451-500 of 10000 results (13ms)
2011-10-14 §
21:18 <Jeff_Green> payments1/payments2 back online with mw 1.17 [production]
21:14 <awjr> mw 1.17 deployment to payments1 complete [production]
20:46 <awjr> mw 1.17 deployment to payments2 complete [production]
18:50 <preilly> finish pushing fix for mobile frontend [production]
18:50 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/_search_webkit.html.php 'emergency update to mobile frontend' [production]
18:50 <preilly> synchronized php/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/_search_webkit.html.php 'emergency update to mobile frontend' [production]
18:41 <preilly> synchronized php/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'emergency update to mobile frontend' [production]
18:40 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'emergency update to mobile frontend' [production]
18:40 <preilly> pushing emergency fix to xml view of mobile frontend [production]
18:12 <Jeff_Green> rm'd /var/log/ganglia/ganglia_parser.log to recover 27GB on spence [production]
18:11 <Jeff_Green> rm'd /var/log/ganglia/ganglia_parser.log to recover 27GB [production]
17:57 <Jeff_Green> stopping various ganglia services too on spence b/c / is at 99% and the box nearly a doorstop [production]
17:56 <Jeff_Green> stopping nagios on spence b/c / is at 99% and the box nearly a doorstop [production]
17:00 <Jeff_Green> stopped mysql on db10 before it crashes from overrunning disk . . . [production]
02:22 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Fri Oct 14 02:24:42 UTC 2011 [production]
2011-10-13 §
22:24 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiBlock.php '[[rev:99739|r99739]]' [production]
20:39 <preilly> pushing weekly update [production]
20:39 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'normal update to mobile frontend' [production]
20:37 <preilly> synchronized php/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'normal update to mobile frontend' [production]
19:53 <Tim> running svn cleanup on ExtensionDistributor trunk [production]
18:56 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/includes/Title.php '[[rev:99717|r99717]]' [production]
18:56 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/includes/parser/ParserCache.php '[[rev:99717|r99717]]' [production]
18:56 <catrope> synchronized php-1.17/includes/Title.php '[[rev:99717|r99717]]' [production]
18:56 <catrope> synchronized php-1.17/includes/parser/ParserCache.php '[[rev:99717|r99717]]' [production]
16:56 <RobH> raised alert limits on ps1-b5-sdtpa from 24 to 26 amps (it tops out at 28 amps) [production]
16:42 <Reedy> [[rev:99694|r99694]] being merged, even [production]
16:40 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiFeedWatchlist.php '[[rev:99696|r99696]]' [production]
16:40 <Tim> rebooting srv171, not responding on ssh or serial but still responding on HTTP [production]
16:21 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Fix logos per [[bugzilla:31525|bug 31525]] [[bugzilla:31668|bug 31668]]' [production]
02:17 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Thu Oct 13 02:20:22 UTC 2011 [production]
2011-10-12 §
23:07 <Tim> ran puppetd -tv on srv171 which started apache [production]
23:04 <Tim> ran sync-common on srv171 [production]
22:58 <RobH> rebooting srv171, its serial console is unresponsive [production]
22:54 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/UploadWizard/resources/mw.fileApi.js '[[rev:99654|r99654]]' [production]
22:53 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/resources/mediawiki.special/mediawiki.special.upload.js '[[rev:99654|r99654]]' [production]
22:40 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 're-enabling ArticleFeedback on the other wikis where it was temporarily disabled' [production]
21:44 <Tim> running PrefSwitch-addusertext.sql on hiwiki, huwiki, ptwiki, ptwikibooks [production]
21:36 <Ryan_Lane> adding wmflabs.* and wikimedialabs.* domains to DNS [production]
21:28 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 're-enabling article feedback for enwiki' [production]
21:13 <asher> synchronized php-1.18/includes/job/JobQueue.php 'temporarily removing select for update' [production]
20:56 <Jeff_Green> moved donate wiki VirtualHost from remnants.conf to main.conf so it can catch donate.wikipedia.org [production]
19:56 <py> synchronized wmf-config/mc.php 'swapping two mc instances for LAST TWO upgrades to lucid' [production]
19:17 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'disabling ArticleFeedback because it is generating SQL fatal errors due to broken SimpleSurvey' [production]
19:17 <Reedy> Created WikiLove tables on all wikis that require it [production]
19:10 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/includes/UserMailer.php '[[rev:99646|r99646]] Hopefully reduce number of enotif jobs by not inserting them in the first place if they're not going to send anything' [production]
18:55 <Reedy> Created wikilove tables on nowiki [production]
18:38 <Tim> running various tests against en.wikipedia.org to try to find rogue apaches and/or "can't connect to localhost" db errors [production]
17:53 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 31295 - Define transwiki import source for kmwikt (Khmer Wiktionary) from en, fr, th, and lo' [production]
17:45 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 31372 - Install Narayam in all Sinhala wiki projects' [production]
17:41 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 31525 - Change logo on sg.wikipedia' [production]