> rebuilding gerrit-test5 as gerrit-test6 (with buster) to re-test T200739 [git]
2019-10-11 §
13:16 <Zppix> apt update and apt full-upgrade ran on all *.git.wmflabs instances [git]
2019-10-04 §
15:00 <Zppix> Reset password for user Halfak per IRC request [git]
2019-09-28 §
14:58 <Zppix> sudo service ircecho restart due to bot pingout and not restarting self [git]
2019-09-26 §
20:21 <Zppix> Upgrade all instances to linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 [git]
2019-09-25 §
20:50 <Zppix> create new web auth creds for accraze for Icinga2 [git]
2019-09-17 §
15:12 <Zppix> deploy [[gerrit:537463]] for T233114 on gerrit-mysql [git]
2019-09-16 §
21:19 <Zppix> deploy [[gerrit:537202]] for T232921 on gerrit-mysql [git]
2019-09-15 §
17:13 <Zppix> cd /etc/puppet/modules/icinga2; git pull on puppet-paladox. puppet agent -tv on gerrit-mysql to deploy [[gerrit:536775]] T232921 [git]
2019-09-08 §
23:06 <Zppix> run apt full-upgrade on all instances [git]
2019-05-08 §
07:50 <paladox> rebuilding jenkins-slave-01 as jenkins-slave-02 - T222668 [git]
2019-05-06 §
22:53 <Zppix> Started downtime for alerts for jenkins-slave01 on icinga2 until may 20 due to T222176 [git]
2019-05-02 §
12:50 <Zppix> deployed [[gerrit:507552]] T222289 [git]
2019-04-19 §
13:57 <paladox> disabling puppet on gerrit-test5 temporarily [git]
2019-04-18 §
16:26 <paladox> rebuilding gerrit-test3 as gerrit-test5 due to removal of a kernel during a upgrade to stretch. [git]
15:27 <paladox> upgrading gerrit-test3 to debian 9 (stretch) [git]
2019-03-25 §
17:45 <Zppix> running apt full-upgrade on gerrit-mysql, gerrit-test, gerrit-test3, jenkins-slave-01, and puppet-paladox [git]
2019-03-22 §
17:51 <paladox> deploy new session plugin to gerrit-test3 T218739 [git]
2019-03-21 §
18:17 <Zppix> Rebooting gerrit-test.git and gerrit-mysql.git to try to troubleshoot issue with Icinga2 not properly executing checks suddenly [git]
2019-03-19 §
19:31 <paladox> nvm it's not a actual package (only source) [git]
19:30 <paladox> install h2database on gerrit-test3 (to investigate web_sessions) [git]
17:39 <Zppix> upgrading icinga2 icinga2-bin icinga2-common icinga2-doc icinga2-ido-mysql on gerrit-mysql.git via apt full-update [git]
2019-03-18 §
14:54 <Zppix> updated apt repo for packages.sury.org to update apt.gpg key for apt repo. [git]
2019-03-15 §
17:51 <Zppix> Prune old logs in /var/log on puppet-paladox [git]
2019-03-07 §
21:56 <paladox> setting up multi-site up on gerrit-test3 T217174 [git]
21:13 <paladox> disabling puppet on gerrit-test3 (preparing for multi master) [git]
2019-03-06 §
19:05 <Zppix> Ran sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches on gerrit-test.git [git]
10:45 <mutante> - gerrit-test3 - re-enabling disabled puppet [git]
2019-03-05 §
19:49 <paladox> enabling kafka on gerrit-test3 in mwvagrant for the multi master gerrit setup. [git]
19:11 <Zppix> Ran apt full-upgrade, apt autoclean, and apt autoremove on gerrit-mysql.git [git]
19:00 <Zppix> Ran apt full-upgrade, apt autoclean, and apt autoremove on gerrit-test.git, gerrit-test3.git, puppet-paladox.git, and jenkins-slave-01.git [git]
2019-02-05 §
17:35 <paladox> temporarily disabling puppet on gerrit-test3 whilst trying T211139 [git]
2018-12-18 §
18:56 <paladox> upgrading gerrit-new.wmflabs.org to not use ReviewDB any more. [git]
2018-11-16 §
22:35 <paladox> upgrading gerrit-test.wmflabs.org to gerrit 2.16 [git]
2018-11-15 §
01:11 <paladox> removing the old ui ( https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/gerrit/+/116790 ) from gerrit-new.wmflabs.org [git]
2018-11-13 §
18:45 <paladox> applying https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/472720 (and restarting gerrit on gerrit-test3) [git]
2018-10-23 §
21:50 <paladox> upgrading gerrit.git.wmflabs.org (gerrit-test3) to 2.16rc0 (basically 2.16rc1) [git]
2018-10-08 §
21:50 <paladox> upgrading gerrit to 2.16 (master) on gerrit-new.wmflabs.org per T206407 [git]
21:39 <paladox> upgrading gerrit to 2.15.5 on gerrit-test.wmflabs.org per T206407 [git]
2018-09-28 §
18:00 <paladox> systemctl start gerrit after upgrade on gerrit-test3 [git]
17:56 <paladox> upgrading gerrit to 2.16 (master branch) on gerrit-test3 to test T205346 T200739 [git]