201-250 of 303 results (12ms)
2014-01-14 §
19:02 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic854d268b}}: All non wikipedias to 1.23wmf10 [production]
17:22 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I8d1013484}}: db1049 to full steam [production]
2014-01-13 §
18:43 <aaron> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf9 to {{Gerrit|Ic44c352a8}}: Update MobileFrontend to wmf/1.23wmf9 tip [production]
16:58 <mark> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I89b765424}}: Revert "Raise ArticleView pool size by 50%" [production]
15:11 <mark> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib336530c8}}: Revert "Remove $wgCategoryTreeDynamicTag = true" [production]
13:47 <mark> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I0442878ea}}: Raise ArticleView pool size by 50% [production]
2014-01-12 §
00:01 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I54a2246d7}}: db1060 to full steam [production]
2014-01-09 §
18:22 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib6f2c4d96}}: cleanup old Wikibase settings which are same as default now [production]
17:34 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Iaada76f43}}: pdf1 died, replace with pdf2 [production]
17:16 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5f2816468}}: Segregate watchlist and recentshangeslinked queries on all shards. [production]
2014-01-08 §
01:17 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib7ed56216}}: Fix indenting in $wmgUseCategoryTree [production]
01:07 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I613b194f9}}: Remove $wgCategoryTreeDisableCache, leave as default of true [production]
01:01 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ic65d167b3}}: Use uca-cy collation on Welsh projects [production]
2014-01-07 §
23:44 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I0e19ec875}}: All non wikipedias to 1.23wmf9 [production]
23:07 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2ec865afd}}: votewiki really doesn't need TMH for anything [production]
17:53 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I98121adf9}}: db1006 back to full steam [production]
2014-01-06 §
22:08 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie0884149b}}: reduce db1006 LB during reindexing [production]
14:40 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I349589a49}}: Enable Wikibase Client on testwiki [production]
00:48 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I23469a49a}}: Disable a few more extensions from VoteWiki and LoginWiki [production]
00:44 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I854ea451b}}: Disable a handful more extensions form loginwiki and votewiki [production]
00:35 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ie45a06c38}}: Disable BetaFeatures on votewiki and loginwiki [production]
00:18 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ibdd8671a1}}: Fixup CategoryTree config, disable where necessary [production]
00:09 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I624133239}}: Disable more stuff on loginwiki and votewiki [production]
2014-01-05 §
00:55 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I3543a34aa}}: db1040 back to full steam [production]
2014-01-02 §
22:26 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2c2836d40}}: Rest of phase1 to 1.23wmf9 [production]
2013-12-30 §
21:58 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I028589438}}: Clean up wgSiteName in InitialiseSettings [production]
19:35 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib1ce6e204}}: Actually turn cirrus on for new wikis [production]
2013-12-22 §
19:32 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If33894260}}: Depool db1050; unresponsive [production]
2013-12-19 §
19:07 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I952672334}}: Rename Persian Wikibooks per community consensus [production]
19:00 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I22cfefa3c}}: Add an alias to NS_PROJECT on Old English Wiktionary [production]
17:47 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib6bc15109}}: previously missed deleted wikis, bug 58680 [production]
2013-12-18 §
20:25 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I33c68abb1}}: Have sysops add and remove users from the 'gwtoolset' group [production]
2013-12-17 §
21:16 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I2d1c666e1}}: Production configuration for GWToolset [production]
19:26 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id4124ef28}}: All non wikipedias to 1.23wmf7 [production]
18:19 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I5ae36ae21}}: EasyTimeline support for private wikis via img_auth [production]
2013-12-16 §
05:34 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|If79a9443a}}: Add MassMessage to $wgDebugLogGroups [production]
2013-12-13 §
00:03 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf7 to {{Gerrit|If7c3c52ed}}: Update EducationProgram to wmf7 branch for cherry-picks [production]
2013-12-12 §
23:30 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf7 to {{Gerrit|I492fe5762}}: Update VisualEditor to wmf7 branch for cherry-picks [production]
19:27 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib597431a3}}: Set $wgULSNoWebfontsSelectors [production]
13:13 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib2c3794dc}}: Fix Flow config setting for beta labs [production]
00:11 <catrope> updated /a/common/php-1.23wmf6 to {{Gerrit|I70eaddd39}}: Update VisualEditor to wmf6 branch for cherry-picks [production]
00:04 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I62541406b}}: Disable module storage on enwiki [production]
2013-12-11 §
23:53 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I47ad0a80b}}: Disable module storage on all but enwiki [production]
23:19 <bsitu> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I6d8a495d0}}: Repair flow config on labs [production]
22:56 <bsitu> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I1fba27a98}}: Enable Flow on a few wikis (but no pages) [production]
20:56 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Id5b930a6b}}: Disable module storage on eswiki to assess impact [production]
16:44 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I42c4c5bcd}}: Fix Commons config for Cirrus [production]
2013-12-10 §
21:45 <bsitu> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ib34f619e7}}: Enable AbuseFilter block option on Wikidata [production]
19:40 <reedy> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ibceb9638f}}: beta: gwtoolset-whitelist [production]
2013-12-06 §
20:05 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|Ifbd6417a2}}: add throttle exception for queens public lib event [production]