1601-1650 of 10000 results (22ms)
2012-09-24 §
16:35 <RobH> mc1001-1008 memory upgrade complete [production]
16:35 <cmjohnson1> ms-be6 shutting down for h/w testing [production]
15:51 <RobH> mc1001-mc1008 are having memory upgrades installed. hosts already offline. [production]
13:53 <pp-pdf1> restart all services [production]
13:52 <pp-pdf1> updated mwlib.epub to 0.14.2 [production]
13:52 <pp-pdf1> updated mwlib.rl to 014.1 [production]
13:52 <pp-pdf1> update mwlib to 0.14.1 [production]
13:51 <pp-pdf1> updated timelib to 0.2.4 [production]
13:50 <pp-pdf1> updated pip to 1.2.1 [production]
13:50 <pp-pdf1> updated distribute to 0.6.28 [production]
13:17 <LeslieCarr> switching unnumbered GRE tunnel to numbered GRE Tunnel between cr2-knams and cr2-eqiad for routability reasons [production]
12:45 <LeslieCarr> restarting powerdns on ns2 [production]
09:34 <hashar> synchronized docroot/bits/static-master/ '([[bugzilla:40419|bug 40419]]) extension assets not available on beta (aka add docroot/bits/static-master' [production]
09:23 <hashar> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '([[bugzilla:40436|bug 40436]]) Namespaces configuration for se.wikipedia' [production]
09:19 <hashar> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php '([[bugzilla:40186|bug 40186]]) Favicon for es.wiktionary' [production]
02:53 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf11) at Mon Sep 24 02:53:05 UTC 2012 [production]
02:27 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf12) at Mon Sep 24 02:27:55 UTC 2012 [production]
01:53 <Tim> on hume: running updateCollation.php with --force for [[bugzilla:40462|bug 40462]] [production]
01:50 <Tim> depooled precise appservers and stopped job runners on precise servers [production]
2012-09-23 §
23:26 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Reduce wgMaxGeneratedPPNodeCount to 1.5M' [production]
17:29 <binasher> powercycled cp1043 [production]
02:45 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf11) at Sun Sep 23 02:45:21 UTC 2012 [production]
02:26 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf12) at Sun Sep 23 02:26:13 UTC 2012 [production]
2012-09-22 §
09:26 <mark> Restarted lucene on search1015 [production]
02:46 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf11) at Sat Sep 22 02:46:32 UTC 2012 [production]
02:27 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf12) at Sat Sep 22 02:27:27 UTC 2012 [production]
2012-09-21 §
20:55 <notpeter> removing srv190 from apaches pool to use to test build as an imagescaler [production]
20:38 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'moving ES writes from es1 (cluster23) to es2 (cluster24) and es3 (cluster25)' [production]
20:29 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'db.php with new es shards added, but not being written to' [production]
20:29 <^demon> restarted gerrit like 10m ago to deploy I03de7c74 (apache timeout increase) [production]
20:17 <Jeff_Green> apt-get upgrade on manganese, restart apache for adjusted 5->10m gerrit timeout [production]
20:15 <mutante> analytics1007 seems dead. powercycle but never see any console output on mgmt at all [production]
14:49 <hashar> labs: cleaned out a 4GB file out of labs-nfs1:/export/home/deployment-prep [production]
02:49 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf11) at Fri Sep 21 02:49:27 UTC 2012 [production]
02:25 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf12) at Fri Sep 21 02:25:33 UTC 2012 [production]
01:39 <krinkle> synchronized php-1.20wmf12/extensions/LiquidThreads 'I5a098a42' [production]
01:37 <krinkle> synchronized php-1.20wmf12/skins/common/preview.js 'Ia9673a75' [production]
00:16 <binasher> configured pt-heartbeat on es2 and es3 shards [production]
2012-09-20 §
23:18 <kaldari> synchronized php-1.20wmf12/extensions/PageTriage/modules/ext.pageTriage.defaultTagsOptions/ext.pageTriage.defaultTagsOptions.js [production]
23:17 <kaldari> synchronized php-1.20wmf11/extensions/PageTriage/modules/ext.pageTriage.defaultTagsOptions/ext.pageTriage.defaultTagsOptions.js [production]
22:58 <Ryan_Lane> restarting gerrit [production]
22:36 <notpeter> stopping puppet on brewster [production]
22:20 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/filebackend.php [production]
22:18 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/filebackend.php 'Enabled short thumbnails for testwiki' [production]
22:15 <olivneh> synchronized php-1.20wmf11/extensions/E3Experiments/experiments [production]
22:02 <kaldari> Finished syncing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
21:32 <kaldari> Started syncing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
20:32 <ottomata> reinstalling analytics1002-analytics1010 with Ubuntu precise [production]
20:25 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf12/includes/filebackend/SwiftFileBackend.php [production]
20:25 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf11/includes/filebackend/SwiftFileBackend.php [production]