6851-6900 of 10000 results (33ms)
2015-08-11 §
21:02 <twentyafterfour> deployed scap fixes for my dumb mistakes [production]
20:10 <ori@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf18/includes/objectcache/MultiWriteBagOStuff.php: 0acfe6a5bb: Fix argument handling in MultiWriteBagOStuff::get() (duration: 00m 12s) [production]
19:28 <ori@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf18/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoader.php: I2089b21fc: ResourceLoader: make "cacheReport" option false by default (duration: 00m 13s) [production]
19:28 <ori@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf17/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoader.php: I2089b21fc: ResourceLoader: make "cacheReport" option false by default (duration: 00m 11s) [production]
19:26 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf18/extensions/Flow/modules/editor/editors/visualeditor/mw.flow.ve.Target.js: Fix missing editor switcher (duration: 00m 12s) [production]
18:58 <twentyafterfour@tin> Finished scap: again: sync new branch 1.26wmf18 and update testwiki (duration: 04m 58s) [production]
18:53 <twentyafterfour@tin> Started scap: again: sync new branch 1.26wmf18 and update testwiki [production]
18:44 <twentyafterfour@tin> scap failed: OSError [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/srv/mediawiki-staging/wikiversions.php' (duration: 29m 27s) [production]
18:37 <mutante> grafana switched to node krypton (jessie/VM) [production]
18:21 <bd808> logstash log event volume back to normal levels following elasticsearch upgrade [production]
18:15 <twentyafterfour@tin> Started scap: sync new branch 1.26wmf18 and update testwiki [production]
18:06 <bd808> logstash cluster recovered after upgrade of elasticsearch on logstash1006 [production]
18:03 <bd808> upgraded elasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1006; logstash-2015.08.11 shard recovering [production]
18:02 <bd808> upgrading elasticsearch on logstash1006 [production]
18:01 <bd808> logstash cluster recovered after upgrade of elasticsearch on logstash1005 [production]
17:43 <bd808> log event volume in logstash dropped dramatically again; seems to correlate with final recovery of logstash-2015.08.11 shard [production]
17:29 <bd808> upgraded elasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1005; logstash-2015.08.11 shard recovering [production]
17:28 <bd808> upgrading elasticsearch on logstash1005 [production]
17:27 <bd808> logstash event volume recovered after restarting all 3 logstash services [production]
17:14 <bd808> log event volume in logstash dropped dramatically at 16:49; investigating [production]
17:13 <bd808> logstash cluster recovered after upgrade of elasticsearch on logstash1004 [production]
16:42 <bd808> upgraded elasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1004; logstash-2015.08.11 shard recovering [production]
16:42 <mutante> restarted Apache on Etherpad [production]
16:38 <bd808> upgraded elasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1003 [production]
16:37 <bd808> upgraded elaasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1002 [production]
16:36 <bd808> upgraded elaasticsearch to 1.7.1 on logstash1001 [production]
16:23 <bd808> logstash upgrade on logstash1003 complete [production]
16:20 <bd808> logstash upgrade on logstash1002 complete [production]
16:16 <bd808> logstash upgrade on logstash1001 complete [production]
15:50 <jynus> nuking db1002-db1007 on icinga [production]
15:49 <bd808> upgrading logstash on logstash1001 [production]
15:47 <bd808> Trebuchet deploy of logstash/plugins: Add logstash-filter-prune 0.1.5 (36144b2) [production]
15:36 <bd808> Disabled puppet on logstash100[1-3] in preparation for upgrade to 1.5.3 [production]
15:31 <bd808@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: logging: Only send info and higher to logstash by default (4388a84) 2/2 (actually rebased this time) (duration: 00m 11s) [production]
15:30 <bd808@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/logging.php: logging: Only send info and higher to logstash by default (4388a84) 1/2 (actually rebased this time) (duration: 00m 11s) [production]
15:17 <bd808@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Touched wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php (duration: 00m 13s) [production]
15:12 <bd808@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: logging: Only send info and higher to logstash by default (4388a84) 2/2 (duration: 00m 12s) [production]
15:11 <bd808@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/logging.php: logging: Only send info and higher to logstash by default (4388a84) 1/2 (duration: 00m 12s) [production]
10:45 <jynus> general maintenance on db1042 (restart, upgrade, db reconstruction) [production]
10:38 <godog> upgrade cassandra on restbase1007 [production]
10:31 <godog> upgrade cassandra on restbase1002 [production]
10:25 <godog> upgrade cassandra on restbase1001 [production]
09:56 <paravoid> switched routing-system autonomous-system to eqiad's subAS on cr1-eqiad/cr2--eqiad [production]
09:09 <godog> reboot ms-be2009, cpu soft lockup [production]
05:27 <l10nupdate@tin> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Tue Aug 11 05:27:33 UTC 2015 (duration 27m 32s) [production]
02:26 <l10nupdate@tin> LocalisationUpdate completed (1.26wmf17) at 2015-08-11 02:26:58+00:00 [production]
02:23 <l10nupdate@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf17/cache/l10n: l10nupdate for 1.26wmf17 (duration: 06m 48s) [production]
01:20 <ori@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf17/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoader.php: I2089b21fc: Revert resourceloader: Add must-revalidate to Cache-Control (duration: 00m 12s) [production]
00:10 <mutante> apache restart on krypton [production]
2015-08-10 §
23:53 <ebernhardson@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/CirrusSearch-common.php: Limit the number of states in a cirrussearch query (duration: 00m 11s) [production]