4551-4600 of 10000 results (33ms)
2012-07-03 §
02:27 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf6) at Tue Jul 3 02:27:02 UTC 2012 [production]
2012-07-02 §
22:33 <binasher> rebooted db36 for kernel upgrade [production]
22:25 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'temp pulling db36' [production]
22:03 <brion> fun with routers in tampa, wikis down [production]
21:48 <maplebed> rebooted emery - it's been unresponsive for 3 days. [production]
18:34 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
18:30 <hashar> set up ignore file in httpd configuration directory [production]
18:23 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/ 'Enable WikimediaShopLink on enwiki' [production]
18:11 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: 273 wikipedias to 1.20wmf6 [production]
18:03 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: enwiki to 1.20wmf6 [production]
15:21 <hashar> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php '/etc/wikimedia-realm detection https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/13888' [production]
15:18 <hashar> synchronized docroot/bits/static-master '([[bugzilla:37245|bug 37245]]) docroot 'static-master' for beta bits' [production]
15:04 <mutante> authdns-update to switch jobs.wm redirect to wikimedia-lb to fix SSL cert mismatch (RT-3071) [production]
14:55 <mark> Reboot of cr1-sdtpa did not fix the RE packet loss issue... therefore unlikely to be leap second related [production]
14:41 <mark> Rebooting cr1-sdtpa [production]
14:37 <mark> Shutdown PyBal BGP sessions on cr1-sdtpa [production]
14:34 <mark> Shutdown BGP session to 2828 on cr1-sdtpa [production]
13:36 <hashar> db12 suffering some 1400sec (and growing) replag. mysqldump in progress on that host. [production]
12:35 <mutante> installing upgrades on fenari (linux-firmware linux-libc-dev..) [production]
12:27 <mutante> rebooting gallium one more time to install kernel [production]
12:26 <mutante> upgrading kernel on gallium [production]
12:23 <hashar> synchronized live-1.5/CREDITS [production]
11:31 <mark> Now we have packet loss within pmtpa/sdtpa... reverting change [production]
10:57 <mark> Problems on one of two pmtpa-eqiad waves; raised OSPF metric to 60 to failover traffic to the other link [production]
10:50 <Tim> fixing leap second issue on bastion1 by rebooting it [production]
10:47 <Tim> fixed leap second issue on bastion-restricted [production]
09:57 <Tim> fixing leap second issue on virt1,virt2,virt3,virt4,virt5 [production]
09:53 <Tim> fixing leap second issue on aluminium,gallium,manganese [production]
09:47 <Tim> fixing leap second issue on formey,grosley,hooper,sanger,sockpuppet [production]
09:43 <Tim> on fenari: fixed leap second issue with the mozilla method [production]
09:39 <apergos> rebooting gallium, it's pretty unhappy (maybe related to leap second issue) [production]
08:14 <hashar:> srv190 srv266 srv281 timeouts on sync-file [production]
08:14 <hashar> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 37457 - fix import sources for viwikibooks' [production]
08:11 <hashar> Stopped Jenkins on gallium. It is not doing anything anyway. Asked to reboot box {{rt|3208}} [production]
02:53 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf5) at Mon Jul 2 02:53:51 UTC 2012 [production]
02:28 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.20wmf6) at Mon Jul 2 02:28:48 UTC 2012 [production]
01:48 <Tim> kill -CONT on populateRevisionSha1.php processes [production]
00:47 <Tim> on nfs1: trying leap second fix suggested at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=769972#c5 [production]
00:26 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'reduce db32 read load to zero due to persistent lag' [production]
00:12 <Tim> switched enwiki back to r/w [production]
00:12 <tstarling> synchronized wmf-config/db.php [production]
00:06 <Tim> on hume: stopped all populateRevisionSha1.php processes with kill -STOP [production]
00:03 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 's1/enwiki into readonly' [production]
2012-07-01 §
19:12 <reedy> synchronized php-1.20wmf6/extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/ 'Update to master for hashar' [production]
17:55 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php 'more logging' [production]
17:45 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php 'more logging' [production]
17:43 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php 'more logging' [production]
17:32 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php [production]
17:30 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php [production]
16:53 <aaron> synchronized php-1.20wmf5/includes/WikiPage.php [production]