51-100 of 303 results (10ms)
2014-05-15 §
22:50 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ifae836de5}}: Swapping GeoData backend for enwikivoyage [production]
2014-05-10 §
16:31 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I415e67919}}: Memory limit to 235M [production]
2014-05-09 §
18:52 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I0d1ea1639}}: Remove 1.23wmf13 through 1.23wmf20 [production]
18:44 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I25d891030}}: Do not optimize commons for new highlighter [production]
13:40 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I721c36406}}: Add en-rtl to wgExtraLanguageNames for beta [production]
13:24 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I75a80a998}}: beta: create a RTL english wiki [production]
2014-05-08 §
21:28 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I44f67444c}}: group0 to 1.24wmf4 [production]
20:32 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I11e5ca294}}: FUTURE: Fifth batch of pilot sites for Media Viewer [production]
08:01 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7f2d2b25d}}: Allow all users on OfficeWiki to send mass messages [production]
2014-05-06 §
08:59 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ica9086dcd}}: Add Swift frontends to squid.php [production]
2014-05-05 §
23:57 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id1f2e0acf}}: Drop wgFlowCacheKey from CommonSettings.php [production]
19:07 <bblack> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iaf4d57d54}}: Revert "Use whole subnets in squid.php list for XFF acceptance" [production]
19:01 <bblack> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5a2d86ef0}}: Use whole subnets in squid.php list for XFF acceptance [production]
2014-05-04 §
19:25 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2916ef3bd}}: labs: stream recent changes to redis [production]
2014-05-01 §
16:10 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I832b45db6}}: Correct a domain in wgCopyUploadsDomains [production]
2014-04-29 §
23:21 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I59e1fa87e}}: Include language-0 categories for betawikiversity [production]
20:13 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I56ae921ca}}: Change group name on the Persian Wikipedia [production]
16:29 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Idb2a86791}}: Increased htmlCacheUpdate throttle [production]
2014-04-28 §
19:25 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5e0709ef0}}: Unset $wgUseXVO [production]
2014-04-26 §
13:42 <hoo> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic98928d54}}: Have Commons on Beta Labs use $stdlogo [production]
2014-04-25 §
08:39 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I57b6d055e}}: Update flow cache version to 4.2 [production]
2014-04-24 §
15:48 <hoo> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I53de8d84b}}: Add two languages not supported by MediaWiki to testwikidata [production]
13:33 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I543df75e3}}: Remove $wgDisableTextSearch and $wgDisableSearchUpdate overrides. [production]
2014-04-23 §
18:58 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I865a08779}}: Fix $wmgBetaFeaturesWhitelist for labs too [production]
17:51 <demon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I960a792bc}}: Override wgSearchTypeAlternatives for beta to remove lucene [production]
2014-04-22 §
23:26 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If2c57846f}}: Enable survey option in MediaViewer on a few more wikis [production]
21:12 <spage> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I851651247}}: Non wikipedias to 1.24wmf1 [production]
16:15 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I55954c612}}: Commit updated interwiki.cdb file [production]
12:04 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If8f39abee}}: squid.php: add cp3013/cp3014 IPv6 addresses [production]
2014-04-18 §
00:20 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie9b265be9}}: Enable GlobalCssJs on testwiki & test2wiki [production]
2014-04-17 §
23:37 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2a2abd7f3}}: Add GlobalCssJs to extension-list [production]
23:28 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I52378a4b4}}: Add meta to legalteamwiki import sources [production]
23:26 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I373df6138}}: Normalize TextExtracts config handling [production]
23:23 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7841f74b0}}: Kill all vestiges of $wgMFRemovableClasses [production]
23:17 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I1795c70d1}}: Create a FeaturedFeed for the Tech News bulletin [production]
18:58 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie95165065}}: Reenable CentralNotice CrossWiki Hiding [production]
15:27 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If74ba5a52}}: Revert "Enable CentralNotice CrossWiki Hiding" [production]
14:02 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I290bd1ea6}}: Remove further pmtpa remnants [production]
2014-04-16 §
17:06 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7b6e5c2d7}}: Enable web fonts by default on Hebrew Wikisource [production]
2014-04-14 §
23:14 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I22f25730d}}: Enable VisualEditor for opt-in on Meta [production]
23:12 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I59f5a6e0b}}: Enable VisualEditor on French Wikinews [production]
2014-04-12 §
05:03 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5f900190c}}: Replace $channel with $variant; make it Beta-only [production]
2014-04-10 §
19:15 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ia79b1b848}}: Work around bug 63780 by specifying a siteParamsCallback [production]
16:42 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie72029103}}: Add/update symlinks [production]
16:14 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2cccebdd7}}: wikidatawiki back to 1.23wmf21 [production]
09:42 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I107179a27}}: Move HHVM extension blacklist below extract($globals) so it isn't simply clobbered [production]
06:27 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I20bbe05cc}}: Avoid using bits on beta-hhvm.wmflabs.org [production]
03:01 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ibdbac982b}}: Update multiversion regexp for *.beta-hhvm.wmflabs.org [production]
01:48 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I697f7e4a6}}: Use '$channel' to branch on interpreter [production]
2014-04-08 §
18:45 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I4b18e4ce8}}: Change wgServer and wgCanonicalServer for arbcom wikis [production]