2251-2300 of 10000 results (18ms)
2012-01-04 §
03:17 <Tim> on spence in nagios.cfg, reduced service_reaper_frequency from 10 to 1, to avoid having a massive process count spike every 10 seconds as checks are started. Locally only as a test. [production]
02:27 <Ryan_Lane> I should clarify that I removed from /etc/network/interfaces, it's still properly bound to lo [production]
02:24 <Tim> on spence: setting up logrotate for nagios.log and removing nagios-bloated-log.log [production]
02:22 <Ryan_Lane> removing manually added address from lvs4 [production]
02:01 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Wed Jan 4 02:04:57 UTC 2012 [production]
01:43 <Nemo_bis> Last week slowness: job queue backlog now cleared on !Wikimedia Commons and (almost) English !Wikipedia http://ur1.ca/77q9b [production]
01:02 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/includes/ '[[rev:107978|r107978]]' [production]
00:45 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions '[[rev:107977|r107977]], [[rev:107976|r107976]]' [production]
00:39 <Tim> running purgeParserCache.php on hume, deleting objects older than 3 months [production]
00:38 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/includes/specials/ '[[rev:107975|r107975]]' [production]
00:29 <tstarling> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
00:27 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Nuke/ '[[rev:107974|r107974]]' [production]
00:25 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/ '[[rev:107970|r107970]]' [production]
2012-01-03 §
23:00 <Tim> on spence: restarting gmetad [production]
22:58 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Pushing [[rev:107953|r107953]], [[rev:107955|r107955]], [[rev:107956|r107956]], [[rev:107957|r107957]] [production]
22:47 <LeslieCarr> stopping and then starting apache2 on spence to try and lower load [production]
22:29 <RobH> added in the lo addres to lvs4, now its working and generating thumbnails [production]
22:09 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Push [[rev:107938|r107938]] [[rev:107948|r107948]] [production]
21:45 <RobH> ganglia graphs will have missing data for past 30 to 40 minutes [production]
21:45 <RobH> spence back online, ganglia and nagios confirmed operational [production]
21:38 <RobH> resetting spence and dropping to serial to try to fix it [production]
21:25 <RobH> nagios and ganglia down due to spence reboot, system still coming back online [production]
21:21 <RobH> spence is unresponsive to ssh and serial console, rebooting [production]
21:14 <LeslieCarr> resetting DRAC 5 on spence for management connectivity [production]
21:05 <binasher> that fixed it. but how did that happen? [production]
21:05 <binasher> ran ip addr add label "lo:LVS" dev lo on lvs4 [production]
19:36 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/skins/common/images/ '[[rev:107930|r107930]]' [production]
17:36 <mutante> killing more runJobs.php / nextJobDB.php processes on a bunch of servers (/home/catrope/badjobrunners) [production]
17:26 <RoanKattouw> Stopping job runners on the following DECOMMISSIONED servers: srv151 srv152 srv153 srv158 srv160 srv164 srv165 srv166 srv167 srv168 srv170 srv176 srv177 srv178 srv181 srv184 srv185 [production]
15:55 <RobH> torrus back, took forever to recompile [production]
15:53 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 33485 - Enable WikiLove in si.wikipedia' [production]
15:52 <Reedy> Created wikilove tables on siwiki [production]
15:46 <RobH> torrus deadlocked, kicking [production]
14:00 <RoanKattouw> Restarting job runners on srv242 and mw25, those are the last ones that are stuck [production]
13:57 <RoanKattouw> Restarting all job runners that are stuck [production]
13:48 <RoanKattouw> Restarting job runner on srv236, seems to be stuck [production]
02:02 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Tue Jan 3 02:05:21 UTC 2012 [production]
2012-01-02 §
23:36 <Reedy> Seems to potentially be an issue with job runners, enwiki backed up to over 90k over the last week or so. Needs investigating [production]
23:18 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.18/includes/parser/Parser.php '[[rev:107856|r107856]]' [production]
22:58 <tstarling> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
18:08 <nikerabbit> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 33368: WebFonts on bpywiki' [production]
18:05 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/languages/messages/ 'i18ndeploy [[rev:107843|r107843]]' [production]
18:04 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WebFonts/WebFonts.i18n.php 'i18ndeploy [[rev:107843|r107843]]' [production]
16:58 <mutante> installed SiteMap extension on Bugzilla - soon bugs should be googleable [production]
16:33 <mutante> upgraded Bugzilla from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (http://www.bugzilla.org/releases/4.0.3/release-notes.html#v40_point) (RT #2194) [production]
14:47 <mutante> cleaned out gammu spool to stop sms bomb - sorry. deamon runs again now though.. [production]
14:36 <mutante> fixed gammu-smsd on spence per wikitech "Nagios#Fixing_the_USB_dongle" (sending out queued SMS now ) [production]
14:30 <mutante> puppet ran on spence, ganglia also seems ok despite the errors i logged before. gammu-smsd cant find device again though [production]
14:03 <mutante> spence / gmetad - RRD_update .. illegal attempt to update using time .. last update time is .. (minimum one second step) [production]
13:57 <mutante> gmond complains about missing kernel modules on spence when trying to start on boot [production]