3651-3700 of 3899 results (11ms)
2008-11-25 §
01:06 <brion> forcing a manual run of centralnotice batch update on hume [production]
01:04 <brion> retstarting memcached on srv64 [production]
01:02 <brion> memcache bad on srv64 [production]
01:01 <brion> notice texts borked on at least wikimedia, wiktionary [production]
2008-11-24 §
22:45 <brion> updated ContributionReporting for some silly bugs [production]
22:20 <RobH> portal and portal_talk namespaces added to dvwiki per https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16403 [production]
22:04 <RobH> added two new namespaces to dewikinews per https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16263 [production]
21:29 <RobH> removed a group and granted further permission customization for huwiki per https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15568 [production]
21:09 <RobH> pushed a bad flaggedrevs.php that rendered blank pages for all wiki's with flaggedrevs enabled. fixed it, its working properly now, opps ;] [production]
21:06 <RobH> appended page and dossier namespaces into the frwikinews flagged revisions per https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15346 [production]
20:36 <RobH> enabled flaggedrevs on ukwiktionary per https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15335, and ran sync-common-all [production]
20:27 <RobH> ran sync-common-all [production]
20:27 <RobH> enabled flaggedrevs on dewiktionary [production]
20:07 <mark> moved upload knams LVS to mint [production]
20:05 <brion> mark is on the case -- LVS overload [production]
19:59 <brion> seem to be getting heavy packet loss on some routes to knams [production]
19:47 <RobH> changed nameservers for wikimedia.li to WMCH administered name servers. [production]
19:30 <RobH> re-enabled arzwiki, cannot find the bugzilla entry. [production]
15:43 <RobH> search2 reinstalled and ready for search setup and deployment [production]
2008-11-22 §
18:28 <yksinaisyyteni> srv108 (cluster19) disk full, removing old logs [production]
00:37 <brion> bumped php.ini post/file upload limit to 100mb, we'll see how well uploads to that size actually work :) [production]
2008-11-21 §
23:11 <brion> dropping 'Wikipedia: a non-profit project" banner from rotation, as it's apparently not a winner [production]
22:56 <brion> updated logo for cr.wikipedia ([[bugzilla:16417]]) [production]
18:34 <brion> running updateAutoPromote on new flaggedrevs wikis ([[bugzilla:16415]]) [production]
2008-11-20 §
01:00 <brion> updating ContributionHistory [production]
00:34 <brion> moving $wgStyleSheetPath back to upload.wikimedia.org [production]
2008-11-19 §
22:48 <brion> updating Tomas skin to r43752 for toc fix [production]
22:41 <brion> scapping for ContributionReporting update to 43750 (localization bugs) [production]
22:40 <brion> ran namespaceDupes --prefix=D on enwiki and dewiki -- some 'D:blah' pages conflicted with iw prefix 'd' for wiktionary [production]
15:53 <brion> updated centralnotice templates with user-targetted lightweight collapsed notice (wish it was for everybody) [production]
01:38 <brion> updating CentralNotice to r43697 for anon/user collapsed variants [production]
00:35 <yksinaisyyteni> unmounted storage1:/export/upload on all hosts [production]
00:32 <yksinaisyyteni> rebooted srv{114,184,166} to fix stuck nfs mount [production]
2008-11-18 §
23:52 <brion> enabling new search UI on testwiki [production]
21:35 <brion> switching css/js back to text temporarily to reduce load on upload squids [production]
21:27 <brion> request -- squid conf deploy script should do a config file dry-run before actually deploying [production]
21:26 <brion> there's load on ms1... [production]
21:25 <brion> started more... most... all? squids in squids_uploda [production]
21:24 <brion> restarted squid manually on 46 [production]
21:17 <brion> uploads still borked, we're investigating the squid config problem [production]
21:16 <brion> rebuilding squid conf, was a little funky [production]
21:12 <brion> updating squid config to send centralnotice to ms1 instead of storage1 [production]
20:41 <RobH> db24 reinstalled, awaiting domas to do the magic db stuff [production]
20:38 <RobH> replaced disk /c0/p7 in amane and started rebuild [production]
20:34 <RobH> replaced controller in search2, search2 requires reinstall [production]
20:34 <RobH> replaced controller in db24, db24 reinstalling. [production]
20:03 <mark> installed gmond on db9 and db10 [production]
19:59 <brion> scapping to update Collection for regression fix [production]
01:51 <mark> Moved text LVS to temporary LVS host lvs4, with an optimized kernel [production]
01:48 <brion> setting $wgStyleSheetPath to point at upload.wikimedia.org/skins for non-SSL hosts [production]