3751-3800 of 10000 results (30ms)
2012-12-04 §
23:32 <mutante> re-siging neon on sockpuppet, remove from ssh_known_hosts, run puppet ... [production]
23:27 <py> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 's7: repooling db56' [production]
22:58 <mlitn> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5 'apply some patches to aft for dewiki' [production]
22:58 <mlitn> synchronized php-1.21wmf4/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5 'apply some patches to aft for dewiki' [production]
22:43 <mutante> reinstalling neon [production]
22:39 <awjrichards> Started syncing Wikimedia installation... : Updating MobileFrontend per regular weekly deployment [production]
22:21 <notpeter> taking down hume for upgrade to precise [production]
22:03 <awjrichards> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/MobileFrontend/stylesheets/specials/watchlist.css 'touch file' [production]
21:51 <notpeter> starting innoback from db1041 to db56 [production]
21:34 <notpeter> bast1001 back up with clean puppet runs [production]
21:15 <LeslieCarr> rebooting sockpuppet for kernel upgrades [production]
20:51 <py> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 's7: depooling db56 for reimage' [production]
20:48 <LeslieCarr> upgrading sockpuppet's 57 pending security upgrades [production]
20:31 <mlitn> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 're-enable aftv5 on dewiki after having created missing tables' [production]
20:07 <demon> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Fix dewiki breakage until tables are created and everyone's bikeshedding over the proper way to deploy' [production]
19:52 <mlitn> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
19:51 <mlitn> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [production]
19:51 <mlitn> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
19:50 <mlitn> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5 'desc' [production]
19:49 <mlitn> synchronized php-1.21wmf4/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5 'desc' [production]
19:36 <LeslieCarr> committing to pfw1-eqiad - has occasionally lost a few packets in the past [production]
19:24 <mutante> upgraded Bugzilla to 4.2.4 [production]
18:47 <notpeter> taking down bast1001 for reimaging [production]
18:20 <reedy> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/GoogleNewsSitemap [production]
17:43 <reedy> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/GoogleNewsSitemap/ [production]
17:40 <cmjohnson1> cp1031 powering down for fan assembly/main board swap rt3614 [production]
16:48 <cmjohnson1> es1004 replacing bad hdd slot 1 (rt3954) [production]
15:58 <cmjohnson1> authdns update...adding pc1001-1003 [production]
14:45 <mark> Installed ms-fe3001 [production]
14:08 <Nemo_bis> job queue snapshot for [[bugzilla:42614|bug 42614]]: Commons 112k, fr.wiki 4M, pl.wiki 21k, pt.wiki 65k, other tops 5k at most [production]
09:28 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/Narayam/ 'i18n deploy' [production]
05:02 <K4-713> revision-locked payments1004 to 4c15a56c46bf5, all other payments hosts updated to ec2a05d768355 [production]
02:44 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf4) at Tue Dec 4 02:44:31 UTC 2012 [production]
02:23 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf5) at Tue Dec 4 02:23:29 UTC 2012 [production]
01:31 <spage> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/E3Experiments 'E3 backports to wmf5' [production]
01:00 <mutante> gallium - removing multiarch support (32bit on 64bit systems) which causes issues with librsvg package [production]
00:47 <pgehres> synchronized php-1.21wmf4/extensions/CentralNotice/ 'Updating CentralNotice to master. Adding API for CN logs' [production]
00:43 <pgehres> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/CentralNotice/ 'Updating CentralNotice to master. Adding API for CN logs' [production]
00:36 <Tim> killing long-running runJobs.php processes affected by LST bug [production]
00:15 <asher> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'adding db68 to s7' [production]
00:00 <mutante> gallium - restarting Apache, enabling new ServerAlias [production]
2012-12-03 §
23:57 <aaron> synchronized php-1.21wmf5/extensions/CentralAuth/CentralAuthUser.php 'revert live hacks, exception already dumped in bugzilla' [production]
23:34 <Tim> installed php-luasandbox on fenari [production]
22:48 <LeslieCarr> restarting pybal on lvs1003 for parsoid vip [production]
22:40 <mutante> DNS update - removing broken dvd.wikimeedia.org [production]
22:40 <LeslieCarr> restarted pybal on lvs1006 and lvs1005 [production]
22:30 <LeslieCarr> restarting pybal on lvs1006 for parsoid vip [production]
22:26 <LeslieCarr> modify above - restarting PYBAL on lvs for parsoid vip [production]
22:26 <LeslieCarr> restarting lvs4 for parsoid vip [production]
22:22 <LeslieCarr> restarting pybal on lvs3 [production]