2951-3000 of 10000 results (33ms)
2013-03-13 §
20:08 <LeslieCarr> cp1022 unresponsive, power cycling [production]
19:44 <LeslieCarr> switched preferred path between esams and eqiad [production]
19:41 <LeslieCarr> deploying a possibly mobile front end traffic effecting ipv6 apache request firewall filter [production]
19:26 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Disable Collection extension' [production]
19:08 <LeslieCarr> site was popedotted ! [production]
18:47 <py> synchronized wmf-config/lucene-production.php 'moving all search traffic back to eqaid' [production]
18:31 <py> synchronized wmf-config/lucene-production.php 'temp moving all earch traffic to pmtpa for upgrades in eqiad' [production]
18:15 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable scribunto EVERYWHERE' [production]
18:09 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: Everything else to 1.21wmf11 [production]
17:23 <pp-pdf1> downgrade to 0.14.3 [production]
16:39 <pp-pdf1> upgraded mwlib to 0.15.1. [production]
16:32 <apergos> cleaned up borked puppet agent on ms-be12 and re-enabled/restarted it [production]
12:30 <anomie> synchronized php-1.21wmf11/extensions/Scribunto/common/Hooks.php 'Fix for bug 46031' [production]
12:30 <anomie> synchronized php-1.21wmf11/extensions/Scribunto/common/Common.php 'Fix for bug 46031' [production]
12:07 <Danny_B> reenabled mail delivery to wikibugs 30 mins ago (disabled automatically for excessive bounces) [production]
11:42 <apergos> restarted morebots [production]
01:10 <Tim> running updateCollation.php on all uca-* wikis in 6 screens on hume [production]
00:44 <dzahn> gracefulled all apaches [production]
00:39 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl1 ssl2 ssl1001 ssl1002 ssl3001 ssl3002 [production]
00:35 <Ryan_Lane> pooling ssl3 ssl4 ssl1003 ssl1004 ssl3003 [production]
00:31 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl3 ssl4 ssl1003 ssl1004 ssl3003 [production]
00:30 <Ryan_Lane> pooling ssl1 ssl2 ssl1001 ssl1002 ssl3001 ssl3002 [production]
00:16 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl1 ssl2 ssl1001 ssl1002 ssl3001 ssl3002 [production]
00:12 <Tim> manually creating missing /etc/apache2/wmf symlinks on servers that lack them [production]
00:07 <dzahn> gracefulled all apaches [production]
2013-03-12 §
23:39 <Tim> updating PHP to php5-3.5+wmf1 for new ICU [production]
23:39 <notpeter> upgrading pmtpa search nodes to lucene-search-2 2.1.7wm1 [production]
23:34 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.21wmf11/maintenance/updateCollation.php [production]
23:33 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.21wmf10/maintenance/updateCollation.php [production]
22:33 <Ryan_Lane> pooling ssl3003 ssl3 ssl4 ssl1003 ssl1004 [production]
22:28 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl3003 ssl3 ssl4 ssl1003 ssl1004 [production]
22:28 <Ryan_Lane> pooling ssl3001 ssl3002 ssl1 ssl2 ssl1001 and ssl1002 [production]
22:23 <mutante> pushing new version 2.7 of wikimedia-task-appserver to wikipedia-precise repo (to fix apache-sanity-check) [production]
22:21 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl3001 ssl3002 ssl1 ssl2 ssl1001 and ssl1002 [production]
21:23 <Ryan_Lane> seems that the unified certificate is missing mediawiki.org, depooling the ssl servers that are serving it [production]
21:22 <Ryan_Lane> installing the new unified ssl certificate on all ssl servers [production]
19:20 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
18:54 <RobH> authdns-update for europium to gadolinium ip [production]
18:47 <RobH> europium shuttin down [production]
18:43 <mark> Imported ganglia 3.5.0 packages into the precise-wikimedia APT repository [production]
18:19 <RobH> europium reclaimed per rt4689 [production]
18:02 <RobH> en-wp.com/org now redirect to en.wikipedia per rt 4669 [production]
18:00 <RobH> ran apache restart as myself, not root, had a bunch of fails. restarted them as root, hopefully nothing noticable to users [production]
17:58 <robh> gracefulled all apaches [production]
17:53 <Jeff_Green> live-hack trivial OTRS patch to support filtering on X-Spam-Score for RT #4713, will check in once project is copied to git [production]
17:41 <anomie> synchronized php-1.21wmf11/extensions/Scribunto 'Update Scribunto to master' [production]
17:29 <reedy> synchronized php-1.21wmf10/includes/Collation.php [production]
17:28 <reedy> synchronized php-1.21wmf11/includes/Collation.php [production]
15:41 <paravoid> apache graceful to fix bz 46018 / RT 4695 [production]
15:39 <root> gracefulled all apaches [production]