101-150 of 303 results (9ms)
2014-04-08 §
12:56 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id15ddc665}}: Revert "Group0 wikis to 1.23wmf21" [production]
2014-04-03 §
21:55 <demon> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf20 to {{Gerrit|Ic853ebff4}}: Cherry-pick I550eb4b0a8fa18344e8b0de3ec85d61c2122ffb8 [production]
21:50 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic1602c045}}: updateBitsBranchPointers: get rid of 'static-stable' branch link [production]
18:23 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I835c2b1d5}}: Depool. See RT 7191. [production]
2014-04-01 §
18:43 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If887effe5}}: Add zerowiki [production]
15:06 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If3ca3d486}}: beta: adjust $wgCaptchaDirectory [production]
2014-03-31 §
23:05 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I532f8ee7c}}: Add 'upload' custom debug group to wgDebugLogGroups [production]
2014-03-29 §
17:28 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7e9595ce0}}: Prepare GeoData config for Elasticsearch switchover [production]
2014-03-27 §
23:22 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie4c431ae1}}: MWMultiVersion: treat *.hhvm.beta as *.wikipedia.beta [production]
17:24 <bd808|deploy> Deleted /a/common/php-1.23wmf1[12] on tin [production]
2014-03-26 §
23:37 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I310a42c51}}: Crats should add users to gwtoolset group on Commons [production]
23:24 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5b565f47b}}: No longer force recentchangestext as content message [production]
20:41 <hashar> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I186e3ade7}}: Update Wikidata OAuth grants [production]
2014-03-25 §
22:07 <spage> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7ca3051f6}}: Enable Flow on Compact Personal Bar BF talk page [production]
2014-03-24 §
23:25 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I42e9c8c97}}: CentralNotice: Re-set $wgCentralGeoScriptURL to false [production]
2014-03-21 §
00:48 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib0eb802c4}}: Fix typo in I86f5493d0 [production]
2014-03-20 §
23:22 <catrope> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ia08c65d40}}: Enable Flow on Hovercards Beta Features [production]
21:43 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If51eda243}}: Follow up Id6222f4db to amend sort order in feed URL [production]
21:20 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id6222f4db}}: Add RSS of Bugzilla query of open HHVM bugs to mediawikiwiki's whitelist [production]
21:03 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iaa99d2162}}: Add Wikibase repoSiteName setting for client [production]
2014-03-19 §
22:11 <spage> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I3d59b8246}}: Add new Popups extension to list [production]
00:32 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib83df6e31}}: Correct typo in $wmgMediaViewerLoggedIn var name [production]
2014-03-18 §
23:42 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie7597f5f9}}: Follow-up: Ifeda5996385 – 'mediaviwerpilot.dblist' is ugly [production]
23:38 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I936d5abe3}}: Bump geosearch radius to 20km on Wikivoyage [production]
23:36 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ifeda59963}}: Add MMV feature flags for beta and pilot sites [production]
15:04 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I72a7751f8}}: Let AbuseFilter block users on Spanish Wikivoyage [production]
2014-03-11 §
18:03 <bd808> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I06d07cc3e}}: beta: disable memcached accross datacenters [production]
2014-03-10 §
14:57 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ibcbd10044}}: Disable and remove ContactPageFundraiser [production]
2014-03-07 §
23:36 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If2530281b}}: Order branch directories as version numbers [production]
20:14 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf16 to {{Gerrit|I4a10768ec}}: Update VisualEditor to wmf16 branch for cherry-pick [production]
01:18 <mholmquist> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I48e98d28f}}: Follow-up: Icf0bef96306661 – missing file(!) from commit [production]
00:52 <mholmquist> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iad8c84a7d}}: Don't use += with $wgJobTypesExcludedFromDefaultQueue [production]
2014-03-06 §
14:49 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I495e02449}}: Initial setup for legalteamwiki [production]
09:43 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id235690c6}}: Revert "CentralNotice: set $wgCentralGeoScriptURL to false" [production]
00:20 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf16 to {{Gerrit|Id675e756a}}: Update VisualEditor extension, for the right cherry-pick this time [production]
00:11 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf16 to {{Gerrit|I706751cd2}}: Update VisualEditor to wmf16 branch for cherry-pick [production]
2014-03-05 §
18:26 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic410bd788}}: CentralNotice: set $wgCentralGeoScriptURL to false [production]
11:11 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5277d2451}}: Update Schema:Echo revision to 7731316 [production]
2014-03-04 §
23:06 <bsitu> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I566e00bcc}}: Update flow cache version number [production]
22:12 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5ca0adf39}}: Labs: set $wgCentralGeoScriptURL to false for GeoIP cookie testing [production]
20:38 <catrope> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7ff564e4a}}: Really actually fix VE on private wikis [production]
19:02 <bd808> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I62b32888b}}: Create an autopatrolled group on itwikiquote [production]
2014-03-03 §
19:09 <mlitn> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ia9f91e560}}: Removed unused SwiftCloudFiles extension [production]
2014-02-28 §
03:07 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Icb3159198}}: Fix arrays for $wgContactConfig [production]
2014-02-27 §
23:56 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iade498a40}}: Get rid of remaining references to $wmfExtendedVersionNumber [production]
23:45 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ibe70ebb6d}}: Remove ContactPageFundraiser from testwiki and donatewiki [production]
2014-02-25 §
15:50 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib45270536}}: close ukwikimedia [production]
2014-02-24 §
01:16 <tstarling> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf15 to {{Gerrit|I268599be9}}: [1.23wmf15] Make SiteStats (re)initializing more sane [production]
2014-02-21 §
10:05 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I10170d77c}}: Set $wmfExtendedVersionNumber = $wmfVersionNumber [production]
03:48 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I8252f5a09}}: Swiched from using dat to json files for wikiversions [production]