101-150 of 10000 results (66ms)
2023-09-27 ยง
18:15 <brett> disabling puppet on apt1001 for a quick test of CR 957766's effectiveness [production]
18:14 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host lists1004.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
18:11 <eevans@cumin1001> END (ERROR) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=97) upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2027.codfw.wmnet [production]
18:08 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host restbase2026.codfw.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
18:07 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2027.codfw.wmnet [production]
18:07 <eevans@cumin1001> END (ERROR) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=97) upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2027.codfw.wmnet [production]
18:05 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=0) upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2026.codfw.wmnet [production]
18:05 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reboot-single (exit_code=0) for host restbase2026.codfw.wmnet [production]
18:01 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host stat1011.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
18:01 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2027.codfw.wmnet [production]
17:58 <jclark@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=0) upgrade firmware for hosts ['stat1011'] [production]
17:53 <bking@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/mw-page-content-change-enrich: apply [production]
17:53 <bking@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/services/mw-page-content-change-enrich: apply [production]
17:53 <bking@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] DONE helmfile.d/services/mw-page-content-change-enrich: apply [production]
17:53 <bking@deploy2002> helmfile [eqiad] START helmfile.d/services/mw-page-content-change-enrich: apply [production]
17:53 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reboot-single for host restbase2026.codfw.wmnet [production]
17:52 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts ['stat1011'] [production]
17:52 <jclark@cumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=99) upgrade firmware for hosts ['stat1011'] [production]
17:52 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts ['stat1011'] [production]
17:52 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts restbase2026.codfw.wmnet [production]
17:51 <jclark@cumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook sre.hosts.provision (exit_code=99) for host stat1011.mgmt.eqiad.wmnet with reboot policy FORCED [production]
17:51 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.provision for host stat1011.mgmt.eqiad.wmnet with reboot policy FORCED [production]
17:49 <brett@cumin2002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage (exit_code=0) for host ncredir6002.drmrs.wmnet with OS bookworm [production]
17:39 <jgreen@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.dns.netbox (exit_code=0) [production]
17:39 <jgreen@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.puppet.sync-netbox-hiera (exit_code=0) generate netbox hiera data: "Triggered by cookbooks.sre.dns.netbox: Remove host frauth2001.frack.codfw.wmnet from DNS for decommissioning - jgreen@cumin1001" [production]
17:39 <jgreen@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.puppet.sync-netbox-hiera generate netbox hiera data: "Triggered by cookbooks.sre.dns.netbox: Remove host frauth2001.frack.codfw.wmnet from DNS for decommissioning - jgreen@cumin1001" [production]
17:38 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.remove-downtime (exit_code=0) for restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet [production]
17:38 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.remove-downtime for restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet [production]
17:36 <jgreen@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.dns.netbox [production]
17:36 <jclark@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host moss-be1003.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
17:25 <brett@cumin2002> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 2:00:00 on ncredir6002.drmrs.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
17:23 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage (exit_code=0) for host restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
17:23 <brett@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 2:00:00 on ncredir6002.drmrs.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
17:10 <arnaudb@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Depooling db2124 (T343198)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P52696 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20230927-171014-arnaudb.json [production]
17:10 <arnaudb@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 1 day, 0:00:00 on db2124.codfw.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
17:10 <arnaudb@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 1 day, 0:00:00 on db2124.codfw.wmnet with reason: Maintenance [production]
17:09 <arnaudb@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db2117 (T343198)', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P52695 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20230927-170953-arnaudb.json [production]
17:02 <brett@cumin2002> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host ncredir6002.drmrs.wmnet with OS bookworm [production]
16:58 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime (exit_code=0) for 2:00:00 on restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
16:55 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.downtime for 2:00:00 on restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet with reason: host reimage [production]
16:54 <arnaudb@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db2117', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P52694 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20230927-165446-arnaudb.json [production]
16:52 <dduvall@deploy2002> Finished scap: (no justification provided) (duration: 28m 15s) [production]
16:42 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage for host restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
16:39 <arnaudb@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Repooling after maintenance db2117', diff saved to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P52693 and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20230927-163940-arnaudb.json [production]
16:39 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware (exit_code=0) upgrade firmware for hosts ['restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet'] [production]
16:32 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware upgrade firmware for hosts ['restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet'] [production]
16:31 <eevans@cumin1001> END (ERROR) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage (exit_code=97) for host restbase1019.eqiad.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]
16:29 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.remove-downtime (exit_code=0) for restbase2023.codfw.wmnet [production]
16:29 <eevans@cumin1001> START - Cookbook sre.hosts.remove-downtime for restbase2023.codfw.wmnet [production]
16:28 <eevans@cumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook sre.hosts.reimage (exit_code=0) for host restbase2023.codfw.wmnet with OS bullseye [production]