451-500 of 10000 results (38ms)
2019-05-07 ยง
16:59 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-main install -n main -f main/staging-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-main, clusters: staging] [production]
16:39 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-main install -n main -f main/staging-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-main, clusters: staging] [production]
16:38 <arturo> rebooting cloudvirt1024 to test interfaces configuration [production]
16:05 <fsero> created eventgate-main tokens - T218346 [production]
16:05 <fsero> created eventgate-main tokens [production]
15:47 <fsero> creating eventgate-main namespace on k8s clusters [production]
15:38 <vgutierrez> uploaded pybal 1.15.6 to apt.wikimedia.org (stretch && jessie) [production]
15:21 <ebernhardson@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.34.0-wmf.3/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php: T222641: Cirrus maint script handle ancient logging rows (duration: 00m 52s) [production]
14:53 <cdanis> pool mw1271 [production]
14:53 <cdanis> pool mw1256 [production]
14:44 <cdanis> cdanis@mw1256.eqiad.wmnet ~ % sudo php7adm /opcache-free [production]
14:43 <cdanis> cdanis@mw1271.eqiad.wmnet ~ % sudo php7adm /opcache-free [production]
14:40 <vgutierrez> uploaded pybal 1.15.5 to apt.wikimedia.org (stretch && jessie) [production]
14:26 <_joe_> repooling mw1320 [production]
14:25 <_joe_> resetting opcache on mw1320 [production]
14:13 <vgutierrez> uploaded pybal 1.15.4 to apt.wikimedia.org (stretch) [production]
14:12 <cdanis@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: name=mw1256.eqiad.wmnet [production]
14:12 <cdanis@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: name=mw1271.eqiad.wmnet [production]
14:09 <cdanis@puppetmaster1001> conftool action : set/pooled=no; selector: name=mw1320.eqiad.wmnet [production]
14:09 <cdanis> depool mw1320 [production]
14:07 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
14:07 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster eqiad completed [production]
14:07 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics install -n analytics -f analytics/eqiad-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: eqiad] [production]
14:02 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
14:02 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster codfw completed [production]
14:02 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics install -n analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
14:01 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics install -n analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
14:01 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
13:59 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
13:58 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics install -n analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
13:57 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics install -n analytics -f analytics/codfw-values.yaml stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: codfw] [production]
13:50 <vgutierrez> uploaded prometheus-trafficserver-exporter 0.2.3 to apt.wikimedia.org (stretch) - T221217 [production]
13:45 <marostegui> Stop MySQL and poweroff db1093 for BBU replacement - T222127 [production]
13:45 <marostegui@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php: Depool db1093 for BBU replacement T222127 (duration: 00m 51s) [production]
13:37 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics finished [production]
13:37 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics cluster staging completed [production]
13:37 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade analytics -f analytics/staging-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: staging] [production]
13:37 <otto@deploy1001> scap-helm eventgate-analytics upgrade analytics -f analytics/staging-values.yaml --reset-values stable/eventgate [namespace: eventgate-analytics, clusters: staging] [production]
13:17 <cdanis> T221904 cdanis@cumin1001.eqiad.wmnet ~ % sudo cumin -p95 -m async -b5 'ms-be1*' 'run-puppet-agent -q' 'systemctl restart swift-object-replicator' 'systemctl restart swift-object-auditor' [production]
13:08 <ema> sudo ipmitool -I lanplus -H cp2009.mgmt.codfw.wmnet -U root mc reset cold T222459 [production]
13:07 <ema> sudo ipmitool -I lanplus -H "cp2009.mgmt.codfw.wmnet" -U root -E chassis power cycle T222459 [production]
13:02 <cdanis> T221904 cdanis@cumin1001.eqiad.wmnet ~ % sudo cumin -p95 -m async -b5 'ms-be2*' 'run-puppet-agent -q' 'systemctl restart swift-object-replicator' 'systemctl restart swift-object-auditor' [production]
12:45 <jynus> remove dbstore1001, dbstore2001, dbstore2002 from tendril and zarcillo T220002 [production]
12:09 <marostegui> Stop Replication on db1140:3320 to provision db1127 and db1137 T222682 [production]
11:16 <hashar> Downgraded Zuul back to 2.5.1-wmf7 # T105474 T140297 [production]
11:08 <hashar> Upgraded Zuul and it is broken. So downgrading back :-( [production]
10:51 <hashar> Gracefully stopping Zuul for upgrade [production]
10:46 <mlitn@deploy1001> Finished scap: SDC: Enable Depicts in UploadWizard on Commons (duration: 22m 45s) [production]
10:40 <ema> libvmod-uuid 1.4-1 uploaded to stretch-wikimedia T221977 [production]
10:23 <mlitn@deploy1001> Started scap: SDC: Enable Depicts in UploadWizard on Commons [production]