251-300 of 10000 results (36ms)
2019-04-08 ยง
22:45 <XioNoX> rollback enable sampling on cr2-eqiad external links [production]
22:29 <XioNoX> enable sampling on cr2-eqiad external links [production]
22:18 <XioNoX> enable sampling on eqiad Telia transit link [production]
22:04 <jforrester@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.33.0-wmf.24/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo/src/WikibaseMediaInfoHooks.php: WBMI T220277 (duration: 00m 57s) [production]
22:00 <XioNoX> pfw firewall rules update - T217355 [production]
20:49 <bsitzmann@deploy1001> Finished deploy [mobileapps/deploy@c7fa522]: Update mobileapps to cdb9928 (T220045 T219411 T219667) (duration: 07m 55s) [production]
20:41 <bsitzmann@deploy1001> Started deploy [mobileapps/deploy@c7fa522]: Update mobileapps to cdb9928 (T220045 T219411 T219667) [production]
20:24 <urandom> bootstrapping cassandra-b, restbase2019 -- T208087 [production]
20:08 <bearND> mobileapps deploy failed on canary (Check 'endpoints' failed). Rolled back canary. [production]
20:07 <bsitzmann@deploy1001> Finished deploy [mobileapps/deploy@c7fa522]: Update mobileapps to cdb9928 (T220045 T219411 T219667) (duration: 02m 10s) [production]
20:05 <bsitzmann@deploy1001> Started deploy [mobileapps/deploy@c7fa522]: Update mobileapps to cdb9928 (T220045 T219411 T219667) [production]
19:59 <marxarelli> promotion of 1.33.0-wmf.24 to all wikis completed. error rates nominal aside from usual timeouts. cc: T206678, T220037 [production]
19:51 <dduvall@deploy1001> rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: all wikis to 1.33.0-wmf.24 [production]
19:48 <marxarelli> promoting 1.33.0-wmf.24 to all wikis. cc: T220037, T206678 [production]
19:41 <dduvall@deploy1001> Synchronized php: group1 wikis to 1.33.0-wmf.24 (duration: 01m 46s) [production]
19:41 <marxarelli> dduvall@deploy1001 rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: group1 wikis to 1.33.0-wmf.24 [production]
19:41 <marxarelli> dduvall@deploy1001 rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: group1 wikis to 1.33.0-wmf.2 [production]
19:39 <dduvall@deploy1001> rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: group1 wikis to 1.33.0-wmf.24 [production]
19:35 <marxarelli> starting promotion of 1.33.0-wmf.24 to group1 [production]
18:45 <Lucas_WMDE> Morning SWAT done [production]
18:31 <bblack> deploying wiktionary CNAME experiment - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208263#5094712 [production]
18:27 <mobrovac@deploy1001> Finished deploy [restbase/deploy@9cf5364]: Lower AQS rate limits and fix recommendation-api spec - T219910 T220221 (duration: 21m 14s) [production]
18:27 <otto@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Enable eventgate-analytics api-request logging for group0 wikis - T214080 (duration: 00m 56s) [production]
18:24 <mobrovac> restart pdfrender on scb2001 - T174916 [production]
18:13 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
18:13 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster eqiad completed [production]
18:12 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade production -f eventgate-analytics-eqiad-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate-analytics [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: eqiad] [production]
18:12 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
18:12 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster codfw completed [production]
18:12 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade production -f eventgate-analytics-codfw-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate-analytics [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
18:10 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade production -f eventgate-analytics-codfw-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate-analytics [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
18:09 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
18:09 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster staging completed [production]
18:09 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade staging -f eventgate-analytics-staging-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate-analytics [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: staging] [production]
18:06 <mobrovac@deploy1001> Started deploy [restbase/deploy@9cf5364]: Lower AQS rate limits and fix recommendation-api spec - T219910 T220221 [production]
17:50 <arturo> T220129 renaming labtestmetal2001.codfw.wmnet to clouddb2001-dev.codfw.wmnet [production]
17:42 <XioNoX> add swift term to cr1/2-eqiad - T220081 [production]
17:14 <onimisionipe@deploy1001> Finished deploy [wdqs/wdqs@c30a540]: GUI updates, Updater with redirect fix and Blazegraph with XSS fix (duration: 11m 17s) [production]
17:03 <onimisionipe@deploy1001> Started deploy [wdqs/wdqs@c30a540]: GUI updates, Updater with redirect fix and Blazegraph with XSS fix [production]
16:59 <mobrovac@deploy1001> Finished deploy [mobileapps/deploy@64f09a0]: Force-deploy to scb1001 to test the config perms (duration: 00m 16s) [production]
16:59 <mobrovac@deploy1001> Started deploy [mobileapps/deploy@64f09a0]: Force-deploy to scb1001 to test the config perms [production]
16:55 <mholloway-shell@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings-labs.php: Replace needed WikimediaEditorTasks Beta Cluster config (T220153) (duration: 00m 58s) [production]
16:31 <urandom> bootstrapping cassandra-a, restbase2019 -- T208087 [production]
15:35 <herron> aborting ores to logstash kafka logging pipeline switchover for now. puppet applied only to ores2009, reverting now [production]
15:19 <herron> switching ores to logstash kafka logging pipeline (via temporary puppet disable and rolling puppet agent runs) [production]
15:09 <jijiki> Pool mw2206 - T215415 [production]
14:55 <papaul> powering down mw2206 for DIMM replacement [production]
14:49 <otto@deploy1001> Finished deploy [analytics/refinery@7fa6fb7]: deploying oozie article recommender for baho (duration: 18m 35s) [production]
14:45 <papaul> powering down elastic2048 for disk replacement [production]
14:30 <otto@deploy1001> Started deploy [analytics/refinery@7fa6fb7]: deploying oozie article recommender for baho [production]