3751-3800 of 9120 results (14ms)
2010-01-11 §
14:43 <mark> Rebooting fuchsia, locked up again [production]
14:24 <mark> Increased load on knsq16-22 by upping lvs weight from 10 to 15 [production]
2010-01-10 §
23:02 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/lucene.php 'rainman asked, rainman guilty, hehehe' [production]
23:01 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/secure.php [production]
17:36 <rainman-sr> search limit raised to 500 again, interwiki search re-enabled for "other" wikis [production]
16:07 <kate> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php 'take ixia back out' [production]
16:06 <kate> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php 'put ixia back' [production]
16:06 <rainman-sr> restarting search cluster to deploy search13-19 [production]
15:58 <domas> all bits serving switched back to text cluster, we have problems with all threads blocking on write(): http://p.defau.lt/?dOBxveiHj_ukjzupEBX3rA [production]
15:19 <rainman-sr> configuring search13-19, will leave search20 as spare [production]
14:22 <domas> apparently varnish worker threads are blocking on network output, ... :) [production]
12:40 <domas> full bits pmtpa load sent to sq1 [production]
12:04 <domas> sending half of bits load to sq1 [production]
12:02 <domas> set up separate geo balancing for bits via bits-geo.wikimedia.org [production]
10:45 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'setting extension asset path to bits.wm' [production]
10:42 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/UsabilityInitiative.hooks.php [production]
10:29 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/includes/Setup.php [production]
10:29 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/includes/DefaultSettings.php [production]
09:36 <domas> moving over static assets to 'bits.wikimedia.org' [production]
09:11 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
09:09 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/secure.php [production]
08:26 <kate> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
08:25 <river> taking ixia out of rotation to dump commons [production]
2010-01-09 §
17:31 <mark> Upgraded pdns-recursor to on dobson, mchenry, lily [production]
15:32 <mark> Temporarily filtering all prefixes from 1299 on br1-knams, due to some balanced link blackholing issue [production]
13:10 <midom> ran sync-common-all [production]
12:45 <domas> restarted, that is :) [production]
12:44 <domas> fixed ns1, was deadlocked [production]
2010-01-08 §
21:48 <Rob> nagios is flapping errors for esams hosts, but they are still up and functional. Perhaps due to new transit setup earlier today. [production]
20:10 <Rob> pushing dns update for flaggedrevssandbox project [production]
16:09 <Rob> finished mobile2 initial setup, gave hcatlin sudo rights to server [production]
15:46 <mark> Brought up transit session to 1257 on br1-knams [production]
14:06 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
11:42 <midom> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
2010-01-07 §
20:22 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'bug 22038: Enable Collection extension on skwiki' [production]
20:21 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'bug 19418: Fix $wgUploadNavigationUrl on bnwiki' [production]
20:16 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'bug 21517: Enable patrolling on frwikiversity' [production]
19:54 <Rob> base install done on mobile2, pdf2, transcode1, transcode2 [production]
16:55 <Rob> srv254-srv257 racked, drac online, network attached. needs installs [production]
15:46 <Rob> racked srv254-srv257. DRAC setup, cables run. Network not plugged in until mark provisions the ports. [production]
02:51 <Tim> restarted apache2 on wikitech to fix swapping [production]
02:28 <Fred> rebooted pascal as it was once again hung [production]
02:07 <mark> Prepended AS 43821 once on incoming prefixes from AS 1299 [production]
2010-01-06 §
23:43 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Disable OptIn on trwikimedia' [production]
17:17 <Rob> updated dns for tr.wikimedia.org [production]
14:47 <Rob> updated techblog software to newest stable revision [production]
14:01 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'bug 22027: Enable AbuseFilter and CAPTCHA on trwiki' [production]
13:27 <river> restarted slave on db26 [production]
12:56 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'bug 19418: Set $wgUploadNavigationUrl on bnwiki' [production]
12:37 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/includes/GlobalFunctions.php 'remove debugging code from yesterday' [production]