3151-3200 of 10000 results (15ms)
2012-01-20 §
00:45 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'doubling db52 weight' [production]
00:38 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'lowering db52 weight' [production]
00:32 <binasher> deployed new enwiki slave, db52 [production]
00:32 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'setting db52 to full weight' [production]
00:19 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'adding new enwiki slave db52, with a low weight' [production]
00:08 <preilly> push weekly mobile frontend update [production]
00:08 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'weekly update to Mobile Frontend' [production]
2012-01-19 §
23:56 <Ryan_Lane> changed global roles netadmins and sysadmins to be virtual static groups in ldap that autopopulate with any user that has objectclass=novauser [production]
23:15 <Tim> rebuilt wikidiff2 with package name php-wikidiff2, removed lucid package php5-wikidiff2 from apt using "reprepro remove" [production]
22:52 <Tim> recompiled wikidiff2 and put the new version up on apt.wikimedia.org [production]
21:51 <Jeff_Green> starting conversion of fundraisingdb 'faulkner' tables from myisam to innodb, expect replication delays [production]
21:12 <binasher> starting slaving db52 from db36, running hotbackup of db32 to db53 [production]
20:36 <RobH> dataset1001 shut down for later use [production]
20:27 <RobH> dataset1001 mgmt online [production]
20:15 <RobH> dataset1001.mgmt even [production]
20:15 <RobH> updating dns for dataset1mgmt [production]
20:03 <LeslieCarr> testing [production]
20:00 <LeslieCarr> testing [production]
05:16 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'new sopa banner' [production]
05:14 <laner> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enabling anon editing for enwiki' [production]
05:12 <laner> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enabling page creation for users' [production]
05:08 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'new sopa banner' [production]
05:06 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'new sopa banner' [production]
05:00 <laner> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Removing all SOPA changes, excluding editing for anons, and page creation' [production]
04:57 <binasher> flushing mobile varnish caches [production]
04:53 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'new sopa banner' [production]
04:47 <Ryan_Lane> Preparing InitialiseSettings for renabling Wikipedia. DO NOT SCAP, DO NOT PUSH InitializeSettings [production]
04:32 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Deploying CongressLookup changes for the lifting of the blackout [production]
03:11 <Ryan_Lane> bringing virt1 back up [production]
03:01 <Ryan_Lane> rebooting virt1 to ensure hardware virtualization is enabled in the bios [production]
02:30 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CongressLookup/SpecialCongressLookup.php '[[rev:109477|r109477]]' [production]
02:29 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CongressLookup/CongressLookup.i18n.php '[[rev:109477|r109477]]' [production]
02:06 <Ryan_Lane> rebalance of gluster volume completed [production]
02:05 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Thu Jan 19 02:05:55 UTC 2012 [production]
02:05 <Ryan_Lane> rebalancing instance gluster volume. network may get saturated for a while. [production]
01:55 <Ryan_Lane> added virt1 and virt4 to instance volume for gluster [production]
01:17 <Reedy> Leaving cleanupUploadStash.php running against commonswiki in a screen session as me on hume [production]
01:16 <binasher> removing extra mobile varnish capacity - it wasn't needed [production]
01:15 <awjr> updated zip code/representative data on enwiki to [[rev:109465|r109465]] [production]
01:01 <Ryan_Lane> installed python-argparse on stat1 [production]
00:54 <binasher> running a hot backup of db32, streaming to db52 [production]
00:22 <Ryan_Lane> removing virt1 cname [production]
00:21 <Ryan_Lane> rebuilding virt1 as a nova compute node [production]
00:20 <LeslieCarr> changed vlan for virt1 eth0 [production]
00:18 <Ryan_Lane> cleared lighttpd logs on brewster and restarted squid and lighttpd [production]
00:05 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'returning db32 to normal weight' [production]
2012-01-18 §
23:59 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'returning db32 at a low weight' [production]
23:50 <binasher> rebooting db32 for mysql/kernel upgrades [production]
23:49 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'pulling db32 from s1 for mysql/kernel upgrades' [production]
23:44 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CongressLookup/SpecialCongressLookup.php '[[rev:109457|r109457]]' [production]