1-50 of 71 results (21ms)
2021-03-24 §
13:32 <andrewbogott> deleting labs-bootstrapvz-jessie — Jessie is long-since deprecated and we no longer have any jessie VMs on cloud-vps [openstack]
2021-02-03 §
16:48 <arturo> create & delete a couple of cinder volumes and snapshots to get a sense how the API works [openstack]
2020-03-08 §
19:04 <jeh> restart apache2 to clear up horizon error on labweb1002 T247199 [openstack]
2020-03-06 §
18:09 <jeh> restart designate_floating_ip_ptr_records_updater.service on cloudcontrol1003 [openstack]
2020-03-05 §
23:18 <jeh> restart rabbitmq prometheus exporter on cloudcontrol1003 [openstack]
2020-03-04 §
20:03 <jeh> add cloudvirt-wdqs100[123] to ceph host aggregate T221631 [openstack]
20:02 <jeh> add new ceph host aggregate T225320 [openstack]
2020-01-29 §
17:47 <arturo> delete VM arturo-ocata-test no longer in use [openstack]
14:20 <arturo> created and deleted a couple of test VMS for https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/568473 [openstack]
2020-01-24 §
19:29 <jeh> upgrade cloudcontrol100[34] to the latest python3 openstack clients in stretch [openstack]
2020-01-23 §
21:09 <jeh> cloudvirt1024 set icinga downtime and powering down for hardware maintenance T241884 [openstack]
20:17 <jeh> cloudvirt1013 set icinga downtime and powering down for hardware maintenance T241313 [openstack]
20:16 <jeh> cloudvirt1013 set icinga downtime and powering down for hardware maintenance [openstack]
2020-01-21 §
22:53 <jeh> deactivated image debian-9.1-stretch (deprecated 2017-11-16) [openstack]
2020-01-13 §
14:47 <jeh> finished testing ceph on cloudvirt1022, revert to local disk puppet role and recreate canary instance T225320 [openstack]
2020-01-07 §
21:20 <jeh> create commons-corruption-checker project T241635 [openstack]
2020-01-03 §
19:36 <jeh> create private flavor m1.small-ceph for testing IO limits T225320 [openstack]
2019-12-12 §
21:24 <jeh> schedule downtime until Jan 6th 2020 on cloudvirt1015 (bad hardware) T220853 [openstack]
2019-12-11 §
21:00 <jeh> schedule icinga downtime until Dec 20th 2019 on cloudvirt1022 for ceph testing T239918 [openstack]
2019-11-20 §
19:56 <jeh> create 3 VMs jeh-ceph0[1-3] for testing ceph debian packages [openstack]
2019-11-19 §
20:16 <jeh> cleanup novastats dnsleaks left over from cloudvirt1024 stress tests [openstack]
2019-11-18 §
12:08 <arturo> create VM arturo-ocata-test to work on T238338 [openstack]
12:05 <arturo> delete VMs arturo-k8s-test-* no longer in use [openstack]
2019-11-05 §
17:01 <jeh> rebuild debian stretch image with latest bootstrapvz config [openstack]
2019-11-01 §
14:27 <jeh> failover cloudnet2002-dev's neutron router to cloudnet2003-dev - testing T214297 [openstack]
2019-10-28 §
22:55 <jeh> run labs-ip-alias-dump on cloudservices1003 and cloudservices1004 T235627 [openstack]
2019-10-25 §
14:24 <jeh> `systemctl reset-failed` on labweb1001 and labweb1002 to cleanup hhvm service [openstack]
14:10 <jeh> graceful restart apache on labweb1002 to resolve horizon 503 [openstack]
14:03 <jeh> graceful restart apache on labweb1001 to resolve horizon 503 [openstack]
2019-10-17 §
15:27 <jeh> update eqiad1's endpoint catalog with the new wikimediacloud.org domain T223907 [openstack]
14:56 <jeh> added icingia downtime for cloudcontrol100[34] and checker.tools.wmflabs.org for service restarts T223907 [openstack]
14:54 <jeh> update eqiad1's hiera keystone_host to new wikimediacloud.org domain T223907 [openstack]
2019-10-11 §
21:52 <jeh> create toolforge.org DNS zone in tools project T234617 [openstack]
21:16 <jeh> grant tools-dns-manager designateadmin role in tools project T235304 [openstack]
2019-10-10 §
15:03 <jeh> cleanup puppet leaks left over from eqiad1 upgrades [openstack]
13:32 <jeh> resuming cleanup of designate dns leaks in eqiad1 T235127 [openstack]
2019-10-09 §
21:33 <jeh> cleanup designate dns leaks in eqiad1 T235127 [openstack]
20:53 <jeh> restarting designate-sink in eqiad1 with updated wmfsink handler T235127 [openstack]
2019-10-07 §
18:38 <jeh> cleanup fullstack VMs created during Newton upgrade [openstack]
2019-10-03 §
19:37 <jeh> update codfw1dev endpoints with new domain url [openstack]
2019-09-24 §
22:32 <jeh> add icingia downtime for puppet and systemd state on cloudcontrol1004 T223907 [openstack]
22:32 <jeh> disable puppet agent and keystone on cloudcontrol1004 (standby) T223907 [openstack]
21:10 <jeh> updating eqiad1 haproxy configuration [openstack]
2019-09-23 §
19:07 <jeh> reconfigure keystone in eqiad1 with apache and mod_wsgi T223907 [openstack]
2019-09-09 §
22:03 <jeh> schedule icingia downtime on nova-fullstack VM check during puppet maintenance [openstack]
2019-09-05 §
14:45 <jeh> update dns-servers on CODFW subnet `cloudinstancesb-v4` [openstack]
2019-09-03 §
12:42 <jeh> Set Icingia downtime on cloudcontrol100[34]and cloudservices100[34] for database switch over T229657 [openstack]
2019-08-14 §
13:57 <jeh> added icingia downtime until 2019-08-28 on cloudvirt1024 T230442 [openstack]
2019-08-13 §
17:02 <jeh> increase wikidata-query cpu quota T230247 [openstack]
2019-08-07 §
14:29 <jeh> remove invalid neutron role assignment T230003 [openstack]