2501-2550 of 10000 results (25ms)
2012-03-15 §
21:20 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Bump AFTv4 event logging percentage from 0.27% to 1%' [production]
21:19 <Ryan_Lane> rebalancing instances gluster volume [production]
21:19 <RoanKattouw> That was [[rev:113959|r113959]] [production]
21:18 <catrope> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ArticleFeedback/modules/ext.articleFeedback/ext.articleFeedback.js [production]
21:11 <catrope> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ArticleFeedback/modules/ext.articleFeedback/ext.articleFeedback.js '[[rev:113958|r113958]]' [production]
21:09 <catrope> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5/ '[[rev:113957|r113957]]' [production]
20:46 <mark> bits.pmtpa cluster back online [production]
20:44 <RobH> dns update for silver and zhen servers [production]
20:37 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/cleanupBug31576.php [production]
19:54 <RobH> sq67-sq70 have been reinstalled, but not signed in puppet, not sure if they are ready for that or if there are other items mark needs to change first [production]
19:11 <RobH> working on sq67-sq70 reinstalls, disregard alerts [production]
19:00 <RobH> db1022 resetup and redeployed per rt 2537 and assigned back to asher [production]
18:51 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Running scap to deal with message changes earlier [production]
18:19 <RobH> db1022 coming down for reinstall and resetup of raid per rt 2537 [production]
17:55 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/CentralAuth/ '[[rev:113940|r113940]]' [production]
17:54 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/CheckUser/ '[[rev:113940|r113940]]' [production]
17:53 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/wikihiero/modules/ext.wikihiero.css '[[rev:113940|r113940]]' [production]
17:52 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/NewUserMessage/NewUserMessage.class.php '[[rev:113940|r113940]]' [production]
17:41 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/includes/RecentChange.php '[[rev:113938|r113938]]' [production]
17:38 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.js '[[rev:113936|r113936]]' [production]
17:37 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/includes/specials/SpecialUndelete.php '[[rev:113936|r113936]]' [production]
17:32 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/languages/messages/ '[[rev:113935|r113935]]' [production]
17:31 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/resources/ '[[rev:113935|r113935]]' [production]
17:31 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/includes/ '[[rev:113935|r113935]]' [production]
17:16 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/includes/SkinTemplate.php '[[rev:113932|r113932]]' [production]
16:13 <reedy> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/cleanupBug31576.php '[[rev:113929|r113929]]' [production]
15:15 <mark> Created git repo operations/debs/varnish in gerrit [production]
14:06 <apergos> disabled moodbar temporarily on en wikii, see [[bugzilla:35245|bug 35245]] [production]
14:02 <ariel> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'emergency disable of feedback dashboard (right config var this time?)' [production]
13:51 <ariel> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'emergency disable of feedback dashboard' [production]
13:11 <apergos> on screen as root on dataset1001, copying to gluster volume; if this causes problems feel free to shoot it. ( cp -a 20120211 /mnt/glusterpublicdata/public/enwiki/ ) [production]
09:08 <mutante> ran puppet on mw102 [production]
08:12 <mutante> installing apache,apt,cron,mysql-client upgrades on spence [production]
07:01 <mutante> uprading apache and apt on hume [production]
02:17 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.19) at Thu Mar 15 02:17:35 UTC 2012 [production]
01:26 <Ryan_Lane> labsconsole was missing libapache2-mod-php5. puppet must have tried to upgrade a package unsuccessfully [production]
01:22 <mutante> planet back up (installed libapache2-mod-php5 which installed apache2-mpm-prefork and removed apache2-mpm-worker) [production]
01:19 <mutante> planet down - apache on singer, syntax error in site config "Invalid command 'php_admin_flag'" [production]
01:03 <mutante> fixing nrpe "unable to read output" raid check on srv197,207,243,,244,253.. (nrpe running as wrong user) [production]
2012-03-14 §
23:16 <maplebed> installed the swiftcleaner to run daily from iron. see root's crontab for more info. [production]
20:41 <binasher> disabled log_queries_not_using_indexes on all core dbs [production]
20:33 <preilly> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess/ZeroRatedMobileAccess.body.php 'changes for zero needed for carrier testing header for image support debugging' [production]
20:30 <preilly> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess/ZeroRatedMobileAccess.body.php 'changes for zero needed for carrier testing header for image support debugging' [production]
19:29 <maplebed> rebooting ms-be1 to enable hyperthreading (and make it the same as all the other ms-be hosts) [production]
19:06 <preilly> pushing x-images header for vary support [production]
19:06 <preilly> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess/ZeroRatedMobileAccess.body.php 'changes for zero needed for carrier testing header for image support debugging' [production]
19:05 <preilly> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.body.php 'zero needs to add x-images to vary header' [production]
18:58 <maplebed> ms-be5 is back in rotatino [production]
18:31 <preilly> push zero change for carrier testing [production]
18:31 <preilly> synchronized php-1.19/extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess/ZeroRatedMobileAccess.body.php 'changes for zero needed for carrier testing' [production]