351-400 of 10000 results (7ms)
2011-12-12 §
15:23 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/includes/specials/SpecialSearch.php '[[rev:105888|r105888]]' [production]
15:05 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 23452 - Change logo on dk.wikimedia.org' [production]
14:25 <apergos> thumb cleaner suspended for the night [production]
13:52 <Guest74122> fixed nagios by manually adjusting out/updated check commands below puppet_checks.d [production]
08:14 <apergos> chown/grp mwdeploy of /usr/local/apache/common/php/cache on srv150-srv190 to shut up the l10n rsync job [production]
07:56 <apergos> on hume installed parsekit via pecl, needed for cron jbo mb-dump.sh (mood bar) and for a tor-related cron job [production]
07:53 <apergos> on hume installed libcrypt-ssleay-perl and (maybe superfluous) libnet-ssleay-perl to fix honeypot cronjob which was relying on an old version in someone's home directory [production]
07:02 <apergos> also restarted morebots, it was missing from the channel for some reason [production]
07:01 <apergos> thumb cleaner started up on ms5 for the day [production]
2011-12-11 §
16:57 <apergos> thumb cleaner to bed for the night, let it run a bit long but seems like traffic was ok on a Sunday night [production]
16:00 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Set EnableDnsBlacklis for thwiki' [production]
15:58 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'swap wgEnableSorbs for wgEnableDnsBlacklist' [production]
15:40 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'touch' [production]
15:37 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/ApiSandbox/ext.apiSandbox.js '[[rev:105799|r105799]]' [production]
07:00 <apergos> thumb cleaner back at work on ms5 for the day [production]
2011-12-10 §
15:24 <apergos> thunbs cleaner to bed for the night [production]
06:58 <apergos> thumb cleaner back at work for the day [production]
00:25 <Ryan_Lane> fixed security groups in nova, was apparent a changed flag [production]
2011-12-09 §
22:34 <LeslieCarr> manually linked /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/racktables2.wikimedia.org for temporary racktables2 installation [production]
17:44 <logmsgbot_> nikerabbit synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : WebFonts on testwiki [production]
15:24 <apergos> thumb cleaner to bed for the night [production]
09:41 <logmsgbot_> nikerabbit synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WebFonts/ 'Syncing WebFonts [[rev:105661|r105661]]' [production]
07:01 <apergos> thumb cleaner revived for the day, now skipping (hopefully) images with exif rotation data in them that mediawiki uses [production]
01:37 <logmsgbot_> tstarling synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'r/w on enwiki' [production]
01:32 <Tim> on db32 my.cnf reduced the innodb pool size from 55 to 53 GB after OOM [production]
01:23 <logmsgbot_> tstarling synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'switching s1 to read-only mode' [production]
2011-12-08 §
23:14 <maplebed> nagios and ganglia are back up and alive for now. [production]
22:51 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 32119 - Change the diacritics in the namespaces at ro.wikinews' [production]
22:44 <RobH> ganglia and nagios will be down during spence reboot [production]
22:43 <RobH> rebooting spence [production]
22:33 <apergos> stopping and restarting nagios on spence... had high load and swap going on [production]
22:26 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 32119 - Change the diacritics in the namespaces at ro.wikinews' [production]
22:02 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Revert last push due to a lot of page conflicts' [production]
21:57 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 32119 - Change the diacritics in the namespaces at ro.wikinews' [production]
21:50 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'wgNoticeBanner_Harvard2011 for enwiki' [production]
21:36 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'wgNoticeBanner_Harvard2011[salt]' [production]
21:26 <notpeter> restarting puppet on brewster [production]
21:14 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php 'remove debugging line' [production]
21:10 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Set some centralnotice config for testwiki' [production]
21:01 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php '[[rev:105588|r105588]]' [production]
21:00 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.db.php '[[rev:105588|r105588]]' [production]
20:58 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/UserDailyContribs/api/ApiUserDailyContribs.php '[[rev:105587|r105587]]' [production]
20:56 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/extensions/UserDailyContribs/UserDailyContribs.php '[[rev:105587|r105587]]' [production]
19:16 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized php-1.18/resources/jquery.ui/themes/vector/jquery.ui.button.css [production]
19:09 <notpeter> temporarily stopping puppet on brewster for prototyping of partman config. feel free to restart if needed :) [production]
18:45 <logmsgbot_> laner synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable Emergency Captcha for ptwikinews' [production]
18:08 <RobH> ns0/1/2 all dig fine now [production]
18:07 <RobH> restarted pdns on ns1 and ns2, my dns change was an hour ago... [production]
17:50 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/flaggedrevs.php '$wgGroupPermissions[sysop][stablesettings] = true for frwikinews' [production]
17:39 <logmsgbot_> reedy synchronized wmf-config/flaggedrevs.php 'Tweak fiwiki settings for [[bugzilla:29742|bug 29742]]' [production]