29 results (30ms)
2023-04-17 §
12:25 <andrewbogott> deleting project as per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Cloud_VPS_2022_Purge [mobile]
2023-03-07 §
13:33 <andrewbogott> turning off VMs are per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Cloud_VPS_2022_Purge -- project appears abandoned [mobile]
2021-03-10 §
12:44 <arturo> briefly stopping VM wikiwho-ios-experiments to migrate hypervisor [mobile]
2019-05-22 §
15:02 <mdholloway> deleted edit-actions instance [mobile]
2019-04-23 §
14:44 <mdholloway> destroyed edit-counts instance [mobile]
14:30 <mdholloway> destroyed android-builder instance [mobile]
2018-10-31 §
15:43 <andrewbogott> migrating project to eqiad1 region [mobile]
2018-03-22 §
19:45 <mdholloway> creating new parsoid-minerva instance for testing mobile styles on Parsoid HTML [mobile]
19:40 <mdholloway> shutting down instance page-summary-performance (no longer needed) [mobile]
2018-02-01 §
15:13 <mdholloway> launched new instance page-summary-performance (T184751) [mobile]
14:45 <mdholloway> deleting old perf-testing instance [mobile]
2017-12-11 §
22:10 <mdholloway> deleting zim-proto instance [mobile]
2017-10-04 §
13:40 <andrewbogott> migrating 'zim-proto' to labvirt1017 [mobile]
2017-08-01 §
21:34 <mdholloway> launched new zim-master stretch instance for zim creation prototyping (once more, with feeling) [mobile]
21:23 <mdholloway> deleting mobile-puppetmaster and resurrecting as a Stretch instance [mobile]
21:22 <mdholloway> deleted instance zimbuilder; let's not use a Trusty image when we set up its successor. [mobile]
2017-07-24 §
21:57 <mdholloway> created zim-builder instance [mobile]
2017-04-26 §
12:53 <mdholloway> removed testing/prototyping instances readinglists and mobile-puppetmaster (no longer needed) [mobile]
2017-03-03 §
00:58 <mdholloway> created instance mobile-puppetmaster and set it up as a standalone puppetmaster with itself as the client. (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Standalone_puppetmaster) [mobile]
2017-02-07 §
19:29 <mdholloway> terminating unused instance 'zerotests' per discussion with dr0ptp4kt [mobile]
2017-02-06 §
17:37 <mdholloway> updated android-builder with 08b2b78 [mobile]
2017-02-03 §
21:06 <mdholloway> remove role::restbase::server from instance readinglists [mobile]
20:57 <mdholloway> apply role::restbase::server to instance readinglists [mobile]
20:55 <mdholloway> apply role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant to instance readinglists [mobile]
19:28 <mdholloway> created readinglists instance [mobile]
2016-08-18 §
21:20 <MaxSem> Shut down staging.eqiad.wmflabs as a first step towards deletion. ref T143349 [mobile]
20:23 <yuvipanda> deleted test-labs-vagrant, apparently I created it a long time ago [mobile]
2016-05-05 §
23:22 <bd808> Deleted jitsu instance. Replaced with https://tools.wmflabs.org/hatjitsu/ [mobile]
2015-08-24 §
17:05 <YuviPanda> kill instance android-build to make space on labvirt1007 (android-builder is the successor) [mobile]