351-400 of 10000 results (21ms)
2017-02-27 §
02:19 <l10nupdate@tin> scap sync-l10n completed (1.29.0-wmf.13) (duration: 07m 23s) [production]
2017-02-26 §
17:10 <Reedy> ran namespaceDupes for extwiki [production]
02:25 <l10nupdate@tin> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sun Feb 26 02:25:07 UTC 2017 (duration 5m 21s) [production]
02:19 <l10nupdate@tin> scap sync-l10n completed (1.29.0-wmf.13) (duration: 07m 26s) [production]
2017-02-25 §
20:06 <elukey> depooled cp2017 (via local sudo -i depool command) since the host froze (it got back after a powercycle) [production]
19:54 <elukey> powercycled cp2017, mgmt console stuck [production]
02:25 <l10nupdate@tin> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sat Feb 25 02:25:10 UTC 2017 (duration 5m 21s) [production]
02:19 <l10nupdate@tin> scap sync-l10n completed (1.29.0-wmf.13) (duration: 07m 20s) [production]
01:43 <mutante> bast3002 - sign puppet cert, initial run with basic "bastion" role, to replace broken bast3001, but WIP, ganglia/prometheus roles not moved yet (T156506) [production]
2017-02-24 §
22:46 <Krinkle> (terbium) sql --write mediawikiwiki 'DELETE FROM module_deps' (in batches of 500; 42292 rows affected) - per T158105. [production]
22:28 <smalyshev@tin> Finished deploy [wdqs/wdqs@62354ed]: Deploy new updater on 1001 for timeout increase (duration: 00m 16s) [production]
22:27 <smalyshev@tin> Started deploy [wdqs/wdqs@62354ed]: Deploy new updater on 1001 for timeout increase [production]
22:23 <smalyshev@tin> Finished deploy [wdqs/wdqs@62354ed]: Deploy new updater on 2001 for testing (duration: 00m 26s) [production]
22:23 <smalyshev@tin> Started deploy [wdqs/wdqs@62354ed]: Deploy new updater on 2001 for testing [production]
20:50 <ebernhardson> restart elasticsearch on logstash1002 [production]
20:05 <demon@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/wikitech.php: (no justification provided) (duration: 00m 48s) [production]
19:30 <Pchelolo> restarting RESTBase on xenon.eqiad.wmnet in staging [production]
17:15 <jynus@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php: Repool db1026 after maintenance with low load (duration: 00m 40s) [production]
16:55 <volans> manually cleaning ferm leftovers on dbproxy1011 - T158798 [production]
15:35 <ema> temporarily bumping timeout_idle to 60s on cache_misc T154558 [production]
14:27 <volans> re-started and re-armed keyholder after upgrade on: mira.codfw.wmnet,neodymium.eqiad.wmnet,sarin.codfw.wmnet,tin.eqiad.wmnet T158660 T158659 [production]
10:41 <ema> cache_misc: upgrading to varnish 4.1.5 [production]
10:30 <moritzm> installing imagemagick regression update for security update on trusty (the Debian update seems unaffected) [production]
10:23 <moritzm> installing spice updates on trusty [production]
09:48 <marostegui@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php: Repool db1036 - T154485 (duration: 00m 40s) [production]
09:39 <elukey> stop Redis and Memcached on mc2001->mc2016 as extra precautionary step before decom - T157675 [production]
08:44 <gehel@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: name=wdqs1001.eqiad.wmnet [production]
08:16 <volans> temporary disabled puppet on neodymium and sarin to deploy Gerrit 339183 - T158753 [production]
07:32 <marostegui> Deploy alter table enwiki.revision on db2070 - T132416 [production]
07:26 <marostegui@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/db-codfw.php: Repool db2069 and depool db2070 - T132416 (duration: 00m 45s) [production]
02:32 <l10nupdate@tin> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Fri Feb 24 02:32:21 UTC 2017 (duration 5m 22s) [production]
02:26 <l10nupdate@tin> scap sync-l10n completed (1.29.0-wmf.13) (duration: 07m 02s) [production]
00:26 <thcipriani@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: [[gerrit:339472|Store goodfaith scores in the ORES tables]] T137966 (duration: 00m 40s) [production]
00:17 <mobrovac> restbase deploying b477ab46 [production]
2017-02-23 §
21:11 <dereckson@tin> Finished scap: Full scap to deploy new l10n keys on wikitech ([[gerrit:339456]]), take two (duration: 22m 55s) [production]
20:49 <dereckson@tin> Started scap: Full scap to deploy new l10n keys on wikitech ([[gerrit:339456]]), take two [production]
20:48 <dereckson@tin> scap failed: LockFailedError Failed to acquire lock "/var/lock/scap"; owner is "dereckson"; reason is "Full scap to deploy new l10n keys on wikitech ([[gerrit:339456]])" (duration: 00m 00s) [production]
20:46 <dereckson@tin> Started scap: Full scap to deploy new l10n keys on wikitech ([[gerrit:339456]]) [production]
20:04 <demon@tin> rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: group2 to wmf.13 [production]
19:47 <dereckson@tin> Synchronized php-1.29.0-wmf.13/extensions/WikimediaMessages/extension.json: Create user group messages for wikitech.wikimedia.org (T158417) (duration: 00m 39s) [production]
19:45 <dereckson@tin> Synchronized php-1.29.0-wmf.13/extensions/WikimediaMessages/i18n/wikitech/: (no justification provided) (duration: 00m 43s) [production]
18:29 <chasemp> labnodepool1001:~# service nodepool restart [production]
17:40 <gehel> removing old prod indices from relforge1002 - T156150 [production]
17:37 <gehel> removing old prod indices from relforge1002 (jawikiprod_content, enprodwiki_content, ruwikiprod_content) - T156150 [production]
16:33 <paravoid> cleaning up openstack packages from einstenium & tegment [production]
16:19 <gehel> starting upgrade relforge cluster to elasticsearch 5.2.1 - expect significant downtime - T156150 [production]
16:19 <gehel> unban relforge1001 - T156150 [production]
15:45 <gehel> banning relforge1001 from clsuter to prepare for ES5 upgrade - T156150 [production]
15:18 <godog> roll-restart pybal in codfw to pick up swift https service [production]
15:08 <marostegui> Power off dbstore1001 to change its disks and reimage - T153768 [production]