151-200 of 10000 results (11ms)
2011-10-26 §
17:15 <LocalisationUpdate> failed [production]
17:15 <LocalisationUpdate> failed [production]
17:10 <Jeff_Green> hooray. EV cert is deployed on payments.wikimedia.org [production]
17:03 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/ExtensionMessages.php [production]
15:42 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'touch' [production]
15:40 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable ClickTracking on meta so AFT will work' [production]
15:34 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'sync' [production]
15:33 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Set wmgArticleFeedbackNamespaces to NS_MEDIAWIKI for metawiki' [production]
15:20 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'touch' [production]
15:17 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable ArticleFeedback on meta, only for a test category for now' [production]
15:15 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Code for wmgArticleFeedbackRatingTypes -> wgArticleFeedbackRatingTypes' [production]
15:14 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Add wmgArticleFeedbackRatingTypes, only set for metawiki' [production]
14:56 <catrope> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : ArticleFeedback changes: [[rev:100808|r100808]], [[rev:100811|r100811]], [[rev:100814|r100814]] [production]
14:29 <^demon> scratch that, svn copy is borked [production]
14:26 <^demon> updated users.php on svn.wm.o from svn copy. this should go in puppet anyway. [production]
14:19 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/includes/OutputPage.php 'Shut up PHP notice' [production]
09:25 <mutante> nagios was broken due to services for host knsq14 while the host did not exist anymore, fixed by purge-nagios-resources.py which is called by the init script [production]
09:16 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/cache/interwiki-pr.cdb '[[bugzilla:31428|bug 31428]], again' [production]
02:18 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Wed Oct 26 02:21:30 UTC 2011 [production]
00:26 <Tim> on locke: set awk to point to mawk instead of gawk and sent a HUP to udp2log [production]
00:14 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
2011-10-25 §
23:46 <preilly> weekly mobile frontend update [production]
23:46 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/javascripts/opensearch.js 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:45 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/javascripts/application.js 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:45 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/stylesheets/common.css 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:45 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/_search_webkit.html.php 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:44 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/application.html.php 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:44 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]
23:09 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/modules/ext.codereview.js '[[rev:100760|r100760]]' [production]
23:08 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Collection/js/collection.js '[[rev:100760|r100760]]' [production]
23:08 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/AbuseFilter/AbuseFilter.php '[[rev:100760|r100760]]' [production]
22:54 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [[rev:100759|r100759]] [production]
22:06 <Tim> rebooting hume, it went OOM and stopped responding [production]
21:03 <awjr> synced civicrm installs on grosley and aluminium to [[rev:671|r671]] of the wikimedia repo [production]
20:13 <LeslieCarr> updating dns [production]
18:37 <LeslieCarr> puppetizing mw1001-1160 - please ignore all alerts about them for now [production]
17:52 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Reenable ClickTracking UDP logger, now pointing to emery' [production]
16:52 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Disable ClickTracking UDP logging to offload locke. Collector had already been killed' [production]
16:49 <RoanKattouw> Killed AFT log collector on locke. Process was a direct child of init (PID 1), command line was /usr/bin/udp2log --config-file=/etc/udp2log/aft -p 842 [production]
13:11 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/cache/interwiki-pr.cdb '[[bugzilla:31428|bug 31428]]' [production]
12:18 <mark> All eBGP peerings of br1-knams are off now, no more packet loss [production]
12:10 <mark> Reenabled some eBGP peerings of br1-knams as cr1-esams transit couldn't handle it alone [production]
12:00 <mark> Shutting down all BGP peerings of br1-knams [production]
11:15 <mutante> mw64 - zombie apt-get process,updated APT and libpam,syslog: "nrpe invoked oom-killer","Out of memory: kill process ..(apache2)" etc.,check "free swap" in Ganglia [production]
10:39 <mutante> mw64 - Apache HTTP flapping OK-CRIT-OK.. - high load avg.,swapping, swap Size/Used 975864 [production]
09:08 <mutante> erzurumi - installed libpam security updates [production]
05:59 <Tim> on hume: running refreshImageMetadata.php on all wikis [production]
02:18 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Tue Oct 25 02:20:43 UTC 2011 [production]
2011-10-24 §
22:36 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/User.php [production]
22:31 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes 'deployed [[rev:100657|r100657]]' [production]