1301-1350 of 1582 results (8ms)
2012-05-11 §
16:39 <hashar> cloning mediawiki/extensions.git which has all extensions as submodules [releng]
16:37 <hashar> updated MediaWiki up to 05e656a (aka master) [releng]
09:09 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: fixed nrpe on boxes where it was failing, we need to insert motd to puppet [releng]
04:37 <jeremyb> [~2 hrs ago] 02:43:33 < hashar_> !deployment-prep setting up "apache20" instance by using only puppet. We will see what happens :-D [releng]
02:28 <hashar_> deleted all remaining deployment-apache instances : : You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/. So we really want to use m1.large , not m1.tiny pretending to save disk space :-D [releng]
01:28 <hashar_> Created upload2.beta.wmflabs.org to be the entry point for the "new" thumbnailing infrastructure [releng]
01:24 <hashar_> moving upload.beta.wmflabs.org from the non working instances back to the main entry point [releng]
2012-05-10 §
21:46 <hashar> Creating a syslog server instance. I have a VERY nasty conflict between misc::syslog-server and misc::mediawiki-logger which tries to install conflicting packages ( syslog-ng / rsyslog ) [releng]
20:36 <Krinkle> fixing a few php notices and general logic problems in wmf-config [releng]
20:24 <hashar> running 'apt-get install --reinstall apache2.2-common' to attempt to fix /var/log/apache2 rights (root:arm) [releng]
20:24 <hashar> deployment-imagescaler01 apache does not log anymore :-( [releng]
10:09 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: fixed teh missing NOT FOUND error page [releng]
2012-05-09 §
18:56 <Ryan_Lane> added hostnames for associated IPs [releng]
18:56 <Ryan_Lane> allocated three more IPs for upload, bits, and mobile [releng]
18:18 <hashar> Made logs from wgCommandLine script to be redirected to /home/wikipedia/logs/cli.log instead of /home/wikipedia/logs/catchall.log [releng]
2012-05-08 §
01:49 <Ryan_Lane> rebooting deployment-squid [releng]
01:43 <Ryan_Lane> restarting squid on deployment-squid [releng]
2012-05-04 §
10:48 <mutante> added class nfs::home::wikipedia to puppet group list in "beta-labs" [releng]
10:46 <mutante> added myself to admin groups to add/change puppet groups [releng]
10:36 <hashar> Creating 5 new m1.large instances hosting apaches and named deployment-apacheXXX [releng]
2012-05-03 §
18:24 <hashar> installed on dbdump misc::syslog-server [releng]
15:53 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: adding misc::mediawiki-logger and misc::scripts classes to deployment-dbdump [releng]
15:29 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: running puppet on apaches to have them send their syslog to deployment-dbdump (bug 36246) [releng]
11:13 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: removing logrotate from all apaches it broke central log [releng]
06:43 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: hashar: bug 36441, added ErrorDocument 404 [releng]
06:05 <jeremyb> [deployment-prep, deployment-nfs-memc] some other deployment-prep boxes have different depops groups. (one empty with a different gid than the rest. one is same gid but just has petrb) [releng]
06:05 <jeremyb> ping [releng]
05:03 <Krinkle-away> [deployment-dbdump] apt-get purge ack; - On ubuntu ack is "ack-grep" which was already installed [releng]
04:59 <Krinkle-away> [deployment-dbdump] apt-get installed 'ack' [releng]
04:48 <jeremyb> [deployment-dbdump] (that was to address per complaints about beta simplewiki appearing in #cvn-simplewikis on freenode) [releng]
04:47 <jeremyb> [deployment-dbdump] changed all refs to IPs of prod hosts nfs-home and ekrem to be deployment-feed instead. and commited that to the local repo. (again not pushed anywhere yet) [releng]
2012-05-02 §
15:14 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: making syslog on apaches be /data/project/apaches_log [releng]
11:52 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: changed sudo policies on web to test if puppet override it [releng]
11:52 <labs-logs-bottie> j: add transcoding settings to CommonSettings.php again [releng]
11:46 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: purged stuff on transcoding and freed some 119468kb [releng]
11:08 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: install dsh package on deployment-dbdump [releng]
09:54 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: /usr/local/apache/conf is now an independant git repository [releng]
2012-04-30 §
13:31 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: rebooting web5 [releng]
13:27 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: web4 reboot for same reason [releng]
13:26 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: same for web [releng]
13:24 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: rebooting web3 broken /data/project/ [releng]
11:57 <labs-logs-bottie> petrb: fixed transcoding [releng]
11:28 <j^> reboot deployment-transcoding(i-00000105) [releng]
2012-04-25 §
17:01 <labs-logs-bottie> j: Changing uid and group of apache user from 48 to 33 to match www-data on web3,web4,web5 [releng]
16:44 <Platonides> With the uid change to deployment-web, it is now writing into /data/project/errors.log [releng]
16:43 <hashar> Apaches no more log anything. This is because rsyslog sends logs to a blackhole :-D [releng]
16:27 <Platonides> Changing uid and group of apache user from 48 to 33 to match www-data [releng]
15:20 <hashar> deleting testswarmmysqlconf , it is of no use :-/ [releng]
14:43 <hashar> Creating temporary instance to test a MySQL puppet snippet [releng]
13:01 <labs-logs-bottie> hashar: I am a hero [releng]