1-50 of 10000 results (28ms)
2019-05-03 §
23:50 <thcipriani> gerrit back [production]
23:49 <thcipriani> gerrit restart due to threads piling up [production]
22:09 <XioNoX> clear v4 BGP to AS17451 on cr1-eqsin/cr4-ulsfo [production]
17:16 <arturo> T222148 aborrero@labstore1005:~ $ sudo apt-get install libudev1 udev systemd systemd-sysv libsystemd0 [production]
17:15 <arturo> T222148 aborrero@labstore1004:~ $ sudo apt-get install libudev1 udev systemd systemd-sysv libsystemd0 [production]
17:11 <arturo> T222148 aborrero@labpuppetmaster1002:~ $ sudo apt-get install libudev1 udev systemd systemd-sysv libsystemd0 [production]
17:10 <arturo> T222148 aborrero@labpuppetmaster1001:~ $ sudo apt-get install libudev1 udev systemd systemd-sysv libsystemd0 [production]
17:09 <arturo> T222148 aborrero@labtestpuppetmaster2001:~ $ sudo apt-get install libudev1 udev systemd systemd-sysv libsystemd0 [production]
17:08 <arturo> T222148 drop libudev1 from openstack-mitaka-jessie/jessie-wikimedia (related to T216497) [production]
17:07 <arturo> T222148 drop udev from openstack-mitaka-jessie/jessie-wikimedia (related to T216497) [production]
15:02 <oblivian@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=yes; selector: cluster=parsoid,dc=codfw [production]
15:02 <_joe_> repooling the wtp* servers depooled in codfw for load testing [production]
14:56 <_joe_> repool mw1275 [production]
13:49 <jijiki> Restart npre on proton1001 [production]
12:26 <gehel> replaying 30 minutes of eqiad search traffic on codfw - T221121 [production]
12:21 <ema> cp3038: varnish-backend-restart [production]
11:10 <_joe_> purging opcache on mw1275 [production]
10:47 <ema> pool cp4025 w/ ATS backend T219967 [production]
10:43 <jbond42> T220380 remove zull_2.5.0-8-gcbc7f62-wmf4jessie1 from jessie-wikimedia/thirdparty [production]
10:42 <jbond42> T220380 upload zull_2.5.1-wmf7 to jessie-wikimedia [production]
10:25 <jijiki> Depool mw1275 [production]
10:02 <lucaswerkmeister-wmde@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.34.0-wmf.3/extensions/WikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch/: [[gerrit:507847|Fix reference to classes that moved (T222347)]] (duration: 00m 55s) [production]
09:49 <ema> depool cp4025 and reimage as upload_ats T219967 [production]
09:49 <oblivian@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: cluster=parsoid,dc=codfw,name=wtp201[3-4].* [production]
09:20 <gehel> ban elastic2038 from elastic clusters pending memory issue investigation - T217398 [production]
08:47 <ema> pool cp4024 w/ ATS backend T219967 [production]
08:27 <jynus> starting table recompression on new backup source hosts on eqiad and codfw (stop replication) T220572 [production]
07:45 <ema> depool cp4024 and reimage as upload_ats T219967 [production]
07:16 <ema> cp1089: varnish-backend-restart [production]
05:32 <_joe_> restarting varnish backend on cp1077 [production]
05:05 <oblivian@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: cluster=parsoid,dc=codfw,name=wtp201[5-6].* [production]
04:57 <oblivian@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: cluster=parsoid,dc=codfw,name=wtp20(1[7-9]|20).* [production]
04:55 <_joe_> progressively depooling parsoid servers in codfw to assess load tolerance [production]
00:32 <mutante> powercycling elastic2038 [production]
00:10 <XioNoX> remove static route to on cr1/2-eqiad - T193496 [production]
00:06 <mutante> restarting gerrit to pick up config changes for 2 mail threads and lower timeout (gerrit:507852, gerrit: 507853) [production]
2019-05-02 §
22:10 <jforrester@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.34.0-wmf.3/extensions/MobileFrontend/resources/dist/mobile.editor.overlay.js: Hot-deploy T222229 to fix VE switching on MobileFrontend (duration: 00m 52s) [production]
21:21 <thcipriani> gerrit back [production]
21:20 <ejegg> updated payments-wiki from aa8dad50e7 to 558427f731 [production]
21:19 <thcipriani> gerrit restart to pick up config changes: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/504973/ and https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/507858/ [production]
21:00 <crusnov@deploy1001> Finished deploy [netbox/deploy@bf9aef2]: Upgrade Netbox to 2.5.12 - T222351 (duration: 01m 48s) [production]
20:58 <crusnov@deploy1001> Started deploy [netbox/deploy@bf9aef2]: Upgrade Netbox to 2.5.12 - T222351 [production]
20:58 <crusnov@deploy1001> Finished deploy [netbox/deploy@bf9aef2]: Upgrade Netbox to 2.5.12 - T222351 (duration: 00m 33s) [production]
20:57 <crusnov@deploy1001> Started deploy [netbox/deploy@bf9aef2]: Upgrade Netbox to 2.5.12 - T222351 [production]
19:41 <ejegg> updated CiviCRM from 01c4d15c9a to 5024c968ed [production]
19:40 <jforrester@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.34.0-wmf.3/resources/src/mediawiki.widgets/mw.widgets.SearchInputWidget.js: Hot-deploy T222329 fix part 2 (duration: 00m 50s) [production]
19:39 <jforrester@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.34.0-wmf.3/includes/widget/SearchInputWidget.php: Hot-deploy T222329 fix part 1 (duration: 00m 53s) [production]
19:31 <James_F> Shuffled 1.34.0-wmf.3 security patch cee0e569f4 for T222324 into the tip of the upstream branch now it's merged; no-op [production]
19:27 <thcipriani@deploy1001> rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: all wikis to 1.34.0-wmf.3 [production]
19:03 <mutante> phab2001 - apt-get autoremove ..removes a single python package not needed anymore [production]