4551-4600 of 10000 results (39ms)
2019-10-07 §
08:32 <hashar> gerrit: `gerrit index start changes` # T233989 [releng]
2019-10-04 §
21:13 <hauskater> gerrit: Ran replication start mediawiki/extensions/WikiSEO --wait # New repository [releng]
19:34 <marxarelli> re-running `mediawiki/tools/release/make-release/branch.py --bundle '*' ...` due to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/tools/release/+/540953 cc: T232024 [releng]
19:17 <Krinkle> Fix Jenkins Console section "setup quibble prepare" pattern to account for recent changes on "mwext-php72-phan-docker" which was eating the pattern incorrectly [releng]
18:55 <marxarelli> branching REL1_34 for remaining extensions/skins and core, `mediawiki/tools/release/make-release/branch.py REL1_34 --bundle '*' --core --branchpoint master --core-version 1.34.0` (note: core branchpoint is overridden in settings.yaml at base of wmf/1.34.0-wmf.25) cc: T232024 [releng]
18:34 <marxarelli> branching REL1_34 for all wmf-deployed extensions, `mediawiki/tools/release/make-release/branch.py REL1_34 --bundle wmf --branchpoint wmf/1.34.0-wmf.25 --core-version 1.34.0` cc: T232024 [releng]
17:45 <brennen> Reloading Zuul to deploy https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/integration/config/+/540699 for parsoid publication pipeline [releng]
07:44 <hashar> Adding labels to Jenkins agent "Docker blubber m4executor" on integration-agent-jessie-docker-1001 | Jessie based VM to potentially compare speed of jobs with the Stretch based ones [releng]
2019-10-03 §
21:03 <James_F> Docker: Bump things over to use php70 which adds intl [releng]
20:57 <James_F> Docker: Rename php to php70 and add intl [releng]
19:12 <James_F> [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] AAdd experimental php70 job T230446 [releng]
18:25 <James_F> Zuul: [mediawiki/tools/codesniffer] Move to PHP7.2+ [releng]
11:09 <hashar> integration-castor03: pruning HHVM jobs caches: rm -fR /srv/jenkins-workspace/caches/*/*/*hhvm* # T234384 [releng]
11:07 <hashar> jenkins: removing global environment variable: HHVM_REPO_CENTRAL_PATH=$WORKSPACE/central.hhbc | https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/configure | T234384 [releng]
2019-10-02 §
21:06 <James_F> Zuul: Misc HHVM test clean-ups. [releng]
20:37 <James_F> Zuul: Migrate fundraising tests from HHVM to PHP70 T234384 [releng]
19:16 <James_F> Zuul: Drop all HHVM testing except for Fundraising T234384 [releng]
19:01 <James_F> Zuul: Drop -nohhvm jobs, no longer needed [releng]
18:55 <James_F> Zuul: Drop HHVM testing from all quibble jobs T234384 [releng]
17:57 <hashar> Fixed puppet ssl issue on integration-agent-docker-1004 and integration-agent-docker-1008 ( rm -fR /var/lib/puppet/ssl ) [releng]
03:07 <Krinkle> Fix "setup quibble mw-install" Jenkins Console section to not eat all output on new quibble-selenium jobs (T232759) [releng]
2019-10-01 §
15:17 <hashar> Deleted integration-agent-docker-1015 (was too slow) [releng]
15:17 <hashar> Pooled unused Jessie agent https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/computer/integration-agent-jessie-docker-1001/ [releng]
13:55 <hashar> Gerrit: disabled bot account "owl" , see whether that helps on the JVM gc issue T234328 [releng]
13:43 <hashar> Gerrit: disabling bot account "owl" , see whether that helps on the JVM gc issue [releng]
11:13 <hashar> shutting down integration-castor03 # T232646 [releng]
2019-09-30 §
20:47 <James_F> Zuul: Add phan job for WikibaseQualityConstraints T224773 and some phan dependencies for WikimediaMaintenance T224770. [releng]
19:03 <hashar> Update jobs wmf-quibble-core-vendor-mysql-hhvm-docker wmf-quibble-core-vendor-mysql-php72-docker wmf-quibble-vendor-mysql-hhvm-docker wmf-quibble-vendor-mysql-php72-docker | to stop running selenium tests | https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/integration/config/+/539630/ [releng]
19:01 <hashar> Reloading Zuul for https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/539630 [releng]
18:53 <hashar> Create jobs wmf-quibble-selenium-hhvm-docker wmf-quibble-selenium-php72-docker | https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/integration/config/+/539630/ [releng]
15:23 <James_F> Zuul: Added TheSandDoctor to the CI whitelist. [releng]
13:10 <hashar> integration-castor03 : sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages [releng]
12:49 <hashar> Fixed cumin on integration project # T234203 [releng]
11:08 <hashar> Restarting Docker on CI agents to clear out some docker/iptables oddity # T234197 [releng]
10:59 <hashar> Restarted Docker on integration-agent-docker-1001 T234197 [releng]
2019-09-28 §
18:35 <hauskatze> gerrit: Ran gerrit gc labs/tools/stewardbots --show-progress --aggressive [releng]
2019-09-27 §
21:01 <hashar> T233989 I have failed to run (must be run offline): /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar /var/lib/gerrit2/review_site/bin/gerrit.war reindex --list [releng]
20:01 <hashar> Marking integration-agent-docker-1015 offline due to cloudvirt1004 being wayyyyy too slow T223971 [releng]
18:23 <brennen> Reloading Zuul to deploy https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/539447 [releng]
2019-09-26 §
23:42 <brennen> Updating dev-images docker-pkg files on contint1001 for stretch-php72-fpm-apache2 publication [releng]
22:47 <James_F> Zuul: Re-enable trigger-mediawiki-pipeline-dev now that we're ready T218360 [releng]
12:43 <hashar> Pooling integration-agent-docker-1015 and integration-agent-docker-1016 [releng]
11:48 <hashar> Pooling integration-agent-docker-1014 [releng]
11:45 <hashar> Pooling integration-agent-docker-1013 [releng]
2019-09-25 §
23:01 <andrewbogott> moving deployment-mwmaint01 and deployment-ircd to cloudvirt1021 [releng]
20:14 <hashar> Pooled integration-agent-docker-1007 [releng]
19:36 <hashar> Deleting integration-agent-docker-1007 it is too slow ( T223971 ) [releng]
15:15 <andrewbogott> moving deployment-snapshot01 to cloudvirt1021 [releng]
15:02 <andrewbogott> moving deployment-dumps-puppetmaster02 to cloudvirt1021 [releng]
11:01 <Lucas_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister-wmde@deployment-deploy01:~$ mwscript createAndPromote.php enwiki --force --sysop 'Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)' # making myself admin for Wikidata Bridge testing [releng]