3201-3250 of 9581 results (5ms)
2010-04-09 §
11:55 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/languages/messages/MessagesEs.php 'r64784: Restore ORDERNAR: alias' [production]
10:39 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/includes/specials/SpecialUserlogin.php 'r64783' [production]
09:43 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/languages/messages/MessagesMl.php [production]
09:35 <RoanKattouw> Touched MessagesEn.php on srv252 to shut up "not a valid magic thingie" errors [production]
09:34 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/includes/api/ApiBase.php 'Deploy r64778 to shut up PHP warning' [production]
07:33 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php 'all repooled' [production]
07:20 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
07:19 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'read/write' [production]
07:18 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php 'depooling servers still lagged' [production]
06:55 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
06:54 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php 'all wikis read-only' [production]
06:48 <Tim> preloading centralauth.globaluser into RAM on s3 slave servers [production]
06:37 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/ExtensionMessages.php [production]
06:36 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/ExtensionMessages.php [production]
06:33 <root> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... [production]
06:33 <root> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... [production]
06:33 <Tim> deploying MW 1.16wmf4 [production]
05:33 <Tim> svn switch svn+ssh://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/wmf/1.16wmf4 [production]
05:05 <JeLuF> 15357 - Redirect dk.wiktionary and dk.wikibooks to da.wiktionary and da.wikibooks respectively [production]
04:53 <jeluf> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '#11766 - Install Labeled Section Transclusion extension on fr.wikipedia' [production]
00:01 <Tim> pilot updated for r64769 [production]
2010-04-08 §
23:50 <andrew> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/LiquidThreads/classes/Thread.php [production]
23:50 <andrew> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/LiquidThreads_alpha/classes/Thread.php [production]
23:49 <Andrew> Deploying r64767 [production]
23:46 <Tim> on kaulen: svn up 1.16wmf4 [production]
23:38 <aaron> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/FlaggedRevs_alpha/specialpages/Stabilization_body.php 'deployed r64765' [production]
23:06 <andrew> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/LiquidThreads/classes/Thread.php [production]
23:06 <andrew> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/LiquidThreads_alpha/classes/View.php [production]
23:05 <andrew> synchronized php-1.5/extensions/LiquidThreads_alpha/classes/Thread.php [production]
23:05 <Andrew> Deploying r64762 [production]
22:16 <catrope> synchronized php-1.5/languages/messages/MessagesAce.php 'r64760' [production]
20:14 <mark> Set up p2p link (vlan) between csw1-esams and csw2-esams over the 2x10G trunk and configured OSPF [production]
19:41 <mark> Made csw1-esams and br1-knams originate default routes (v4/v6) in OSPF [production]
19:39 <aaron> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... [production]
19:39 <AaronSchulz> deployed r64754 (FlaggedRevs_alpha) [production]
19:34 <jeluf> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '#23038 - Set sitename of Belorussian Wiktionary' [production]
19:24 <atglenn> missing.php update was copy paste from meta in accordance with bug 11125 [production]
19:23 <jeluf> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '#22974 - Enable FlaggedRevs on bswiki' [production]
19:23 <jeluf> synchronized flaggedrevs.dblist '#22974 - Enable FlaggedRevs on bswiki' [production]
19:23 <ariel> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/missing.php [production]
18:22 <jeluf> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '23077 - Extension:Collection for English Wikiversity' [production]
18:19 <jeluf> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php '23081 - Remove "makesysop" right from bureaucrats and stewards groups' [production]
17:42 <mark> Implemented OSPFv3 on AS43821 [production]
17:01 <Rob> db31-db40 racked and lom setup (except db34 which has an unresponsive bmc fresh from factory. [production]
16:10 <mark> Rebooted br1-knams after it got confused about OSPF area 0 vs [production]
15:10 <mark> Changed OSPF reference bandwidth from 100 Mbps to 100 Gbps on all AS43821 routers [production]
06:25 <kate> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
06:25 <river> removing lomaria to dump s5 for TS [production]
06:22 <kate> synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php [production]
06:22 <river> removing db30 to dump s2 for TS [production]