5851-5900 of 10000 results (37ms)
2015-09-30 §
01:02 <ori@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/vendor: 940124a7db: Updated mediawiki/core Project: mediawiki/vendor ff5e254f7eddf811f6f66b4a4063b1a8cc70f265 (duration: 00m 21s) [production]
2015-09-29 §
23:59 <ottomata> restarting eventlogging so that processors use etcd to pick up shared token with which to consistently hash IPs [production]
23:46 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/Echo/: SWAT (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
23:37 <catrope@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Enable Flow opt-in on mediawikiwiki (duration: 00m 16s) [production]
23:33 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/GuidedTour/GuidedTourHooks.php: T114144 Fix back button logging (duration: 00m 18s) [production]
23:32 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.1/extensions/Echo/: SWAT (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
23:30 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.1/extensions/GuidedTour/GuidedTourHooks.php: T114144 Fix back button logging (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
22:38 <twentyafterfour> finished deployment of 1.27.0-wmf.1 to group0 [production]
22:36 <twentyafterfour@tin> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: group0 wikis to 1.27.0-wmf.1 [production]
22:34 <twentyafterfour@tin> Finished scap: php-1.27.0-wmf.1/extensions/ (duration: 04m 29s) [production]
22:30 <twentyafterfour> 22:27:17 sync-dir failed: <ValueError> /srv/mediawiki-staging/php-1.27.0-wmf.1/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Version.php has content before opening <?php tag [production]
22:30 <chasemp> es-tool unban-node elastic1031 [production]
22:29 <twentyafterfour@tin> Started scap: php-1.27.0-wmf.1/extensions/ [production]
22:23 <chasemp> unbanning elastic1006 for shard population [production]
22:05 <ori> 22:03:51 Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/CentralNotice: 30bdfcb386: Updated mediawiki/core Project: mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice 6bd658e155a02edb4cc506bc3494a3f4699d3e94 (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
19:33 <twentyafterfour@tin> Finished scap: sync php-1.27.0-wmf.1 for validation on testwiki (duration: 31m 49s) [production]
19:30 <bd808> Updated iegreview.wikimedia.org to c3ac5e6 (Update to Twig 1.20.0) and applied latest schema changes [production]
19:02 <twentyafterfour@tin> Started scap: sync php-1.27.0-wmf.1 for validation on testwiki [production]
18:11 <cmjohnson1> shutting down elastic1031 to relocate rack/row [production]
18:09 <cmjohnson1> shutting down elastic1006 to relocate row/rack [production]
17:46 <mutante> size of conntrack table on iron might be increased due to test scans [production]
16:30 <cmjohnson1> swapping failed disk db1050 [production]
16:14 <subbu> reverted configuration hotfix from yesterday's Parsoid deploy (re-enabled use of Parsoid batching API) [production]
15:58 <bblack> ending VCL tests on cp1053 [production]
15:52 <bblack> ending VCL tests on cp1065, starting on cp1053 instead [production]
15:39 <bblack> cp1065: live-testing some VCL patches, puppet disabled, etc... [production]
15:19 <chasemp> ban elastic1031 for T112559 [production]
15:05 <thcipriani@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: VisualEditor: Set TransitionDefault true for the English Wikipedia [[gerrit:242040]] (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
14:08 <paravoid> repooling eqiad; 24h codfw test window is over [production]
10:49 <godog> bounce pybal on lvs2003 / lvs2006 [production]
09:13 <paravoid> powercycling pybal-test2003 [production]
08:51 <jynus> starting cloning of labsdb1005 (Tools DB), minimal disruption is expected [production]
07:03 <twentyafterfour> restarted apache2 and phd or iridium to get phabricator back into the correct state [production]
06:58 <twentyafterfour> checked out correct phabricator release tag on iridium. Something, somewhere, had reverted everything to an old deployment. [production]
05:01 <l10nupdate@tin> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Tue Sep 29 05:01:30 UTC 2015 (duration 1m 29s) [production]
02:34 <l10nupdate@tin> LocalisationUpdate completed (1.26wmf24) at 2015-09-29 02:34:55+00:00 [production]
02:30 <l10nupdate@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/cache/l10n: l10nupdate for 1.26wmf24 (duration: 06m 57s) [production]
02:25 <bblack> ipv6 flap experiment: raise ipv6/route/max_size from 4096 to 131072 manually on cp*, actually [production]
02:24 <bblack> ipv6 flap experiment: raise ipv6/route/max_size from 4096 to 131072 manually on cp20* [production]
01:55 <robh> upload-lb.codfw.wikimedia.org_ipv6 page flap [production]
01:43 <catrope@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: Plumbing for wmgVisualEditorTransitionDefault (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
01:42 <catrope@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Add wmgVisualEditorTransitionDefault (false everywhere) (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
01:13 <robh> didnt powercycle analytics1035 yet, it recovered on its own. [production]
01:12 <robh> powercycling analytics1035, seems oom, cannot login via ssh or serial console [production]
00:56 <tstarling@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/ParsoidBatchAPI: Fix fatal error I77fd7e8 (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
2015-09-28 §
23:47 <ebernhardson@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: Update ttmserver configuration to match elasticsearch security profile (duration: 00m 17s) [production]
23:43 <ori@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: I56db35b: Removed ignore_user_abort( true ) line (duration: 00m 18s) [production]
23:13 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/Echo: SWAT (duration: 00m 18s) [production]
23:13 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/Flow: SWAT (duration: 00m 19s) [production]
23:12 <catrope@tin> Synchronized php-1.26wmf24/extensions/CentralNotice: SWAT (duration: 00m 19s) [production]