151-200 of 303 results (5ms)
2014-02-21 §
03:29 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic27cb9581}}: Fix CDB file generation [production]
03:03 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic804421a6}}: Change wikiversions to use json [production]
2014-02-20 §
23:22 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I62011ada8}}: Update Schema:Echo to revision 7572295 [production]
20:11 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5cb2f67ea}}: Add symlinks [production]
16:56 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I19a8c3298}}: Remove UserThrottle extension and log group [production]
00:07 <mholmquist> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I1319008cb}}: Start sampling detailed network performance for Multimedia Viewer [production]
2014-02-18 §
19:39 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I641a25ef9}}: Symlink in the extension-list files [production]
03:38 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ifd09130b4}}: Ignore PhpStorm files [production]
2014-02-15 §
22:30 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id33b8287c}}: Remove 1.23wmf1 through 1.23wmf5 [production]
22:27 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I04d387adf}}: s1 substitute db1034 for db1055 during schema changes [production]
00:56 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7e014f29e}}: Handle empty lines gracefully [production]
00:45 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id87a90474}}: Remove unused third/fourth parameters for wikiversions [production]
2014-02-14 §
05:28 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iac9f51209}}: Revert "Set Memcached retry_timeout to -1" [production]
2014-02-13 §
17:58 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5cde3917b}}: db1056 and db1036 full steam [production]
2014-02-12 §
22:17 <tstarling> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I24ff4d72a}}: Replace easter egg by a more explaining message [production]
2014-02-11 §
20:00 <demon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I7530d4456}}: Revert "Non wikipedias to 1.23wmf12" [production]
19:01 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iecde9fe5a}}: Set enwiki back to 'All articles needing copy edit' [production]
08:10 <nikerabbit> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib325d4aa9}}: Update ULS config [production]
2014-02-06 §
22:28 <demon> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf13 to {{Gerrit|I5ba48ca51}}: Reverting Math to known-good 2b8534793fad9db18fcdb9621dc8d79ff36fdeb1 [production]
21:51 <demon> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf13 to {{Gerrit|I233eaf25c}}: Revert "Add sequence support for externallinks table" [production]
21:40 <demon> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf12 to {{Gerrit|I91e982773}}: Update Echo and Flow [production]
15:28 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I1e5ea52ae}}: s2 increase db1024 load after warm up [production]
2014-02-04 §
22:31 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ia15a12587}}: Revert "Add 'scap' submodule" [production]
13:51 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I8a1341149}}: increase db1059 load (96G ram compared to 64G for s4 siblings) [production]
2014-02-03 §
21:25 <bsitu> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I365611ca3}}: Bump wgCacheEpoch for Wikidata [production]
2014-02-02 §
21:58 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I8352c4cfc}}: Fix test broken by Idda8cff80 [production]
21:37 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Idda8cff80}}: Replace easter egg by a more explaining message [production]
2014-01-30 §
19:19 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie5c11239f}}: Update php symlink to php-1.23wmf11 [production]
17:51 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id0633e5a0}}: depool db1020 for schema changes [production]
2014-01-29 §
00:34 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2294bac73}}: Throttle now handles IP ranges. [production]
2014-01-28 §
22:27 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I6b16562d0}}: Rename phase1 dblist to group0 [production]
19:23 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I4abcbb866}}: Non Wikipedias to 1.23wmf11 [production]
18:40 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic2ea727b4}}: Fixup default file permissions [production]
18:36 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If45e33ae9}}: Move re-usable code from checkoutMediaWiki to checkoutMediaWiki.php [production]
18:20 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iac50ca3fb}}: Deploy Extension:MobileApp to betalabs [production]
2014-01-26 §
06:41 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I3f9759db9}}: Let admins add users to new groups on zhwikivoyage [production]
2014-01-25 §
03:49 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If943ca6e3}}: repool db1018 [production]
2014-01-23 §
05:33 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iab1639fd8}}: Add meta charset [production]
05:30 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie8d6d2266}}: Fix broken a tags [production]
04:04 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I06964b159}}: dirname( __FILE__ ) to __DIR__ [production]
02:13 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I0dbeff07d}}: $wgResourceLoaderStorageEnabled: true everywhere [production]
02:02 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I16738b6ef}}: $wgResourceLoaderStorageEnabled: true everywhere except enwiki [production]
01:08 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I321ce06ae}}: Enable module storage on it, de, es and nlwikis [production]
2014-01-22 §
22:09 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie95fdf8e9}}: Adjust linkpurge and renderfile limits [production]
2014-01-21 §
19:41 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie9ff56755}}: Add 'wmgUniversalLanguageSelectorDefault' [production]
2014-01-19 §
18:56 <faidon> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I48a026eb8}}: Revert wmgRC2UDPAddress to ekrem [production]
2014-01-16 §
09:19 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id13e614e5}}: repool db1042 [production]
2014-01-15 §
14:58 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I26f2f5322}}: db1040 to full steam [production]
2014-01-14 §
21:26 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie5fe8bd7e}}: Update interwiki cache [production]
21:02 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I24dd4a00e}}: Create Chinese Wikivoyage (zhwikivoyage) [production]