3801-3850 of 10000 results (34ms)
2013-04-02 §
15:41 <anomie> synchronized php-1.21wmf12/cache/l10n/l10n_cache-en.cdb [production]
15:33 <anomie> synchronized php-1.21wmf12/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaTemporaryMessages.i18n.php [production]
15:12 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.22wmf1) at Tue Apr 2 15:12:45 UTC 2013 [production]
15:08 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf12) at Tue Apr 2 15:08:37 UTC 2013 [production]
14:54 <demon> synchronized php-1.21wmf12/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaTemporaryMessages.i18n.php '8th time is the charm' [production]
14:50 <demon> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'I hate l10nupdate' [production]
14:49 <demon> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Notice for users of disabled skins' [production]
14:24 <paravoid> deploying squid config, diverting all of upload to swift [production]
04:08 <binasher> increased 'wikiadmin'@'10.64.%' max connections to 200 on s1 [production]
02:17 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.22wmf1) at Tue Apr 2 02:17:33 UTC 2013 [production]
02:10 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf12) at Tue Apr 2 02:10:24 UTC 2013 [production]
01:15 <Ryan_Lane> removing labstore1 and labstore2 entries from projectstorage.wmnet rr dns entry in preparation for shrinking volumes [production]
00:44 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/ [production]
00:43 <binasher> now running the image img_media_mime migration on commons (the big one) [production]
00:41 <mutante> restarting lucene on all pool4 servers (one by one) [production]
00:35 <mutante> creating search index for transitionteamwiki [production]
00:30 <dzahn> synchronized ./wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
00:14 <reedy> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/cache/interwiki.cdb 'Updating 1.22wmf1 interwiki cache' [production]
00:10 <reedy> synchronized php-1.21wmf12/cache/interwiki.cdb 'Updating 1.21wmf12 interwiki cache' [production]
00:00 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: [production]
2013-04-01 §
23:55 <LeslieCarr> search1024 is our guinea pig of using sfp-t's and is connected to asw2-a5-eqiad ge 0/0/18 [production]
23:47 <dzahn> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: [production]
23:40 <mutante> creating swift containers for private wiki [production]
23:39 <dzahn> synchronized php/cache/interwiki.cdb 'Updating interwiki cache' [production]
23:36 <mutante> dumpInterwiki.php to update interwiki cache [production]
23:36 <py> synchronized wmf-config/lucene-production.php 'moving all search traffic to pmtpa temporarily' [production]
23:33 <mutante> adding transitionteamwiki to private.dblist [production]
23:25 <mutante> running addWiki.php for transitionteamwiki - Access denied for user ... [production]
23:21 <dzahn> synchronized ./wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
23:14 <cmjohnson1> swapping disk1 (slot1) db1001 [production]
23:06 <mutante> creating upload dir on upload7 for transitionteamwiki [production]
22:57 <binasher> beginning image.img_media_mime scehma migrations, starting with s1 [production]
22:51 <aaron> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/includes/job 'deployed ec8f42daf19f386d9af2eece6dfc5f8fa6fc42f3' [production]
22:26 <aaron> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/maintenance 'deployed c7832c8956d79892be93452e5f4d6b52df1d3bf0' [production]
22:26 <aaron> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/includes/job 'deployed c7832c8956d79892be93452e5f4d6b52df1d3bf0' [production]
22:25 <mutante> recreating transitionteam wiki docroot from skel-1.5 and syncing docroot [production]
22:25 <root> synchronized docroot [production]
21:09 <LeslieCarr> rebooting lvs1001 [production]
21:03 <demon> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/cache/l10n 'Manually syncing 1.22wmf1 l10ncache' [production]
20:55 <LeslieCarr> dist-upgrading lvs1001 [production]
20:48 <LeslieCarr> failing over lvs from lvs1001 to lvs1004 [production]
20:44 <LeslieCarr> CORRECTION restarting sshd on lvs1001 [production]
20:44 <LeslieCarr> restarting lvs1001 [production]
20:21 <demon> synchronized php-1.21wmf12/cache/l10n 'Manually syncing 1.21wmf12 l10ncache' [production]
20:20 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.22wmf1) at Mon Apr 1 20:20:29 UTC 2013 [production]
19:59 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf12) at Mon Apr 1 19:59:44 UTC 2013 [production]
19:54 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.21wmf12) at Mon Apr 1 19:54:21 UTC 2013 [production]
19:16 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: mediawikiwiki [production]
19:13 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: mediawikiwiki and testwiki to 1.22wmf1 [production]
19:10 <reedy> synchronized php-1.22wmf1/extensions/ 'Wikidata extensions to same as 1.21wmf12' [production]