2551-2600 of 10000 results (20ms)
2011-04-28 §
22:17 <pdhanda> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Disabled option to allow blocked users to edit their talk pages on itwiki. See Bug 9073' [production]
21:02 <Ryan_Lane> created Ambassador-announce-l list [production]
20:52 <richcole1> replacing memory in srv281 [production]
20:49 <RobH> srv281 shutdown for memory replacement [production]
20:41 <pdhanda> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable by default, option to enable blocked users to edit their own talk page' [production]
20:34 <richcole1> replacing bad drive in srv284 [production]
20:08 <Ryan_Lane> powercycling srv281 [production]
20:03 <RobH> ms4 is powered down, was already offline and unresponsive to console. [production]
18:19 <demon> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 87091: r87090, r87091 [production]
18:02 <mark> Restarted apache on srv235, probably corrupted apc cache [production]
17:57 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Re-enabling EmailCapture on enwiki' [production]
17:54 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 87084: [production]
17:47 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Preparing conf for ArticleFeedback with way less click tracking to prevent cluster breakage' [production]
17:40 <RobH> etherpad.proxy to 000-etherpad.proxy on hooper apache2 enabled, should fix [production]
17:34 <RobH> hooper vhost for testblog back online [production]
17:17 <RobH> rolled back testblog vhost from hooper [production]
17:01 <RobH> testblog enabled for initial setup on hooper without disrupting etherpad service (on either of its url redirects) [production]
16:56 <RobH> updating etherpad.proxy apache config to include eiximenis serveralias and enabling the testblog vhost [production]
16:48 <Reedy> Manually pinged CR update script, had got stuck - 2 revisions. Let me know if it does it again [production]
16:21 <catrope> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 87085: [production]
16:21 <RoanKattouw> Rolling back ArticleFeedback deployment [production]
16:11 <RoanKattouw> API cluster was briefly dead just now after enabling EmailCapture, disabling it seems to be bringing it back [production]
16:09 <catrope> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Disable EmailCapture, maybe this will bring our API Apaches back' [production]
16:04 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enabling EmailCapture on enwiki' [production]
16:02 <RoanKattouw> (that was for the ArticleFeedback deployment) [production]
15:58 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 87083: [production]
14:08 <nelson> Upped the max_connections for rsyncd from 2 to 5 across the test cluster. [production]
13:56 <nelson> Upped the concurrency of swift-object-replicator from default of 1 to 5 [production]
13:38 <mark> Restored I/O scheduler deadline for device /dev/sda on alsted [production]
13:34 <mark> Temporarily set I/O scheduler cfq for device /dev/sda on alsted [production]
12:29 <mark> powercycled harmon [production]
01:00 <awjr> upgraded dev.civicrm.wikimedia.org to CiviCRM 3.4.0 [production]
2011-04-27 §
20:24 <nimish_g> nimishg enabling CustomUserSignup extension on enwiki [production]
20:20 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'enabling' [production]
01:44 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/extensions/ClickTracking/modules/ext.UserBuckets.js 'setting cookie expiry to 90 days' [production]
01:44 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/extensions/ClickTracking/ClickTracking.hooks.php 'setting cookie expiry to 90 days' [production]
01:43 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/extensions/CustomUserSignup/CustomUserSignup.hooks.php 'setting cooky expiry to 90 days' [production]
01:03 <Tim> updated sudoers in puppet for r83000 [production]
00:25 <Tim> reniced sshd on sockpuppet to -2 so that I can log in while catalog updates are running [production]
2011-04-26 §
23:40 <nimishg> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 86895: [production]
23:33 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
23:26 <root> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 86895: [production]
23:15 <Tim> disabled CustomUserSignup, was causing fatal error on mediawiki.org due to incorrect path [production]
23:15 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
23:13 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'turning' [production]
23:00 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'turning' [production]
22:55 <nimishg> synchronized php-1.17/extensions/CustomUserSignup/CustomUserSignup.hooks.php 'r86994' [production]
22:49 <notpeter> stopping nagios for a wee sec and then restarting. [production]
22:09 <nimishg> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... Revision: 86895: [production]
22:08 <nimish_g> nimishg pushing CustomUserSignup code to cluster, running on mediawikiwiki only [production]