2801-2850 of 10000 results (19ms)
2012-05-08 §
20:31 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/extensions/AntiBot/ [production]
20:30 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/AntiBot/ [production]
20:14 <maplebed> creating sharded containers for swift for 'dewiki','fiwiki', 'frwiki', 'hewiki', 'huwiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'rowiki', 'ruwiki', 'thwiki', 'trwiki', 'ukwiki', 'zhwiki' [production]
19:54 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Moved remaining wikis over to new backend config' [production]
19:34 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/MobileFrontend/ [production]
19:12 <LeslieCarr> flushed mobile varnish cache [production]
19:11 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/MobileFrontend/ [production]
19:10 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/extensions/MobileFrontend/ [production]
18:37 <LeslieCarr> reenabled services on fpc5 of cr1-eqiad [production]
18:16 <cmjohnson1> updating md1000 controller card firmware on storage3 [production]
18:14 <LeslieCarr> turned off fpc5 on cr1-eqiad to swap [production]
18:05 <LeslieCarr> powering on fpc 5 on cr1-eqiad [production]
18:03 <LeslieCarr> powering off fpc5 on cr1-eqiad in order for RobH to physically reseat the card [production]
17:48 <nikerabbit> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable TranslationNotifications on meta, incubator and wikimania2012' [production]
17:44 <nikerabbit> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable TranslationNotifications on mediawikiwiki' [production]
17:42 <LeslieCarr> switching all masterships over to cr2-eqiad in preparation to reseat cr1 linecard [production]
17:25 <LeslieCarr> flushed the mobile cache [production]
17:24 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Rebuilding localisation cache files before TranslationNotification deploy [production]
17:18 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'Pushing out head' [production]
17:16 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/extensions/MobileFrontend/ 'Pushing out head' [production]
17:14 <RobH> asw-c1-eqiad connected to both cr1 and cr2 [production]
15:16 <cmjohnson1> shutting down storage3 to replace raid card [production]
12:40 <pp-pdf1> updated mwlib to 0.13.7 [production]
12:39 <pp-pdf2> updated mwlib to 0.13.7 [production]
12:36 <pp-pdf3> updated mwlib to 0.13.7 [production]
11:59 <mutante> merging CSS fix for broken mobile site table layout [production]
02:18 <RoanKattouw> Removed and recloned /var/lib/l10nupdate/mediawiki/extensions , it was in a weird state because magic extension submodules work now but my hacky workaround for them not working was still in place [production]
02:00 <LocalisationUpdate> failed: git pull of extensions failed [production]
01:12 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/includes/api/ApiMain.php [production]
01:12 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/includes/api/ApiMain.php [production]
00:44 <binasher> rebooted db1034 [production]
00:42 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/includes/Exception.php [production]
00:42 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/includes/DefaultSettings.php [production]
00:37 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/includes/Exception.php [production]
00:36 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/includes/DefaultSettings.php [production]
00:20 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Switched enwiki to new backend config.' [production]
2012-05-07 §
23:52 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'bumping mobilefrontend resource version #' [production]
23:44 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/PageTriage/ [production]
23:43 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/extensions/PageTriage/ [production]
23:36 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/PageTriage/includes/PageTriageUtil.php [production]
23:31 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'wgShowExceptionDetails to true for testwiki and test2wiki' [production]
23:25 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Sync'ing MobileFrontend changes per http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend/Deployments/2012-05-07, take 3 [production]
23:15 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf1/extensions/PageTriage/includes/PageTriageUtil.php [production]
23:15 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf2/extensions/PageTriage/includes/PageTriageUtil.php [production]
23:00 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'wgShowExceptionDetails = false' [production]
22:57 <Ryan_Lane> restarting glusterd processes on virt1-5 [production]
22:56 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Bumping mobile resource version' [production]
22:54 <Ryan_Lane> upgrading glusterfs on virt1-5 [production]
22:49 <Ryan_Lane> upgrading glusterfs on labstore1-4 [production]
22:48 <binasher> running an osc against plwiktionary.recentchanges on master [production]