9401-9450 of 10000 results (26ms)
2013-07-31 §
20:44 <hashar> manybubbles never logs anything. [releng]
11:00 <hashar> Migrated beta code updater from shell to python. https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/beta-code-update/ [releng]
2013-07-30 §
22:05 <^d> Memcached moved off of the apache instances to their own dedicated hosts (-memc0 and -memc1). Should have a lot more memc storage now. [releng]
2013-07-29 §
23:44 <hashar> fixed up timeline on beta, it never worked there. Thanks ^demon ! [releng]
13:29 <hashar> rebuilding l10n cache, has been broken for a while [releng]
2013-07-26 §
21:21 <hashar> applying misc::syslog-server on deployment-bastion to make it a syslog server {{bug|36748}} [releng]
2013-07-24 §
20:41 <hashar> restarted memcached on both apache boxes. Might clear their caches. [releng]
20:40 <hashar> apt-get upgrading apache32 and apache33. Running puppet on them [releng]
11:30 <hashar> manually running sync-site-resources : su - apache -s /bin/bash then /usr/local/bin/sync-site-resources [releng]
2013-07-23 §
09:03 <hashar> restarted varnish text cache [releng]
2013-07-22 §
07:57 <hashar> deleting deployment-varnish-t3\t, used as a mobile cache, now replaced by deployment-cache-mobile01 [releng]
07:56 <hashar> deleting deployment-puptest , unused, no class applied [releng]
2013-07-19 §
19:55 <hashar> rebooting deployment-cache-text01.pmtpa.wmflabs , can't access it [releng]
2013-07-18 §
12:41 <hashar> Text cache was not in wgSquidNoPurge, that caused all requests to be interpreted as coming from the text cache causing misc issue (such as throttling account creation for everyone). [releng]
2013-07-17 §
08:22 <hashar> beta jenkins jobs statuses are now listed on the CI main page at https://integration.wikimedia.org [releng]
2013-07-16 §
23:58 <ori-l> applying 'role::eventlogging' to i-00000733\t [releng]
14:57 <hashar> Retriggering the database updating job manually https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/beta-update-databases/ [releng]
14:57 <hashar> restored /data/project/apache/common-local/php-master/extensions/Diff/Diff.php got deleted somehow by git [releng]
2013-07-10 §
08:57 <hashar> rebooting -sql instance to make it use NFS as /home [releng]
08:06 <hashar> shutting down deployment-cache-upload03 [releng]
08:04 <hashar> migrating upload.beta.wmflabs.org from cache-upload03 (lucid/squid) to cache-upload04 (precise/varnish) [releng]
2013-07-09 §
19:34 <hashar> Attempting to reboot a bunch of instances prevent ssh access because /home is borked . uploadtest08 uploadtest07 -cache-upload04 -cache-text01 parsoid2 cache-mobile01 deployment-sql02 cache-upload03 [releng]
17:42 <aude> added Yuvipanda to the project [releng]
2013-07-08 §
08:27 <hashar> rebooting deployment-cache-text1 , maybe I can get ssh access this wa [releng]
08:26 <hashar> Set $wgLoadScript to points to bits instead of the wiki local docroot. {{gerrit|70322}} [releng]
08:08 <hashar> rebooting deployment-cache-upload04 [releng]
2013-07-03 §
22:33 <aude> repopulated sites table [releng]
08:25 <hashar> Created a beta logo for enwiki. Purged the related URL manually on deployment-cache-upload03 using squidclient -p 80 -m PURGE http://upload.beta.wmflabs.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png [releng]
2013-07-02 §
15:18 <hashar> deleting deployment-searchidx02 , not being used [releng]
13:38 <hashar> restarted mw-cgroup upstart service on apaches box. That recreated the wgCgroup directory /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mediawiki [releng]
13:10 <hashar> removed iptables 'nat' rule from deployment-upload [releng]
13:10 <hashar> pointed deployment-upload thumb handler to the varnish cache text instead of squid. Done by editing /data/project/upload7/scripts/thumb-handler.php [releng]
12:58 <hashar> installing iptables on deployment-upload [releng]
12:57 <hashar> Updating iptables rule that workaround NAT issue in beta. Applied on deployment-searchidx01 and deployment-upload : <tt>iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT --dest -j DNAT --to-dest</tt> See also {{bug|45868}} [releng]
2013-07-01 §
22:05 <hashar> upgraded packages on deployment-eventlogging [releng]
18:57 <hashar> deleted deployment-nginx-test , not needed anymore, nginx proxies for mobile are working [releng]
14:42 <hashar> Migration to the new mobile instance was tracked by {{bug|49469}} [releng]
14:40 <hashar> shutdowning deployment-varnish-t3 (replaced by deployment-cache-mobile01 [releng]
14:40 <hashar> binding mobile IP address to deployment-cache-mobile01 [releng]
14:38 <hashar> rebooting deployment-varnish-t3 [releng]
14:35 <hashar> updated puppet repository on deployment-varnish-t3 and running puppet there [releng]
14:34 <hashar> applying role::protoproxy::ssl::beta on deployment-cache-mobile01 (attended to replace varnish-t3 for mobile caching) [releng]
14:14 <hashar> rebooting deployment-cache-mobile01 [releng]
13:54 <hashar> attempting to enable HTTPS on the varnish text cache by applying role::protoproxy::ssl::beta [releng]
12:28 <hashar> restarted both apaches. Beta has been down for a couple hours due to a NFS issue on labstore3. [releng]
08:43 <hashar> Shutdowning deployment-squid , service migrated to deployment-cache-text01 (varnish). [releng]
08:36 <hashar> Switching the text cache traffic from deployment-squid to deployment-cache-text1 by reassociating the public IP [releng]
2013-06-26 §
09:22 <hashar> Squid restarted properly, that fixed some stalled resource loader entries that were causing some outdated Javascript modules to be served. Fixed at least an inconsistency such as {{bug|49911}} [releng]
09:17 <hashar> recreated squid swap directories with `squid -z` restarting squid [releng]
09:14 <hashar> stopping squid and pruning cache [releng]